Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

at Van Buren News Township Farm Bureaus Hold Joint Meeting VAN BUREN (Spl.) The joint meeting of the' Van Buren and Washington' Farm Bureaus was held; the Van Buren Community and a potluck supper was served. Mrs. Vernie Duckwall offered prayer. Following the meal, Ralph Duckwall, chairman, conducted the meeting in the conservation "club house. Earl Bryant gave devotions.

Duckwall anpounced. that directors the meeting county on Aug. 20, the board voted to reclommended to the state representative that they hold a oneday legislative session and approve the proposed $50 per pupil for schools, The speaker was Ben Schoby, area of the Huntington, and sissinewa Dams, and Ned Woodward, ranger for the Mississinewa Dam also spoke. The next meeting will be at the Lions Club with a potluck supper on Sept. 26.

Speaker for the evening will be Forrest Conder. Loyal Workers Class Holds August Meeting VAN BUREN The August meeting of the Loyal Workers Class of the Central Christian Church opened with group singing, accompanied by Mrs. Robert Lobdell. Robert Lobdell gave devotions using quotations from "The Bread Of Life," followed by During the business meeting, conducted by Dorrell- Allen, president, reports were given by Mrs. Arthur Zent and Miss Oca Howard.

A nominating committee composed of Arthur Zent, chairman; Arthur Reed and Glen Moon was appointed. Reed and Wayne Trout were in charge of entertainment.1 Slides were shown of a tripitoler California taken by the Trouts. Dr. and Mrs. Jack Shuff and Mr.

and Mrs. Everett Kerlin served refreshments to 26 bers. Gamma Tau Members Hold Picnic At Park VAN BUREN- members of the Gamma Tau Club and their families held a picnic at the Van Buren. Community Park. Prayer was offered by Mrs.

Paul Yarger. Mrs. Fer-1 guson received a birthday gift from her secret pal. The next meeting will be at the new home of Mrs. Darrell Trout, south on Landessville Road.

Twenty adults and 27 children attended. Committee in charge of arrangements was Mrs. Pete Sparks, Mrs. Trout, Mrs. Demmer and Mrs.

David. Ferguson. Dinner Held By Club In Grecian Room 4 3: VAN BUREN The Amica Filae Club met for an evening at the Grecian Room in Marlion. Mrs. James Kellogg then hosted the group at her home.

The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. George on Sept. 12. Advanced Farm Club Meets At Cox Home VAN BUREN-The Advanced Farm Club met with Mrs. Edna Cox.

with Mrs. Cox in charge of devotions, Mrs. Homer White, president was in charge of the meeting. Roll call was answered by, "How You Calm. Your Nerves." Speaker for the evening was Lessel Gardner.

Russell' Corey gave the critic report. The meeting closed with group singing. Next meeting will be. Sept. 15 at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Clarence Lobdell. 4 REUNION HELD VAN BUREN The Black Creek Conservation Club house was the site of the Corey family reunion. Officers elected for next year are, Russell Corey, president, and Mrs. Pete Gard(per, secretary and treasurer.

was voted to hold the Corey reunion at the home of Mrs. Bernice Corey next year. Fifty persons attended. Chewing Gum Proves: Its Worth In Idaho: LEWISTON, Idaho (AP) Fireman Robert W. Brock Gasoline got a call Tuesday night.

was leaking from the tank of. a Brock responded, "couldn't find the owner, slapped his chewing gum over the hole in the gasoline tank and returned to the station house, COMFORT PLUS! Motorists in a hurry can go to church nowadays, gets a haircut, pay their taxes, post their mail and even get married without leaving the car. -Advertisem*ntFALSE TEETH That Loosen Need Not Embarrass Many wearers of false teeth surer embarrassment because their plates drop, slip or wobble at just the wrong time. Don't live in fear of this happening to you. Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH, the non-acid powder, on your plates.

Holds false teeth more firmly so they feel more comfortable. Checks denture breath. Dentures that At are essential to health. See your dentist regularly, Get FASTEETH at all' drug counters. Open Mon.

Fri. Sat. Evenings 'til 9:00 P. M. JUPITER SCHOOL Permanently Pressed WOMEN'S BLOUSES A Set.

166 polyester and cotton with 32 00 38. Regular 2,67 Values PERMANENT PRESS CAPRIS 196 poly ester cotton with side tapered legs. Coloma 8-18. 09 Tiber Reg. 2 Pre.

Valve JUNIOR MISS MESH NYLONS 2 Thurs Regular 1,99 Valve BOYS' YOUTHS' GYM SHOES 143 Hi a with soles. White de black. 10-2; DISCOUNT STORE No Discounts Regular 2.98, Valve GAY SHELLS FOR WOMEN Wear In or Out! TURTLE NECK POLO SHIRTS Fomen's cotton interlock polos long alcoves. Colors. Stile Regular 3.87 Values WOMEN'S NEW ORLON SLACKS -276 Orion (R) acrylic bonded clacks with clastic waistband.

Colors 8-18 Magic HAIR SPRAY REGULAR or HARD TO HOLD Reg. $2.50 Reg. $1.50 15 oz. 7 oz. 998 Take Your Choice! CLOTHES HANGERS OZ.

FAMILY SIZE SPECIALLY PRICED 48 COL GATE TOOTHPASTE KOTEX SANTARY A Ha, 334 3 wood 8 plastic, dress, 4 suit of 5 tier skirt, hanger active Net to Ft, fight decay. SCISSORS CRAYOLAS ARTISTA WATER COLORS Grades 41 2-3-4-5-6 Grades Reg. 2-3-4-5-6 98 77 300 CT. 5 HOLE PAPER FILLED VINYL BINDERS WRITE 47 REG. VALUE 64 Prices Effective Thurs.

Fri. Agust 25, 26, 27. PHONE All Merchandise Quantities Strictly Limited on a To First Stock Come, On Hand First Served 664-4452 BUY: JUPITER! YOU'LL SAVE Marion, Indiana, Chronicle August 24, 1966 Data from WIATHER CURIAU 72 WARM 64 57 57 59 Temperatures Far Arso 84 Are Average Rain ANIS Shewers 70 -70 Low Temperatures Expected FORECAST Until Thursday Morning WEATHER: FORECAST weather the eastern Lakes, the Virginias and the cenwill. be over parts of the Plains and tral Gulf coast. Warmer temperatures are Plateaus.

It- will be cooler in the northeast, expected in parts of the Plains and Plateaus. Weather Forecasts d.s. Weather, Bureau Data 1 South Bend 2 Ft. Wayse Lafayette Marion Muncio 3 5 tures will range 5-8 degrees below normal highs 81-88 normal lows 59-64. Rain will total onetenth an inch or Indianapolis Terre Haute 7 6 New Albany Evansvile INDIANA FORECASTS 1-2-3-4-5: Mostly fair and continued cool through Thursday.

Low tonight in low 50s. High Thursday 74.77. 3. 6-7: Partly cloudy tonight and Thursday. Low tonight 53-57.

High Thursday in mid to upper Friday outlook: Fair and warmer. Five-day outlook: Tempera- Jonesboro Association Maps Plans JONESBORO. (Spl.) An organizationat "meeting of the Woman's Bowling Association was held at the American Legion Home with Mrs. Jack Lazard, president, in charge. Members the Wednesday Nite Ladies" League 'are from Marion, Gas.

City and Jonesboro. Rules we L'e discussed and agreed upon. Bowling will be held at the Cee Lanes in Gas City and will start at 7 Sept. 6.

The league has openings for new teams. Any one interested" may obtain information by calling Mrs. Jack Lazard, 674-1830, or; Dick Poling at Gee Cee Lahes, 674-5226. 3 MEETING HELD -The Friday Night Mixed Doubles League held its organizational meeting on? Monday evening. Sept.

9 is the starting date for this league at! the Gee Cee Lanes. General Motors Names Man To Head Division Appointment of a former process engineer at the General Motors Delco-Remy Division at Anderson as general manager the AC Spark Plug Division of General Motors was announced here today. The promotion of John D. Baker will go: into. effect Sept.

1, according to an announcement by GM President James M. Roche. Baker has been with General Motors since 1940 when he joined the Anderson plant. A native of, Lafayette, Baker is a graduste of Purdue. University.

Accidental Shot Worries Small Boy HARBOR, Mich. (AP) Lee: Emmanuel, 6, was worried affet he pulled the trigger of a shotgun a special clamp a police car, blasting a hole in the car roof. 'I hope I didn't kill God," the bay said. was among a group of children touring. the Benton Harbor police station Monday, Nobody was injured in the incident.

Chief McCarroll said the shotgun should not have been "Services Planned UPLAND Evangelistic services are being conducted at the Center Methodist Church, located northwest of Upland, at 7:301 p.m. each: day. The evangelist is Rev. William R. Rudd, Wilmore, and the music is being arranged by Robert J.

Rudd, Henderson, N.C. According to the pastor, the Rev. Merritt Edder, services continue until 4. AT SEMINAR 1 UPLAND--The Rev. Herschel Murray, pastor of the First Methodist Church, is attending a seminar on prayer and personal: devotions at: Yokefellow House in Richmond.

SPEAKER ANNOUNCED UPLAND -Orville Lee, of the It's Going To Stay Cool In Indiana By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Temperatures plunged to near record season lows today for the second time this month in sharp contrast with July's heat waves. And continued subnormal temperatures were forecast. The mercury dipped to 47 at New Castle, 50 at South Bend, 50 at Indianapolis, 51 at Fort Wayne and 52 at Lafayette and Evansville. The Indianapolis low was just one degree above the record for Aug. 24 set in 1927.

The five-day outlook, Thursday through Monday, was for temperatures averaging 5 to 8 degrees below normal. The normal range at this season is from 59-81 in Northern Indiana to 64-1 88 in the south. Rain, -still badly needed in some areas, will be scarce, possibly one-tenth inch or less during the five-day period. Weather Elsewhere Weather Elsewhere By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 7 High Low Pr. Albuquerque, clear 81 55 .04 Atlanta, cloudy 82 61 Bismarck, clear 67 40 Boise, clear 97 67 Boston, clear 65 61 .21 Buffalo, clear 72 55 Chicago, clear 70 53 Cincinnati, cloudy 79 55 Cleveland, cloudy.

71.. 51' Denver, clear 79 51 Des Moines, clear 72 50 Detroit, clear 72 51 Fairbanks, cloudy 63 50 Fort Worth, cloudy. 88 69 Helena, clear 83 45 Indianapolis, cloudy 77 50 Jacksonville, clear 98 74 Juneau, rain 61 52 1.52 Kansas City, clear 74 54 Los Angeles, clear 83 66 Louisville, cloudy 77 56 Memphis, clear 77 59 Miami, cloudy 85 77 Milwaukee, clear 64 50 cloudy. 68 50 Orleans, cloudy 93 72 York, clear 85 65 Okla. City, rain 70 60 Omaha, rain 71 54 Philadelphia, clear.

87 52 Phoenix, clear 102 75 Pittsburgh, clear 75 52 Ptind, cloudy 63 58 Ptind, cloudy 82 58 Rapid City, cloudy 68 44 Richmond, cloudy 91 68 .08 St. Louis, cloudy 75 54 Salt Lk. City, clear 90 55 San Diego, cloudy 76 68 San cloudy 65 57 Seattle, clear 75 54 Tampa, cloudy 92 78 Washington, clear 90 65 Winnipeg, clear 71 50 Grant County Voiture To Hold Promenade Grant County Voiture 875, Forty and Eight, will hold its promenade Thursday night at the chateau. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. and will be followed by a meeting at 8 p.m.

C. E. Davis, chef de gare, will be in charge. Marion Weather (24 Hours Ending at 7 a.m. Temperatures ..........73 48 August 24, 1965 75 48 Precipitation None Sunset today, 7:31 p.m.

Sunrise Thursday 6:03 a.m. Precipitation since Jan. 1, 1966, 16.00 inches. Precipitation same date, 1965, 23.85 inches. (Official weather stationis located at the Marion Sewage Treatment Plant on Bond Avenue.) NEW POST OFFICE WASHINGTON, Ind.

(AP) Federal authorities announced today a $436,000 post office will be built here with completion expected late next year. The building will be owned by Leo A. Daly Co. and leased to the government. SANE Temperance Organization, will be the speaker at the First Methodist Church at 10:30 a.m.

Sunday. An offering will be taken for the group. Special music will be presented. TO ATTEND MEETING Barton UPLAND Reese -Members Memorial Library Board will attend the Tri-County Library Association meeting at the library in Fairmount p.m.. Monday.

Board members: include Mrs. Florence Loy, Mrs. Raya Hirons, Miss: Eloise Brogneaux, Miss Iris Abbey, Mrs. Doris Porter, Hugh Freese, Wilburt Lightle and Courtney Seavers. WCTU TO MEET UPLAND-Mrs.

Paul Pugh will be hostess to the Jefferson Women's Christian Temperance Union at the regular monthly meeting at her home on Half Street at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. DAUGHTER BORN UPLAND Announcements have been recerved of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Terry Patterson of Indianapolis.

The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jones. or; the of by WEATHER BULLETIN! COMING- A WINTER HEAT WAVE IN YOUR HOME! the exciting new PUSH BUTTON SIEGLER GAS HOME HEATER now gives you SWEEPING FLOOR HEAT The golden louvers in the floor heat outlet are motor driven to rotate back and forth the beat over the floor. All new in performance, styling and exciting colors, this new SIEGLER gives you a new dimension in beating comfort.

See it soon! BROYLES ELECTRIC CO. 506 So. Washington Since 1919 A Store FULL of Bargains! BASE ROCKER RECLINERS CHAIRS (LATEST STYLES COLORS) ROCKER SALE 'LA-Z-Y Choice Selection Base Rockers Plastic Covers, BOY Table Floor Lamps 3995 695 895 1595 SWIVEL- ROCKERS. FLOOR LAMPS Assorted Covers 2195 2395 Sale Price 4995 LAMP SHADES Polyplastex 295 395 SWIVEL Tweed Covers ADJUSTABLE Big Value POPULAR RECLINER 5950. THE WORLD'S MOST SO.

MARION many styles, Extra Special 4 up Rockers hundreds of covers FURNITURE Assorted Covers 1st National Charge 3108 So. Washington Now 6950. Easy Terms Phone PERMANENT PRESS NO A EVERSHARP No. 340-B Blunt Kindergarten I LEARN TO GRADES 4-5-6 Books 408 SOUTH WASHINGTON.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.