Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1940, p. 1 (2024)

r 4 sixtynrhivcnr no 51 acton ontario thursday june 20th imo erht homeprint pnges rvc cents burglary frustrated and thief captured last night sinn anderson prapplcd with in truded and ovwrpowered him anabted by chief horrop nnd lodged in rvfuton jnil hnd secured watch bracelet and money at home of mm john gltwon crescent street an attempted burglory wos frustrated and the burglar captured and landed in jnll in a breakin ut acton lust night jack thompson no address wiui appre hended in the home or mr lolm gib son crescent and after u tuiwoe with stan anderson wan subdued and placed under arrofil and sent to milton to uwilt trial when stan anderson nnd minn oruce gibson returned to her home in nil autuiriobtle they noticed someono mov ing about in the house movements of thin person with a flashlight clearly indicated to the young couple that ho unji ramiaclcink the houttu other mem- bent of the family had retired convinced that the home was being bunrlnrlned stan andernon aiikrd minn olbiton to rap on the tront door while he woo btatlolned at the iildo door the nuc worked as planned and the burglar rushed to the side door and into the arms of anderson a stxtitrffle erunjed in which andernon wan hjt over the head with a nanhjtuht this was taken from the burglar and ujwd on him in turn the burglar threatened to shoot an- dcrum but he wo not to bo frightened and he pinned him down and held him until neighbors and chief harrop were rummoned and he was placed under ar- tebt and this morning wan taken milton to nwall trial search of thompson revealed he had utolrn a wrist watch bracelet and 14 in money from the borne of mrs aib- aon another sum of fl and another trood watch were found on him also during the tussle before- stan i demon overpowered the burfflar he wan hit on the heart by a flashlight a piece of iron was also picked up in the tussle by thompson and jabbed into ander sons ribs both flashlight and iron were taken from the burglar a threat to shoot him only drew from anderson the replv that he wasnt afraid of that flther as hi knew the burfflar had no bun mr walter footitt and ida son bob come to thr assistance of ander son who had the burglar well trouncid nnd subdued lonehanded and ready to submit to nrmrt planned raids sir archibald lonamore commander nf the british middle bait air force in credited with planning the raid upon italian air buses in northern africa which are said to have crlppltd ii duclh african flying forccn the sudden raids are bald to have mot little resistance exemption on wood lots made by erin council juvenile league draws schedule first game plaved acton branch ys mens clult receives charter of her items of ttiihinchh nt j regular session of june 17th the the municipal council of the town- nhlp of erin met nt hlunburg on mon day june 17th and the following busi ness wai transacted the council granted exemption from laxutlon on woodlots to earl moore and milton i the halton juvenile baseoull nt georgetown on friday with acton i losing n close game 7i a double ift nnd uturh kcccived schedule has been drawn up tor ihe now acon f from three trams in the mop j on monday night cleorgttown vhliid v milton for the opening there friday 1h ihe nlghl for the loeal oienlnn the following is thr romplele nchedule for hn i ton juvenile baseball leitguc friday june 14th at ton at george town monday june 17th oeorgetown at by glimpses of parliament lly huxhm cleaver italians member ottawa june 17th 1140 prime minister mackenzie king nil- notincedrat-tlir- opening of thr house on tuesday mut legislation would be im mediately introduced to iwvlde for the training of every ablebodied man in canada under the age at forty live fur ihe conscription of manpower fur the defence of canada and for the conscrip tion of wealth for our win effort re cruiting for overaciui nor wee will con tinue on a voluntary busts lie also announced the formation of u new de partment of national war service to dh- ect voluntary effort llnunclu iuui othci- wlsi as u large part of the time or the house was taken up tills week in dis cussing the defence regulations wlu respect tu subversive activities and sabotage i am giving this week extracts f ram speeches by uur uxulum- on this t-ubjecu- the debate came about through a re- bolutlon by the prlmo minister to refer canadas defence regulation t to a slwctal committee of the house to study the regulations and to make recommendu- tlons during the dobnu it was dis closed wc have in canada 1211 0gb personh of german orlgln and 140000 of italian origin in regard to this problem opinion dtflfrr widely there are nonie whoehlnlctlttttevpry citt should be tnternwl for the duration of the wor there arc others who believe that many of those people canie to can ada to escape the consequences of their birth and to live in u land of freedom ah agree that every dangerous alien enemy should be interned but as to the jpreat majority of enemy aliens who are apparently loyal to the british crown there lsngrent dlfterenee-of- opinions jis to how these should h treated the policy ot tlw government bj out- llnfd by the minister or justjct i as follows tai all alien enemies who are member of societies which hnvc been de clared to be subversive societies will toe internet tb all alien enemies who have x- pvmsctl opinions contrary to the c of the aluewul be intern vj tsialhtiaiitnjsof canada whetherl continued on rnr wght sectional rallies of united wms held last week itulllrs fur tne eastern and wrrtlem sectlonb the w xi h of hulum county rebyterlal of uie united church wcie held at bronte and mulgrovc united churchow on june 11th and 13th ret- pectfiilly mnt it flck tlilrd vlce- preflldent was in charge at bronte und mr f mcnlven second vlceprtsldent wmn in charge sit mlllgrove womtilp services were conducted by mrs j w clmitnuin and member from ahgrovt uwvile and mhuin auxlliurleh stories of tlu- year were heurtl from the iminllltiries and junior organization i empcranee mehsaget written by mrs ii caldwell were tutird al each inect- ing imj reuslous of the lliunllton conter- enee brinch meeting were given at bronte by mrs a o w foreman und at mlllgrove by mrs j a harper mn a t thompson secretary of christian stewardship and finance of the do minion board reviewed the work of her department at bronte and mrt j i flalt secretary lor c s and f of hamilton branch sjioke along similar linen nt mlllgrove both of thee guest speakers conducted an open forum closing metuuiges were deluered by the presbylcrinl ircaidcnl mrt liirl wllhon at each meeting the visitor wen- entertained at noon b tin- ladit of the rally churchei jamei tnrwwell wootllotb after in spection were found to comply with the department requlrementh for exemption by request of audi to rw the council decided to write certain small amounts of tuxe principally dog tax nil the roll of 1031 to 1930 inrlijhlvf councll completed ith work nn u court of ruvlhlon the ankemtmeul fioll l to htand an nvlmd for the year 1040 the following iircouiiu were ordentl paid for noiidk for sheep for relief mlsccllaneoiui treasurer half years halury mod half years salary relief offioer hair years salary clerk half years salary council ndjoumed to meet at hulfl- burg on july 22nd ut ten oclock am georgetown at friday june zlst mlluin at a ton monduj june 24th at ton nt milton friday june 2flth- milton at oeorge town friday july ftth aeton monday july bth friday july 12th town monday july 1 ath friday july i th milton l the aeton yr mens club retelved 1 their oil kiit 1 charter on saturday even- i ing from the hands of jim kendrlcks i piikt president of the guelph club at i ii very impressive eeieinony in the un- avoldablv iionenw of norman marlow president of the loeal club jim rons nvelved the charter and tendered the i vote of uiankn 1 dr o i christie prudent of the o a c gave n et llmely and fori el ul tultlrei alton ul mhuin milton lit george- i live elltei the gathering men from oiituri yv men yiinrt iji uimih und ll kwood o ac led ml thrilling mugsong slvle that u ill long be milton at acton georgetown at imill club kudlmry monday jllly 2jnd s13 4f i town aeuin ut oeorgt 150 24 00 i 4b7fl 1t0 00 12f 00 oaao i 200 00 friday julj 2uh oecirgeuiwn t acttm dates of acloi all gamei seven at 7 00 p in dj3 t h honte gome innlngh and id stai i a most wirunt in hlh lnlmltnbl remetnlwri d girts ui re rih elel l the from the guelph mklluiul and ingemoll clubr uud lelle gritiiliitlonh were nnelvel fnmi chi us fur uem ui oakland california the 11 lire exenlng wus exceedingly enjoyable and sirrved as u line impetus foi the local dirt to beln their work of tervlce to the community of acton lakeside chapter bingo raises m many attended timiisseaii tea tok miss velma murray mr g- w murray entertained ut u troiimeuii tea in honor of her daugh- tei mist velmu murray a bride of tills urcw ul uielr home on saturday last j the house vjuh tastefully decorated with spring nowen the udnle was at- i 11 recommended for naturalization in h alton court h i lor rnmher fund judge w n munro recommeiuled 11 foreigners who applied for naturalization in county court al milton the men i everybody wanted u help with the were oil subjected to lengthy question- kde chapter i ojjjc fund for a tug luid assured they would willingly n gom omequently take up arpis for cunuda they all ex- pressed bitter opinion of nulum cnm- iiunlhin and fascism toni cusarlno milton heights iuill- in ut tlu fnly potential encmj ulli n ppluiint i le was ret ommentled w hen it wuti revealed he with a ineinbi i ol the ciuuidlau iieglon and foughl with the allies in france from 1 u 1 4 1 ii born in venice province italy he ussured the bencii j would gnugaln to light for britain if she needs me id go overseah u- mot row u light for mv new country if i am wanted tjidls- law kolniilcs hungarian of hurlltiiaon guelph mlssih mnbel mcorcgor uumsi usmtted bell birbarii vtauk martha orr anna tl applkants were recommended in mcoregor mitrgurel brnwn bett and j the following ordei loni cuhtirliio luil- chrlhtirm win held 1- milton llelghb john decker frllild attended trom iyeeman rich- duuhnuui freeman ernest 2tuest mond hill orlmhby toronui klteiicner swiss milton waller durmovzal osprlnge ouelph hornby milton one czechoslovak precmun walenty jigl- hox w m s hundred and forty irurst were register- polish acton wujelck zlomek pol tructlvely arranged with centre of silver i ose bowl of pink anudnigoiik and tuh 1 ink tupcrt in silver holders mri g c olttord poured leu in the urteruoon and mrs i wluiuld in the evening those assisting were misses ellmbelh moliat flora and margaret miielarlune of toronto mrs ailaoji ol richmond hill mrs w maxwell of ijollngbroke bormber i ihen wiu a big crowd lust night ul the 1 illngo in tiie iglon hull willi nlne- i teen prizes the event was voud a big rutccsj b those ulti tiding and biy the i chupur prlih were wr savings bonds kro- i tei ui ii ill towels pillow slips liiun i hair plcnit ham silver nmmle sugui ui i uh the suy on thi uuction suli lulls valuitblt artic les too numerous to iliiiiuti afl r evi rvoni had i njoved ihi iining and the pilis wire anutd i il h chaur was uhu i- a result o this ellort und with the help of doni- lloiih to the fund u ionlrltiule sk10 low urd the pun hiise of a holingbroki i bombet the ofllrtrs of lh ldkimde ihaplei i at kiiowlidge w ith gialilude the assist u m e iiatronuge und i tiniributlons i hit i have uuule this ontrlbutlon osslble uht humllton lormerly ktorval ru- j imnates jllts to red cross society canadian navy inconvoyvvork shown in pktukes llyeryoil i deep j interested 111 in war and in the canadian war ellort to give canadians an uislght lntowhal canada is doing tile dliii tor uf puwlu iulormutlon m luisociation with the national 1llm board of linuia has prewired a aerlis of motion picture films the will tx anown undei the geiicrnl life cunuda carries on tlh first these fllnu u called al- luntle patrol it deals with the opera tions o the canadian nm in como work it will be shown at the oreior theatre in acton an monday june mth attorney z k ciiminbes of dalli texas fllctl u divurt suit c himself with cruelt his wife retained him us her luuer trousseau tea saturday for miss renetta waller mis william wnllei in id a tiouascau lea saturda uftemoou and evening in honor of her daughter renettu whose imirringt k lo take place june j2nd master paul ilrllunger as oltleiul dooi onrnn drhghted theguiitts who were iilclied b mrs waller renetta and mrs lirllllnger wlnoui and miss viola wallei during the afternoon mrs t w graham gait and miss ada dunn kltehenei poured lea and in the even ing mrs sluocdi r acton assisted miss dunn the lea table was gleaming and ex quisite with a centre ot spvrea and unit ing candles and gav columbine and rosy miaixlragons decorate the rooms the flowers were n gift from mn a h bishop acton miss leon a waller had dolph ilasiljevac jugoslavian acton i emery szlloryl hungarian freeman i josef dudek polish acton lavio markeslc jugoslavian acton ludlsluw i kolonlcs burlington llal ion jersey breeders hold knox womens missionary sorietv met in the class room of the church on iluiisday afurnoon tlu strip lure les son ttii read by mrs d mcdougull an excellent paper the shining light was given by mrs d w oldie a couple or iiuills were dimautl to the rid cross six let arrangemenls were made for u sewing meeting to be held al the mutisi on wedneada to make quilts ior llie red cross i big field dav j church roups 250 commie in the juduinir com- 1 honor miss v murray petition wilfred davihim ikio to hek marriage ih cuest smiuer ihe annual field da nnd panic staged b the halton jerbey cattk club was held i on the farm of r j gruluuu und son near georgctow n uu aaturduy last and altracud in tht neighborhood of 250 jersey eutluimasls included in charge or the which each q ill name atwslstauts included miss mae following the picntt lunch which was miirsdenrfund mrs roy ingram bramp- held on the lawn of tht beuutlful ton miss isabel kn7 and miss mibbel wstiilorelaiid gall muts helen coolx ma mcmabb mrs thomas wny miss hawthorne smith acton iusl i hursduj eveninu a t r enjoj able sot lal evening was spent tin choir und young ladiis friendly circle of uu united chimh at die home of mlss uiura johnston sicond une i he program was conducted by jean ijim- beit vilepresident of the friendly circle lrma wllderspin ltuidilcud a tpil con ust a ery rollicking singsong was a feature much enjoed bj itl jean uuiiberi gave a mouth organ solo then mat smon on behulf of the choir pre- senled mvui velmu murraj with u gift oil under the dlkclluu ol prtsk hu hrnnr of npr np mnnlm i graham the guest slkaner wilfred qualntlv bound book in i this number were quite u uoiuber of her guests from peel and york counties graham home hhort program wus run council endorses forming home guard in acton detained first reunion at this school algvr uul mrsijuuson of blfem was inuodtltcd hidof uiwaddrutuucmuig1 1 o tklwm harrop a director of i 1 ui hmilurlaniii tuw mto club mv davison who ha had a wde z 1 r i velmu uu be hu r of the friendly cl eptrleute tir mjiyi parussjf th world j gave ui uddrens hied with practkul philosophy and humor which was inont favorably received by the large uurijcnie oreeliniih wire also brought to the group l president johi paw ley of hip peel club post president evans ot the yoic cluharidagrlcultinilre c ioltne school ts h no is rsqufsing where the oldi boyi and oirh and lonelier will uatler for the first reunl6n on july vst lncc tlie school was built over fifty years ova many tcmlnucrnco will be erooybythvlltoniftndacumntancotrnflwed the event wilt ie held afternoon and evening of the holiday and iyances dills read the address velmu murray thiuikvd the choir and friendly circle in a few wellchosen words the remainder of the evening was pent in singing a very bounteous lunch was served bj the choir jumes iranceehlni president of the nufteiln shipbuilding company in tor onto has il ei n taken into custody in the loundup of to i on i o italians following italys entry into the wur 11 was re vealed in the house of commons by hon c d howe munitions minister howe informed ihe hotirw that mr frances hint s delenlloii would not delay the construction of four mlnu sweepers being built bv thi duherln shipbuilding co illlendh- honor miss winnifred itkii at imunuptial shovver aj ii pnniipilul shower miss wlniil- fri il held whose miirrluge lo mr mervln 111 hard took plate on saturday was mtidercd the best wlslns of memletn of the alton ilaptist church mr and mrs joseph n hi id weie hosts ut iheli homi for ihe liapp guth- tiing linn w re iiboul forty present and all look part in the lontesls arid best us lo uu turn happm of the btldi tobe and pleasure iii turn ing that she would in- retiliulng to the home diiinh was exprissid in an ad- clnss ruid by miss llarbura plank dur ing the reading of tin- aildress two little cousins lorolhy rld and mary reld many rmiicflth for line of park from outfluic orannizntimui councillor onkcd to tc acting reevc during a i we nee of reeve chnlmerh old fire engine to lie offered for snlc troundfl nl iionejjr cemetery to receive al tendon councillors w j o oaken j ii cnluhton und j f davison were pro- si nt on tuesday evening when aclon coumll met in regular nesnlonrund rcevo j ii chalmers jneilded mivmrn c b swiukjinmer and r ii davidson aiiuared tu fore count ii re queuing use of the arena in aeton in the event of unsuitable weather on july 1st w hen 1orne h hoot reunlon won lo ih held permission was granted perm i ss i on was also granted ui nns- saiiaweya presliylerlau churih to use thr park for a sunday h hool pit nlc knox preshyterian church requested use of the pirk for a garden party on july hlth this was also granted iht munlelpal olflier was inntrucbd ui liave the mower umd tn the park put into condition llie finance committee in their flf- tet nth rikrt recominende payment of the following accounts synion hardware supplies t 3 07 comity of halton use of grader 20 50 hriiwiis cartage trucking at ion fnri pitrss printing and iidvcrllstiik ihtll telephone co services e harrop accounts paid to a t brown tommy green nnd slumps p cleave wages d ulllott wages tax collector tuxes on john crawford properly i at colleclor taxes on john h watson property r iuthi rlintl tostfl re tux 3030 3d no ii or 3 iff 10 00 7 bo itttt ho 4174 ill i j vi 4u 15 ihc nxirt was adopunl il was 1m ided that no rebate on i itoircl te or other license fee would be made ext opt where i he preinlnen wen a louil loss by fire mr k f moore rinpiented unit the urinintls ut the pioneer cemetery lie put hi more presenlable toiulltlon he drew entered with a deroratid wagon loaded alunllon of council ui the agreement with miscellaneous gifts for the guests ie liability of the municipality of honor a delltthtrul lunch brought to a elusion ii most enjoyable evening united chu y oun jvoil hold iinir on wiiinesduv uturnoon and ivenliu the young pitiple s union ul thi ulpled chun h held thi ir annual pit ul in acttui park ainr a llveh ball gaiiu the moupwlth wlntutl appetltts sal down lo i biunljtus pit nu lunth oti hi park bendhes win ii all had tlimt- llutke to iht tempt iiik displiiv of hsxl miss isabel cow lit fijxike a few wonls on lehalr ol the simlilj lo iinnrallilali miss vi llua mm ia on hi i t tuning niairume antl to i x press apnelallijii tor lni work as con vein r m uie orgiiulallon in thi past miss murmv who was i inn pie seiitis with a beautiful ml kuss i oiii- iljlnatiou fnill and llowt r dish rep lit tl verv fittingly as did mr miller i he rimalnder of the evening wtui shiit in races and contests conducted b the sports convener george hwitr the fotlnwlng are the rtsulls youpk ladles luice mlibel llurils andre mt arthur i luconllng to the cemetery act it was siikkfstcd that the gruss be cut und flowers should be planted at this llnic of jtir cooperauon of council was soiikht a letter from uikislde chapter iod h ewprckstliinjyeiatlin of perinlsrun of council to hold lhelrraftitrrnr-charlt- naili piuhuies the letter also informed council that the chapters donation for miimrvlslon of the bathing beach was available whenever desired bv cumuli in i inflection with the tax mi it the follow lug r solution wits passed yluveo by j 1 davison set onded by w j o oakis und resolved thai siu- jmt- to hit pifivisiiit himlimllei 4itnluln- iil the treason i u aulhotled in m11 and dispose or lh lands to he oltcnd foi sal- liy puhlli mttlou at thv tl inxl continued from pace five utile holland and his orchestra hduiwihkl eden mills tuosduy juno young muns jlaitclarniljviuiciiilcl gents 50 ladles 25c uwirgi elommilit rie- ross swacktuiliii r and uiura johnston tie ran john pill and isabel cow it plate rat e itss sw tu khumer and uiura johnsuui hone moop rat t garni t mrkejilt s team balloon rut e lrma watson imjui cow le 7 ihe uidies aid of the baptist church will hold a strawberry tea and llome- madebaklng sale at the church on sat urday afternoon july ith at j oclock huss cretghton and his vailety en tertainers will feature the garden party proirrum at nunsaguwvyu lveslyterliiii church on mondu june imlh don t miss this event d graham of peel a vole of appre- cation to the speaker ctlt grahiun 1 jomily and prof m w staples of the i ontario agricultural cdllcgb was ex- j lunded on behalf of the club bv vice- j president chas mckowri of alton i neartt suo men wointn and voung tumple cjunpitedln the judging competi tions which were run oil under the dir- tetion of prolstapie thcwuintrtll these were as follows ladles miss mory mclure gpoi-ge- tow n men cecil judge mono rood junior farmers eccips mccliire brampton following an exoellcm progruni of sporu which was run off under the dir ection of messrs chas und art mo- keown acton tlw draw for the- out standing jvmey calf donated by r j orahamandson tookplncctliew in ner proving to be a clarrkuje of norvol all will eome right in the end sicvini on monday prune minister wlnmortciiurchih said ihe news from franci is vip bad andl ttrievi fo ua ople who have fallen into this terrible misfortune jr ixallultt ftolhinc will alter our fu linns towatds thi in or i ui faith that the tuinis of prance win iisc agui whul h- hapmiud in rraiiie mukts nt ditltrtnce to british fnuh and iurpom wc have become the sole chamjionh now in arms uudi tend the world cause we shull do our best to be worthy nf this high honor we jhal defend our island home and with the british empire around us we hliall fight on uncbninicrable tin til j the curse of hitler in vujted irom tlie brows of mnw are sure that in the end aji w come tlulil the annua milling of acton ho itey club will hv held on monday evenllib i in the council chamber ut 8 pjn ettoc- ikili of ofllcts wll ulso be held every one interested in hockey in aclon l muni to be pn si ni i he ijoth anniversary sen in iof lloa- lini church ksqyesing township will bo hrlrinnaundayjuiiea3rdrev dr-watta- ii a o professor of systematic tlieoiok of queens university- king ston will t onduct the services a cordial iiwllit ton is exit tided to all t ixoarden tea will be held at the hom*o of mrs peter smith main street on thtiriay july 4th from 3 to 0 pm under the auspice of duke of devonshire iodee proceed are tor bupervulon at thenar it a pecla invitation molhkr who have children enjoying the parle fttcllltlc come all admluuon atki


Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 20, 1940, p. 1 (2024)


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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.