Games you gave up on (2024)

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Wafer Happy Pride Month from Brosuke! from Inaba Since: Oct, 2021 Relationship Status: Is that a kind of food?

Happy Pride Month from Brosuke!

#1: May 4th 2022 at 2:34:12 PM

Two of the most notable cases with me:

  • I stopped my second playthrough of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild because around the time I got to the Vah Naboris dungeon I got distracted by Transformers fancomics and figured that getting into the franchise proper was more important than actually finishing the game. It was
  • Pokemon Black 2: When I got to Marlon's gym I sweeped through his gym trainers just fine, but the problem was my only viable counter to Water-types on my team was Magnezone. I had a surprisingly hard time trying to win against his team, and eventually I got frustrated and gave up. I plan to actually play through it when I'm done with White though!

(I'm actually aroace)

WarJay77 Discarded and Feeling Blue (Troper Knight)

Discarded and Feeling Blue

#2: May 4th 2022 at 2:39:00 PM

I could never beat Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush Rescue. I got stuck on a puzzle that, no matter how often I played it, just seemed completely unwinnable. It's a shame because I did like playing it.

Currently Working On: Incorruptible Pure Pureness

Ultimatum Disasturbator from Second Star to the left (Old as dirt) Relationship Status: Wishfully thinking


#3: May 4th 2022 at 2:40:10 PM

Summon 2 had that stupid fight on the boat I could never get passed

New theme music

omega2900 Lu-cha! Lu-cha! Lu-cha! from The Midwest, where everything is MID! (Ten years in the joint) Relationship Status: In my bunk

Lu-cha! Lu-cha! Lu-cha!

#4: May 4th 2022 at 2:51:36 PM

Pokemon Sun - I got tired of the unskippable cutscenes with Lillie and quit after beating Mina's trial.

Help me. I can't get it out of my head.

MagmaTeaMerry My Head Is On Fire from A forest somewhere Since: Sep, 2020

My Head Is On Fire

#5: May 4th 2022 at 3:17:01 PM

I kind of gave up on Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door around chapter 7. It was around that point I got fed up with the mandatory Backtracking.

My AO3 profile. Let sleeping cats lie and be cute and calming.

Bluethorn Just a Mettaur from Alligator New York City Since: Jan, 2018 Relationship Status: Star-crossed

Just a Mettaur

#6: May 4th 2022 at 3:21:29 PM

I gave up on Metroid: Other M because I couldn't figure out how to beat Queen Metroid. Speaking of Metroid, I also kind of lost interest in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption almost at the end.

I also never got very far into the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon remake (never played the original).

A great Mascot Mook.

MkayRose Tama Toons Universal Xone Station 4 from Syndicate HQ Since: Jun, 2018 Relationship Status: Married to the music

Tama Toons Universal Xone Station 4

#7: May 4th 2022 at 3:24:46 PM

F-Zero GX, great game but Chapter 7 in it's story mode is complete BS in the highest degree. This vidGames you gave up on (8) note pretty much describes how BS it is.

Meet the Tamas!Let's wrap up this crazy party!

ChicoTheParakeet Since: Oct, 2019 Relationship Status: [TOP SECRET]

#8: May 4th 2022 at 4:38:01 PM

This is turning into a complaint thread…

I (oddly enough) didn’t mind the controls but after watching so many Internet personalities swear about how awful Star Fox Zero’s waggle is, I decided to fold and follow suit.

Yahtzee pointed out how repetitive the Ace Attorney franchise is. Despite liking the narratives, it became so stale. I sold my copy of the Great Ace Attorney when I was part way through the first game’s third case.

Demetrios Lucky Seven from Des Plaines, Illinois (unfortunately) Since: Oct, 2009 Relationship Status: I'm just a hunk-a, hunk-a burnin' love

Lucky Seven

#9: May 4th 2022 at 4:49:01 PM

For some reason, I never finished Wrath Unleashed. ^_^;; I would like to one day. Games you gave up on (11)

Starlight Glimmer was too busy being evil to know who the Wonderbolts are.

RacattackForce (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#10: May 4th 2022 at 5:31:31 PM

Games you gave up on (13) (x4) Oddly enough, the Queen Metroid fight was one of my favourite boss fights in that game. It's a call-back to Metroid 2 where you have to power bomb the hell out of its innards... that said, even if you realized that you suddenly had access to the Power Bombs and that was what you were supposed to do, you probably would've gotten stuck on the "fight" that comes after it. Bleh.

I could never fully wrap my head around Star Fox Zero's controls, and in combination with my need to 100% it as I went at the time, I burned out on it super quick due to playing the same levels over and over again trying to get decent scores. I ended up playing far more of the pack-in Star Fox Guard tower defense game than I ever did Zero, but never beat either.

TBH, I wasn't even planning on buying SFZ. I just got embarrassed when someone on the subway noticed I had a Star Fox pin on my jacket a few weeks before the game's release and asked if I was getting the game. I didn't want to come across as a fake fan, so I said yes and preordered it when I got home so I wouldn't be a liar. Games you gave up on (14)

Edited by RacattackForce on May 4th 2022 at 8:34:18 AM

Ultimatum Disasturbator from Second Star to the left (Old as dirt) Relationship Status: Wishfully thinking


#11: May 4th 2022 at 5:35:32 PM

I actually almost never 'give up' on games,I get bored and find another one to play

Unless its Summoner 2 because that first level on the boat is horrible

New theme music

ShinyCottonCandy Best Ogre from Kitakami (4 Score & 7 Years Ago) Relationship Status: Who needs love when you have waffles?

Best Ogre

#12: May 4th 2022 at 5:39:02 PM

I tried Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Could barely stay interested long enough to provide the furnature for the first three houses.


DrNoPuma Gremlin Gus from Dream Land (Experienced, Not Yet Jaded) Relationship Status: I think I love you, so what am I so afraid of?

Gremlin Gus

#13: May 4th 2022 at 6:33:59 PM

I recently tried a short shoot 'em up game on Steam called Tadpole Tales. Whenever you die, you have to start over from the beginning. I was dying a lot, and I thought I must have been pretty bad at the game.

But then I found this negative reviewGames you gave up on (18) by Shinji6 that points out that the game actually has multiple design flaws that make it pretty unfair, especially to shoot 'em up noobs like me.

When I saw that, I had no regrets about uninstalling the game. I'm glad it wasn't just me.

I'm just so thrilled that they got Cary Elwes in a Disney game! This is where the fun begins.

KaabiiFan13 Since: Apr, 2022

#14: May 4th 2022 at 6:42:56 PM

I stopped playing Pokémon Brilliant Diamond - Not because of the game's quality, but because I was "distracted" by Legends: Arceus instead

omega2900 Lu-cha! Lu-cha! Lu-cha! from The Midwest, where everything is MID! (Ten years in the joint) Relationship Status: In my bunk

Lu-cha! Lu-cha! Lu-cha!

#15: May 4th 2022 at 6:55:55 PM

I just remembered a game I gave up on, Astral Chain. I didn't give up because it was bad, but like the post above, I had a lot of other games I was working on around the same time and I wanted to clear those first.

Help me. I can't get it out of my head.

TheWhiteWolf (ON INDEFINITE HIATUS) from the Restaurant at the End of the Universe Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: Showing feelings of an almost human nature


#16: May 4th 2022 at 8:21:21 PM

animal crossing new horizons because i got bored of it now oblivion is my best friend (again)

She/they. Hirrus Clutumnus is my comfort character

ReikoKazama Miyamoto Musashi from Tasmania, Australia Since: Jun, 2010 Relationship Status: Married to the music

Miyamoto Musashi

#17: May 4th 2022 at 10:28:38 PM

Kingdom Hearts. I could never beat it because I had no idea what I was doing, and I would eventually end up losing interest in the entire franchise because of how convoluted the plot became. Also gave up on Mega Man 9 after being unable to even get to Splash Woman. Now I just prefer to watch Mega Man games rather than play them, because I know I suck Games you gave up on (23)

FC: SW-1445-0294-1719/PSN: TekkenGirl4Lyfe/Currently playing: Fate/Samurai Remnant

tehSmile from That very Lugansk Since: Dec, 2018

#18: May 4th 2022 at 10:43:46 PM

As a kid, I gave up on Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Because of the barrel, of course, what else it could be? After encountering it just one time, I thought it is literally impossible to beat, and exchanged the cartridge for another game.

I also gave up on Prince of Persia. I couldn't beat level 16. I thought it's because at the final part of the game I used cheats and level passwords from a "1001 games for Sega" book (I also thought passwords contain information that you cheated, and passwords from the book may be "dirty"). But I was too lazy to replay the game in a honest way. When I grew up, I decided: maybe it was not because of cheats but because of a pirate cartridge. But then I looked a walkthrough on Youtube... It had a fricking invisible platform.

KingofNightmares Since: Sep, 2016 Relationship Status: Above such petty unnecessities

#19: May 5th 2022 at 3:53:44 AM

This wasn't on purpose, but I never finished Transformers: War for Cybertron. I was frustrated on the third Autobot mission, and since the TV the PS3 I played it on is often being used, I ended up forgetting to try again. Considering how long it's been since then (I was probably 11-12 at that time), I will probably start from the beginning if I play it again

Edited by KingofNightmares on May 5th 2022 at 3:54:03 AM

—signature not found—

NotSoBadassLongcoat The Showrunner of Dzwiedz 24 from People's Democratic Republic of Badassia (Old as dirt) Relationship Status: Puppy love

The Showrunner of Dzwiedz 24

#20: May 5th 2022 at 12:36:38 PM

  • Far Cry 5 because I read how it ends and just couldn't keep playing knowing how much of an Ass Pull I was facing.
  • Mortal Shell, because it was not just a Soulsborne clone, but a Soulsborne clone slapped together from runny sh*t by someone who doesn't understand what makes a Souls-like game good.
  • Greedfall due to Idiot Balls bouncing every which way.
  • The Ascent, due to absolutely atrocious quest design and story that looked like it was created by some kind of random generator.

"what the complete, unabridged, 4k ultra HD f*ck with bonus features" - Mark Von Lewis

bowserbros No longer active. from Elsewhere Since: May, 2014

No longer active.

#21: May 11th 2022 at 4:48:32 PM

For whatever reason I can never manage to finish Chrono Trigger without dropping it partway through; the farthest I've ever gotten was just after Crono's death in the Ocean Palace. I've tried going through it several times, but never managed to make it all the way through.

Edited by bowserbros on May 11th 2022 at 4:49:41 AM

Be kind.

Reymma RJ Savoy from Edinburgh Since: Feb, 2015 Relationship Status: Wanna dance with somebody

RJ Savoy

#22: May 11th 2022 at 7:24:29 PM

I rarely consciously give up on games; more often I put it down because I'm not enjoying it anymore and turn to other games, and it may be years before I return. But there are a few. I stopped with one mobile game because it wasn't interesting me, another because it took so long to load my bus commute was halfway done by the time I could play, another because it was an obvious scam...

There are two games that have earned places of disgrace in my memory for being all-round bad. One was on the Game Boy, Go! Go! Tank, and let me sum up its biggest failing: the entire game was an Escort Mission. It was also so undertested that one power-up was actually a liability. And the art was inconsistent. The other was a Dune game on the Playstation 2, it looked pretty as long as you did everything as intended, but it had no room for creativity and became silly and frustrating as soon as you deviated in any way. It felt like a license cash-in rather than anyone's vision of a playable game.

But there is one game that I wanted to finish but couldn't: Baldur's Gate. I was intrigued by the story, I wanted to see the map, I looked forward to more skills and yet... Everywhere I turned, I ran into enemies I could neither fight nor avoid, I had no idea of where to go, I kept going back and forth between the maps I could reach safely, and this required constant changing of discs. This was before I could look up guides online, so I was lost in this Quicksand Box (as was my sister who also played) and running out of interest in the accessible areas, and the last straw was when one of the discs shattered.

One reason I liked Pillars of Eternity so much despite the very linear storyline was the feeling of playing a more polished and accessible Baldur's Gate. It helped exorcise the disappointment.

Edited by Reymma on May 11th 2022 at 3:24:56 PM

Stories don't tell us monsters exist; we knew that already. They show us that monsters can be trademarked and milked for years.

Wafer Happy Pride Month from Brosuke! from Inaba Since: Oct, 2021 Relationship Status: Is that a kind of food?

Happy Pride Month from Brosuke!

#23: May 11th 2022 at 8:19:48 PM

I've tried to finish Kirby Star Allies two times. I failed both times. Maybe it's because I was afraid of my experience ending or something?

(I'm actually aroace)

Archsage MAGIC MISSILE SWEEP from My House Since: Apr, 2022 Relationship Status: Shipping fictional characters


#24: May 12th 2022 at 7:09:46 AM

Terraria... I don't have any friends so there wasn't much point in playing it...

Edited by Archsage on May 12th 2022 at 10:10:03 AM

Some call it stalking, I say walking just extremely close behind

RacattackForce (4 Score & 7 Years Ago)

#25: May 12th 2022 at 7:25:34 AM

Games you gave up on (32) I'm in a similar boat. There are a lot of multiplayer games I'd like to pick up, but... yeah, not a lot of IRL friends to play them with. And the few I do have, our schedules either don't match up for in-person gaming or they have no interest in buying their own copy for online play.

Edited by RacattackForce on May 12th 2022 at 10:26:59 AM


Total posts: 79

Games you gave up on (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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