Hull Evening News from Hull, Humberside, England (2024)

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Hull Evening Newsi

Hull, Humberside, England

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Xbe Greatest Boon the World has ever know UPTONS essence of coffee the finest ever made DELICIOUS AND REFRESHING 4 it FROM 41 TER BOTTLE SOLD EVERTWHERE BRANCHES ALL OVER THE KINGDOM A mares the hands white and Fair the complexion BRIGHT AND CLEAR AND THE SAIN SOFT AND SMOOTH AS VELVET 4330 (REGISTERED TOR Tfi AAiSUISSION ABROAD) KINGSTON UPON HULL SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 10 1892 WIT FT TWOPENCE Let at Withernsea 7-roomed House 4 Beds terms WENTY-b'IVF YEAIto we hare kept WHALEBONF STAYS(to Uee)4U the makesstill ia stock or any sbap oi Stays tad Corsets measure STOJTB Oh 0 HOUSE Opposite the Market Hall So Qoken-stbeet Hull THE JJOTEL glRTHS MARRIAGES AND DEATHS MARRIAGES tjrRilKSHkW SISSONS Hull September 7tb at the Jubilee niUTe Methodist Chapel Spring-bank by the Rev GoUu Frederick son of the late John Burkinshaw farmer 22ast i Ha ton to Kate Dcsdemona (laughter of 'William Sissons Jtarket- kfnmm'i HARNETT- London September 7 th at I he 'Says- atei the Rev Gollaney assisted by the 6av va Frederick of 59 WANTED by the Royal London Friendly Society (established 1861 Reserve Fund exceeds £294000) additional Canvassers and Collectors in and around Hull Grimsby Howden Goole and Beverley Engagements for whole or spare time To men possessing good canvassing ability special and profitable terms will be given Apply personally or by letter to District Sellers 77 Spring-street Hull ANTED I-U'mt respectable young Man: also Youth to VV assist and he generally useful good references required out-door Chapman Krascte-strcet Hull ANTED Man "arcus to med to the Liver Boiling trade good wages to a steady wan -Apply by letter XYZ Hull News Office Hull IOR Sale one old Harvest Waggon £6 10s two good Rullf-ys 20 Cart i all kinds 2 Corn -r good Corn Drills Ploughs Drags Harrows Mai hi I kirks of Fewster Cottingham IOR Sale scythes nod Shafts Strickles Stones iisper FiresT Hay Forks and Rakes Reaper Oil Cart Grease jeat Safes and Covers Trunks Bonnet Boxes Filters Garden Shears Brass Weighing Machines Petroleum Cookiog Stoves Wringing Machines Manure Forks Oil Feeders Churns Miri Bowls and Paris Bird Cages Copper Bottles Arc Voas Ironmonger 3 Holder ness-arcHdc Hall IOR Sale cheap in first-class condition Cop Brewing" Pan1 neariy new to hold 10 '0 gallons 2 Hop Presses end 1 Yeast Press 2 Hand Cranes (to lift 1 ton) on wheels Squ re Tanks 8ft by 4ft by 6ft 15 tons of 8 inch Socket Pipes 25 tons of 18 inch Socket Pipes 25-hp Vertical Engine 2 Steam nehes 3 set Edge Runners 1 set ditto complete with upright aft and crown wheel and bed plate 1 of Disi tegrators a set of Winding Drums on wheels 8 Wagons a very good 5 hp Engine fixed on bed stone 2 bp Engine and Boiler combined several 4 hp Boilers 1 Boiler 3 4 it by 4t't 6in with 2 it Flue Pulleys Vices Anvils Apply Butler Metal Broker Williamson-street Hull 1TOR Sale I Steam Thrashing Machine by Yowl-sr and McCollin two 8-horso Portable Engines and two 7-horse ditto five 4-horse Vertical Engines oac 2-horse Eugine and Boiler seven Vertical Boilers fo 3 to -5 horse 1 pair of 7ft Plat Bending Rollers 1 Lever r--s and Shears 2 Pair of Rivet-making Blocks sundry Lots oldm-ap Hammers and Riveting Hammers Circular Mo- lu Mo chine Anvils about 5D0 yards of Wire Rope Pedestals from I Jin to 3 in always in stock ROBERT KAY Engineer WlTH' HULL ROSVENOR pESTAURXSi CARR-LANE IS NOW OPEN MODERATE CHARGES THROUGHOUT HALL AMSHIRE Temperance Hotel (Privateand Commercial Broad-street Sheffield Most Central for business ot pleasure Four walk from Stations (uear Corn Exchange and Markets) Bed and Breakfast 3s PRIVATE HOTEL is a -hom*o from 55 Bedrooms Private Sitting-rooms largo Dining and Drawing-rooms Ladies Drawing-room Electria Light GouldiugV bus meets all trains rpUNBPoIDGB WELLS WELLINGTON HOTEL MOUNT EPHRAIM Under the distinguished patronage of his Grace the late Duke of Wellington KG the leading Nobility and Gentry fce The Hotel is 422 it above sea level south aspect magnificent scenery elegantly furnished piano in every sitting-room cuisine English and French wine connoisseur table ac separate tables large dairy farm supplies daily laundryi Winter boarders For Tariff apply to BRABY Proprietor Hull central funeral establish MENT 3133 and 35 Gap-dex-street BROOE-STREE'fl Superior Hearse and Two Mourning Coaches Coffin (full trimmed and covered with Cloth) jss Funeral 'Bus Coffin (full trimmed and covered with Cloth) £2 53 lue above include and Fees for infants Coffin trimmed white and Pair-horse Coach 18s Coffin trimmed white and One-horse 1 12s The include Fees -v Coffins ia Polished Oak Elm Pitch Pine tc ImmortelleSL-Cards Memorials Tombstones JfoaES FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND CARRIAGE BUILDER 12 BROOK-STREET NEW IN OTON FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT 71 WOODco*ck-STPEET Adjoining the Church ST GEORGE SupenorHearseanl Two Mourning Ooicios (Cnffinfnll trimmcnanicoyerai with Cloth) is (full trimmed and covered with £2 tj Phsabnvetariuiei aai Coachmen's Fees FOR INFANTS Coffin trimmed white ani Pair-horsa Coani Coffin trimmed white anl Onj-horse Coaoh The aboreinolnde Coachmen's Foes CoffiMin Polished Oak Elm Pitch Pine IamarUUi Wreaths Cards rostreseiye prompt ittentioa SIMPSON A SON FUNERAL UXDERTA SS DALES MANUFACTURERS OF CARTS WAGGONS LURRIES VANS WHEELS SPRINGS Ac OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Large Stock of Naturally-seasonsd TIMBER Repairs by Exoerisaced Workmen Wheels Tyrei by Patented Machinery ANLABY-ROAD HULL A I SURE REMEDY FOR THE TROUBLE INDIGESTION SPASMS BILIOUSNESS Write for Pamphlet and Testimonials Price Is per box Whotesale and Retail --Lofthocse SALTMER Market-plac Retail only From all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors Sole Proprietor THOMPSON Chemist HOLDERNESS-ROAD HULL TO THE AFFLICTED TRUSSES of the Boat ilia Most Comfortabla Maks3 at Easy Trices are to be obtained at gILCOX fc jUZNFR Prospect-street (Three doors from the Infirmary) The Only Establishment in Hull exclusively devoted to Surricat Instrument Manufacturing JJATENT JEVKR jyjOCMAIN 0UR ATIVJ3 JEVEB TRUSSES OF EVERY KIND Salmon and and all kinds of Trusses Made on the Premise! on the Shortest Notice CRUTCHES of Every Description ARTIFICIAL EYES FITTED FROM 15s EACH Elastic Stockings Knee caps Socks and leggings and ABDOMINAL BELTS of every kind in atock or made to measure Waterproof Sheeting Nursing Aprons LEG IRONS FOR BOW LEGS SPINAL SUPPORTS Magnetic Machines anil Galvanic Batteries of every description made and repaired Note the Address IHCOX AND nUZIiER C1 SURGEON MACHINISTS OBSERVE THE 14 PR0SPECT THREE DOORS FROM THE INFIRMARY A LADY ALWAYS IN ATTENDANCE jONUMENTS TOMBS HEADSTONES CROSSES AND MUKAL TABLETS In Marble Granite Slate or Stone fixed and delivered to any part of the country at prices unapproached by any firm brought about by just having completed Special Machiuerv thus saving hand labour and producing the most workmangliii) DESIGNS SUBMITTED AND ESTIMATES GIVEN Fixed Work Renovated and Large Show Rooms to Select from KINGSTON STEAM MONUMENT WORKS Park-road near Stepney- Station pAFEliHANGINGS ALL NEW THIS DESIGNS GAS FITTINGS HALE-LAMPS CHANDELIERS BRACKETS Act GLOBES in every Variety WHOLESALE PRICES AT the KINGSTON ENAMELLED SLATE AND MARBLE STEAM WORKS PARK-ROAD HULL ITwo walk from Stepney Station) JASY gASY Easy gASY JjASY JjASY gASY JjASY THE CENTRAL FURNISHING STORES Supply FURNITURE Suitable for Cottage or Mansion ENGLISH and FOREIGN PIANOS American ORGANS DINING DRAWING BEDROOM PAYMENT SUITES and Every HOTTSEHOL REQUISITE FOR CASH Or On the EASY PAYMENT SYSTEM JJAYMENT pAYMENT PAYMENT spAYMENT JJAYMENT pAYMENT pAYMENT DAYMENT pAYMENT 9 PROSPECT-STREET Opposite STORY-STREET D1 SEASPJS OF THE EYE AND CURED WITHOUT OPERATION EAR This new treatment is successful in all classes of Eye and Ear Disease and is as applicable to the child as the adult Xinocases out of ten cured without a personal interview The Special Remedies for each case can be forwarded to any part with full directions Sufferers write at once for Printed Form oi questions to be answered THOS ISON Oculist and Aurist 66 PORTLAND CRESCENT LEEDS BRU SSELS AXMINSTER AND WILTON CARPETS BY THE BEST MAKERS Made aud Fitted Free of Charge ILLIAM QOMPY CHARIOT-STREET ITUL AULAND SCHOOL A The AUTUMN TERM will Commence on MONDAY the 12th September at 10 am Alteration of fees and classes The Night Class fees will be reduced to 5s a year A Class on SATURDAY from 10 am to 12 Fee for Teachers Government course and examinations 5s a year For other classes and fees see prospectus at the School ACOBS Hon Sec HU ii Oil At ERG I A (J OOT7 KING-STREET CHARLES-STREET HULL EVENING SCHOOL always open for the preparation of Youths for Business and the Private Instruction of Ladies and Gentlemen in any subjects they may have neglected TYPEWRITING ami SHORTHAND rapidly taught Preparation for all Examinations The DAY SCHOOL for Boys is the most successful in Hull Quarter just commencing UTUAND COU-V L'Y SCHOOL UFFiNGHAM i PRINCIPALS JXO HEWITT And Mrs HEWITT School pleasantly situated in one die healthiest parts of England and elevated 36) fert above the sea level Vacancies for a few Boarders Terms moderate Sons intended for the sea would be specially trained by Mr Hewitt who holds a Board of Trade certificate Prospectuses fcc on application IP fibdii COLL Gf ri WiT 80 flUGH-AV Bin UJif XU THE PARK Principal HERBERT HILL (Lond Univ) successful preparation for business and professional exa nations KINDERGARTEN for Boys and Girls conducted by Miss ETHEL Hill Certificated a- Next Terra begins Cambridge and September 15th Itf JLFOIiD FIELD iT a HOUSE YORK Board and instruction from 24 guineas jvr annum Preparation for exam -vat ons Bookkeeping Shorthand and Dressmaking taught '-'art tenters in Prosnectus Mr ARMSTRONG has a SCHOOL BOYS at MeUnurns House half a mile distant DANCING ANT- MR CHAS JACKSON will Resume Teaching at his Residence 18 Albion-street on SATURDAY Sept 24th at 2-30 Adult Evening Class Wednesday Oct 12th at 8 at the Salisbury Club Schools and Private Classes attended in and out of Hull by special arrangement Private Tuition Dailv 18 ALBION-STREET HULL TYPEWRITING Mil HOLLIDAY gives strictly Private Lessons to Ladies aud Gentlemen la Writing Arithmetic Bookkeeping Shorthand Latin French Mathematics Ac Good writing guaranteed Instruction Roams opeu daily from i to I 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 Prospectus free HE GKAttMAK SCHOOL BKIGG Heal FLO WEBS VA Line Call Oxfarl Very healthy situation Stands in its otvn -rounds of I) Sanatorium Carpenter's Sho Board 30 TiLtloa £3 Laundry £2 per annum rjlHE YORKSHIKE COLLEGE LEKDb AGBICULTURAL DEPARTMENT COURSES of INSTRUCTION extend over Two Years or One Year end a Short Course is given in the winter Students attending a Two Course may obtain a Certificate of Proficiency in Agriculture For prospectuses apply to the SECRETARY SCHOOL A RLIXGTON-STREET DENTON Principal assisted by efficient Masters aud Teachers The next term will commence on MONDAY September 12th Prospectuses on application A few young Gentlemen received in a separate room MONTAGUE HOUSE 33 COLTMAN -STREET MRS 4Y HERBERT School for Young Ladies Preparatory Classes for Boys Pupils prepared for all Musical Examinations ARNBROUGH HOUSE JlJ Anlaby-road Hull Mi AKKUATE- AVENlJE SCHOOL FOR BOi'S 308 BEVERLEY-ROAD HU1A Principal SLATER Inter Arts London Univ Prospectus on application Kext Term Begins MONDAY September 12th jyjISS THOMPSON'S SCHOOL will be RE-OPENED September principal miss harrisun (certificated) The course of study is extensive Special individual attention Prospectuses on application Governess Pupil wanted Term commences September 14th HULL MISSES KEvR (Certificated) HE Successors to the Misses Walker rtesir inform Parents an Guardians that they receive Young LADIES to Board and Educate Pupils prepared for Camb and other Exams There is a Kindergarten Branch School will RE-OPEN on TUESDAY September 13th 3892 For terms apply Principals STUDLEY HOUSE HOLDERNESS-ROAD High school for girls' and kindergarten- temple HOUSE ANLABY-ROAD HULL -Miss ASTON Head -Miss BROWN Certificated from Cambridge Higher Local The next term commences WEDNESDAY September 14th Miss Aston will be at Ionic after September 1st USEGrATE SCHOOL SELBY Principal Mr dent fgS FSSC Medallist Assisted by Efficient Resident and Non-resident Masters Selby is the centre of a healthy country district School and classrooms heated with hot water Preparation for mercantile life and for professional examinations in which pupils have been very successful forty-five certificates gained during the past year References to parents oi pupils in Hull and district Prospectus on applicaption The Term Commences on MONDAY September 19 th 1892 MUSIC MISS BROWNE Teacher ot the Pianoforte Harmonium American Organ and Singing Voice Training English and Italian Singing Artistes for Concerts At Homes 19 Norfolk-street Beverley-road (Mr Chemist) late Bruns wick-avenue PIANOFORTE Harmonium and American Organ Lessons given on the above by an experienced Teacher terms on application John Ellis 1 Hall-street Spring-bank Hull MK ADAMS FCO Organist and Choirmaster Parish Church Hcssle and Teacher of Singing and Harmony Hull Church Institute Classes begs to announce that he will RESUME PROFESSIONAL DUTIES On MONDAY September 13th 16 BANK-STREET HULL LESSONSin Music and Singing by a yonng Lady who has passed her exarainatiousiu the RAAL Terni1 15s eachner quarter Address 152 Hull Daily News Office Cl LASSES for Dress-cutting held daily and Pattern eatbo measure by Misses GiLifi aud Bitonis Elm Trea-terrace Anlaby-road Hull INVESTMENT A A TRUST COMPANY LIMITED HULL DIRECTORS JAMES RECKITT Esq JP Chairman John Percy Clark Esq I David Haughtoa Esq Frederick Grotriau Esq JP Francis Reckitt Esq I Benjamin Glasgow Esq Authorised Capital £533309 Subscribed Capital £333333 This Companyissues fro in time tot me BONDS GUARANTEED bearing Interest at Pour ar Csnt par a mum paid half-yearly The Bonds arc secured lit By First Mort gages on FreoholdFarins iu the United States registered opposite each Bond to its amount 2nd By the Paid-up Capital of the Company which invested in Consols 3rd By the Uncalled Capital of the Company for which the shareholders are liable in proportion to their holdings 4h B'7 the Reserve Fund and other Assets of the Con pa ny TheBoadsare extensively aed by Trustees and others Feriurtheriaf or nation apply totlis Secretary WILLIAM JAMES BREWER Land-of-Grceu-Ginsfcr Hu JOYAL LIVER FRIENDLY SOCIETY Chief Office: Prescot-street Liverpool Funds Exceed One Million £4073155 paid in Claims since 1853 £273614 in 1891 Claimspromptlysettlei on application at District Office A granaOpeningin Hull aud surroandlng districts for steady energetic men full or part time Good terms Apply PARSONAGE District 31 Gcorgc-street Hull Office hours 13 to: Saturdays 10 to 1 THE EQUITABLE BANK 27 BROAD-STREET AVENUE LONDON EC CAPITAL £100000 Reserve- £27500 Interest allowed on Deposits 3 Deposit 0 per cent per annum 6 1 7 12 8 Interest payable quarterly or monthly as desired tree of Income Tax and remitted anywhere without charge Prospectus sent on application ARRANT Manager ONDOS AND YORKSHIRE BANK LIMITED Capital Issued Reserve Liability £1003000 £855003 £450003 DIRECTORS Brinton Esq I Hon Fitzwllliam A Clutton-Brock Esq McLagan Esq MP Edgar Esq I Steel Esq HEAD OFFICE-London Hull Silver-street Hull St Dock (dally 11 to 1) Leeds Sheffield Bradford Halifax Dewsbury Doncaster Barnsley Driffield Scarborough Brighouse Mirfleld Keighley Current Accounts opened Advances made Bills discounted Deposits received in sums of £5 and upwards at call on notice cr on special terms at rates which may be ascertained on application None of the Directors are engaged in any business connected with the locality UXCH BULBS IRECT FROM THE GROWERS ANT ROOZEN SON Nurserymen Overveen near Haarlem Holland Intending purchasers oi DUTCH Bclbs are invited to read -r KOOZEN AND SON'S CATALOGUE for 1892 and see the large saving effected by DEALING DlliECT WITH THE Grower The catalogue containing Cultural DIRECTIONS and descriptive details of their immense Collections of Bulbs and Plants and also particulars as to free Delivery will bc sent Tost Free on application to their Agents Slessrs MERTEN'S CO 3 Cross-lane-LONDON EC or themselves direct RICHARD CANTY gAWING yORKS gTEAM rjriURNING 57 SPYVEE-STREET HULL Builders Supplied with Newels and Balusters to any design Send for Prices Estimates Tree moderate Wincolmlec Roberts Photographer DAIRY FARM NEAR HULL rpo Let from February 1st next about 28 acres Grass Land with house and Apply Mr Williamson Holderness House Hull TO Let at Ulceby convenient House containing two front rooms good kitchen five bedrooms large pantries and good garden good supply of hard and soft water For particu-lars apply Davy Rose Villa Ulceby Lincolnshire ROOS NEAR WITHERNSEA rpo Let a good 7-roomed House and Garden well-stocked with 1 Fruit Trees Apply to Mr Silver sides at Roos or Mr Bayldon 11 Mytopgatc Hull BEVERLEY 7pO Let good family House and Garden now occnpied by Capt I- Hill well situated early possession rent For leave to view and further particulars apply Bainton Solicitor Beverley HARTOK BURTON CONSTABLE HULL rpo Let as from the 6th April 1893 Hey (now I in the occupation of Mr Luck up) containing 134a lr 18p 35 acres of which are good old grass with suitable Dwelling-House and Buildings For rent and particulars apply to MR JACKSON- Riston Grange Hull or MESSRS STAMP JACKSON AND BIRKS Solicitors Hull rpo LET HOUSES 1 Family Residence 1 Balmoral-terrace Anlaby-road 48 Lconard-strcet Beverley-road House and Shop in Blackfriargatc Mytongatc Lowgate or Osborne-fctreet Houses in Seal borough-street 17s per month Mancbcstcr-strect 16s 8d per month Wassand-street 3s per week Parrott-street 3s and 2s per week House in Waterloo-street 3s per week Symons-street 16s per month Spyvec-street 3s per week Arundel -street 4s per week Sculcoates-lane 3s per week Other Properties for Sale or to Let in various parts of the Town Apply Messrs KIRKBY COOK Auctioneers Valuers and Estate Agents 11 Trinity House-lane Hull KEYINGHAM HOLDERNESS EAST YORKSHIRE TO LET as from the 6th April 1893 KEYINGH AM GRANGE FARM now occupied by Messrs Snaith containing about 456 aeres of which 193 acres are rich old swarth and the tillage cannot be surpassed with suitable Dwelling-house and Outbuildings For rent and further particulars apply to Mr JACKSON Riston Grange Hull or Messrs STAMP JACKSON Solicitors Hull WOOD HALL near Skirlangh This convenient MANSION HOUSE (at present in the occupation Charles Smith Esq) miles from Skirlaugh Station and miles from Burton Constable Station on the Hull and Hornsea Railway to be LET from the 1st January next The House contains elegant reception rooms a moderate number bed and dressing-rooms and excellent out offices good stabling gardens greenhouses and all necessary conveniences There are 35 acres of old Grass Land which at option may be taken with the house For further particulars and leave to view apply to Mr JACKSON Riston Grange Hull: or STAMP JACKSON BIRKS Solicitors Quay-street Chambers Hull MESSRS GREASLEY SON AUCTIONEERS BREWER Yi AND HOTEL VALUERS Have to Let First-class Corner Public-house with commanding bar and all requisites very best position midst great traffic Valuation £409 to £500 Rent low Wants a publican Capital Public-house in working locality about £250 20 Public -houses valuation from £50 to £200 6 Country Public-houses suitable for horse dealers breakers grooms up to £200 A rattling good Public-house at Leeds central position £250 Grocer's Shop with Wine Spirits and Beer Off licenses fixtures under £100 respectable neighbourhood and a Grocer would do a first-class trade Beer houses fcc Full-licensed House an Irishman with his head screwed the right way would make a fortune a likely man liberally dealt with £200 And other Businesses Offices Bowlalley-lane Hill! 89 Albion-street Leeds and Bank-street Sheffield Messrs GREASLEY SOX respeetrulty ak Owners wishing to Sell or Let on Lease Breweries Malt Kilns Public-houses and all classe of Licensed Properties to send them full particulars clients always ready to purchase single houses or lots The largestand most reliable agency fn the provinces GREASLEY FAT PROFESSIONAL UMPIRE ARBITRATOR LICENSING EXPERT Can bc consulted on all Trade Questions Offices Leeds and Sheffield 1 1 7JTO Let 47 Dansom-lane House and Corner Shop Fixtures TO Let a fully-licensed Public-house doing good trade good reasons for leaving low rent -Address 245 Hull News Let House and Shop 143 Walker-street rent £15 15s clear Apply Mr Walker 142 Walker-street TO Let 5-roomcd House and Shop 34 Hill-street £16 clear Apply 12 Cambridge-street Let a House and Pork Shop fixtures low satisfactory reason for leaving Apply 76 Londcsborough-street Gas Fittings fcc cheap or by valuation I PO Let House over shop 18 Cave-st reet 4 rooms upstairs good A kitchen scullery and yard with separate entrance rent £12 10s clear Apply 60 Paragon -street rpO Let good House and Shop 31 Moxon-strcet present occu-1 pier been sixteen years Inquire as above or at 40 Sutfcon-strect Spring-bank TO Let good House and Shop stables if required no butcher or shoemaker in the locality Apply Alfred Tills Wheeler-street Anlaby-road Hull TO Let Corner Shop Church-street and Lincoln-strect siiitabf" for grocer and chemist rent £22 Apply Backwcll 21 Scalc-lanc Hull rpo Let Shop 23 Moxon-street rent 4s per JL Apply Mr Jarvis next door also Cottages Buildings Moxon-street 2s 6d per week Let a Fried Fish Shop Apply 51 Jennings-street Groves COUNTRY FISH SHOP 10 Let as above few miles from Hull wet and fried nicely fitted up (only Apply by letter Hull News rpo Let old-established Baker and ingoing low Apply 462 Hessle-road Business TO STONEMASONS BRICKLAYERS AND OTHERS! rpo Let a large Yard Sheds and House in Campbell-street Anlaby-road Apply 15 Carr-lanc Let on Hire Sheaf Bindiug Reapers For Sale cheap Progress Self-raker Clappison Let a good 3-stall Stable aud large Yard Apply Regent Hotel Regent-street Anlaby-road Let a good 2-stall Stable close to Cannon-street Station Apply 79 Gibsou-strcet 10 Let the Fog of a 3-iicre field at Stracban "Tobacconists See Illustrated Guide (259 pages 3d) How to Open a Cigar Store respectably £23 to TOBACCONIST OUTFITTING Co (Reg) 186 Euston-road Loudon Manager Hy Myers Established 1836 Smoke MK Up sold retail everywhere FOR Sate by Private Treaty excellent eight-roomed House being No 33 Chcsnut-avenue (detached) with large kitchen and ornamental garden part purchase money can remain if desired Also Block of Office Property situate within the Docks will be sold to pay 7 per cent interest Also to be Let House and Shop situate in Church-street For leave to view price rent and full particulars apply to Wells and Son Auctioneers Manor-street Hull FOR Sale near Pearsons Park two well-built Houses in "good condition bay windows six rooms also wash-house garden back and front pleasantly For price address 900 Hull News Office FOR Sale Detached Villa at Cottingham attractivcTand in splendid condition nine rooms lawn conservatory fcc price Chas Charter Estate Agent Bond-street Hull FOR Sale House and Garden cow-house stable granary and piggery suitable for Tallyman or cowkeeper Ncwiugton-street Chalk-lane FOR Sate 4 well-built Front 'Houses off Anlaby-road will pay 10 per cent on outlay oi £300 Apply' A 262 Hull News (principals only) FOR Sale nine good fonr-roomed front Houses always well let ia good repair rental £81 18s price £860 to an immediate purchaser £650 can remain Apply to Stocks 52 Savilc-street FOR Sate by Private Treaty eligible and central extensive Business Premises Savilc-street For particulars aud leave to view apply And Jackson Solicitor Hull IOR Sale 6 Houses always let near Particulars 7 Cottingham-terracc Drain-side Hull OR Sale Property by private treaty very Apply 136 Hull News Office OR Sale 4 Houses and large yard rent £26 per year £150 and the Apply 14 Trundle-street OR Sale Property Investment yielding £28 net annual income for outlay of £160 16 Apply to stocks 52 Savilc-st OR Sale four small Houses rental 20s weekly price £165 (near Apply to Stocks 52 Savilc-street TO FUNERAL FURNISHERS AND UNDERTAKERS TO be SOLD BY TENDER the Hearses Coaches and Sundries belonging to Mr Paull and which are on view on his Premises Market-place Pontefract Tenders will be opened at the Offices of James Powell Sons Valuers Hull on TUESDAY September 20th at 11 am from whom particulars and Tender Forms may be obtained FOR Sale by Private Contract the Iron Screw YACHT Duke of built at Hull in 1874 The Vessel has been used as a Buoy Yacht by the Hull Trinity House and is well and strongly built Further particulars may be known on application to Mr Park Warden! Office Trinity House Hull or EDWARD WILSON Solicitor Hull FOR Sale Portable Chinese Circus wonderful combination of moving Figures good living Tony Traps Shafts Springs Wheels and Axles Repairs Painting etc expeditiously and Lowther Hessle-road OR Sale useful Cart Horse cheap also Horse Wagonette with top Apply The Stables Princess-street OR Sale a little Pony 12 hands high quiet to cither ride or drive suitable for a Apply Steels 123 Porter-st OR Sale Pony 13 hands Apply 9 Upper Union-street EJOR Sale three Ponies 19 to 12 hands suitable for hawkers- Apply 2 Cleveland-strcct Groves OR Sale useful (Coaching) Apply to George Ward Seaton Holderness jOR Sale for £9 Hokey Pokey Cart and Pony Capaldi 134 King Edward-street Grimsby OR Sale Wagonette cheap licensed to carry 10 good concli-tion Apply 31 Hodgson-strect Groves TjOR Sale Brown Pony 14 hands sound and good worker also Bail Cart Apply Connell 50 Buckingham-street Holdcmess-road FOB Sale cheap private Hansom also sound useful Cob 13 hands quiet in harness and to ride Apply West Villa Cottingham FOR Sale beth New and Second-hand Wrought and Cast Iron Pulleys in Stock or made to order Shafting Couplings Pedestals Hangers Belting 8-hp Horizontal Engine 12-hp ditto good Boiler 18ft by 5ft very good 5-hp Horizontal Engine with upright Boiler several other engines Saw Benches forty Circular Saws Band Saw Machine Mortice Machines Edgo Stone and Fittings complete (for Paint Mill) (Iron Grindstone Troughs Grindstones Safes Brick Machine Weighing Machines large variety of Engineers and Blacksmiths Tools Stocks Taps and Dies Screw Cutting and other Lathes Lathe Heads Treadle Lathe Drilling Machines Bellows Portable Forges Anvils Vices Hooping Platform Tyre-bending Machine Screw Jacks Crabs Chain Blocks Iron Columns Pumps Oat Crusher and Bean Splitter combined Pair of French Stones 4ft 6iu complete with all fittings Wood Huts Grass Roller (weight 6-1-14) Hand Cart Ac All kinds of Goods Tools or Machinery bought or exchanged at Old Rifle Barracks Alfred-street first street on the Hessle-road Hull CLAY PIPES FANCY GOODS AND TOBACCOS CHEAPEST WHOLESALE HOUSE IN HULL 29 A RIOT-SI REKT TTIVERtTmaN suffering from NERVOUS and PHYSICAL Hi DEBILITY should send three stamps for a valuable pamphlet explaining how all nervous and organic derangements may be successfully treated without stomach medication The only method which is easy and pleasant and which will effect a permanent Address NORTON 249 i High Holborn London WC PERMANENT Positions of Importance and Responsibility can bc secured by gentlemen of respectability and energy who can devote whole or part time in forwarding the interests of a most important company possessing very large and practically unlimited Apply by letter only in first instance to 72 Bisbopsgate-strcct Without London EC TOWL'FkNN YHOYAU AND STBEJU PILLS FOR FEMALE quickly correct all irregularities remove all obstruction and relieve the distressing symptoms prevalent with the sex Boxes Is ld and 2s 9d of all Chemists Sent anywhere on receipt of 15 or 34 stamps by the Maker TOWLE Chemist Nottingham IMPORTANT to -The Best Medicine ever discovered for Omul iritie aai Obstructions however obstinate Female Regulator Perfectly harmless Price 2s 9d 4s 6d bottle Postage cd extra Prepared only hr theproprietor BISHOP Eclesfcic Medical Botanist 33 Farri-gon-trcet Hull WHY DO MEN SUFFER from Weakness Despondency Nervousness Nervous Debility Loss of Strength whtu Uity can write to a friend (who has given the matter a life-long study) aud be cured Simple Seif-Treatment Enclose Stamped Envelope to Brown Esq 14 Chesham-roau Brisrhtor who will send Sufferers Prescription Free THb) GURE of The latest scientific research into the causation prevention and cure of Consumption Asthma and Bronchitis with method of selftreatment lucidly explained is to be found in Dr Book on Chest Diseases The treatment advocated is rational simple economical end reliable Post free of Author 81 Finsbury Park -road London Nf on receipt of One Shilling Manufacturer pf all kinds of BOILED SWEETS nso Wholesale Agent for Barra tt and Co Clark Nicholls and Coomb and Confectionary aud Chocolates Our Vans call upon Shopkeepers once or twice a week 48 BROOK-STREET HULL HEALTH AND BEAU fY may be bfcained in all Skin Diseases by applying to BROWN General andBotanis Chemist (late of the Dispensary) 19 Norfolk-street who has made a study and speciality of these afflictions Numerous testimonials and references from patients who have been cured even in the worst cases RELIABLE WATCHES AND CLOCKS BKUNNEK- 12 QUEEN-STREET HULL WEDDING KEEPER and FANCY RINGS ELECTRO-PLATE AC Pebble Spectacles from 5s 6d Spectacles from Is Repairs a Speciality First-class Workmanship guaranteed Established 1830 Jjl il A iS CLOTH MERCHANT 37 MARKET-PLACE LENGTHS CUT AT PRICES Specialities In Scotch TnrerK West of Eastland Troutin aud Coatinss Blue and Black Worsteds Superflues fj ARRIS ON COACH BUILDER ANLABY-KOAD AND CAMBKID5E-3TREE I' HULL LATEST DESIGNS IN CARRIAGES Estimates given for Repairs Prompt and Careful Attention given to all Orders all papers THE CHEAPEST AND BEST IN HULL QOLDSTONE 4 7 I OSGiTB HULL THE following MACHINES are Offered Cheap to Clear Whitworth Road Racer Bootbroyd Tyres Do Do Do Dunlop i)o Fcrcgrinc Light Roadster I)unop Tyres Do Do Do Silver town Do Do Do Do Cushion Do Do Cross Frame Cushion Do Referee Road Racer Dunlop Tyres (second hand) Centaur Cycle Cos Sharpshooter Cushion Tyres (second hand) IRELAND LIVINGSTON IRONMONGERS CYCLE AGENTS 144 HESSLE-ROAD Repairs Stove Enamelling fcc done on the Premises ILL AT A WEAR WELL HOME-KNITTED HOSIERY and UNDERCLOTHING Best in the Trade SEND FOR PRICE LIST Knitting Manufactory 3 WATERWOBKS-STKEET 28 WITHAM HULL AVIS' CAKBOLIC FLOOR VARNISH It is well adapted for ordinary use and has the advantage of being a most effectual preventative ot CONTAGIOUS DISEASES In Quart Tins 3s each It can be applied by any Amateur DAVIS' PEARL (BATH) ENAMEL (Artistic Colours) In Tins 104d and 5d DAVIS AND SON SME A TON STREET Works Wilmington sc Of A il PUKES ADMITTED ercry SUNDAY MORNING From 3 am to Ncoo at the TURKISH BATHS 3 and 4 GEORGE-STREET FIRS1 CLASS ONE SHILLING SECOND CLASS 6D TJRUCB AND SON XI TIMBER MERCHANTS STEPNEY HULL So pply Building Wood cut to any size FLOORING PLINTHS CASINGS MOUHDINGS SPOUTS WINDOWS MATCHBOARDS FRAMES 0 At the Lowest Possible Prices SLATE TILE AND PLASTER LATH3 DoorsSft 4in by 2ft 41n ljin 3s 6 each 6in by 2ft 6in lJinn 3s 9ifeach ByBiverlev-road Tram Id from Pier YES THE has been worked successfully many a time and oft Your safest plan is to go to some largo importer and purchase direct from him Of course it is his aim to supply good birds as each one is an advertisem*nt Remember his address remains the same while the swindler changes his repeatedly Copied from the Yorkshire Weekly Post WM CROSS The Largest Importer of Birds Beasts and Reptiles in the World Liverpool 500 Cages SUN ana Other BLINDS MADE with deapatch at lowest possible prices Large variety of Garden Tents in stock at moderate prices Buy of the Manufacturer and save shop profits Largest variety of Tents on Hire in the country Estimates free Canvas Linen and Blind Material sold by single yard Trade supplied at BAZAAR FITTER OSBORNE-STREET HULL (Xate with Messrs Russell aud Starr GENTLEMEN'S AND FIKST-CLAS3 OUT FI L'TER HOSIER HATTER GIOVER SHIRT COLLAR AND TIE MAKER MACKINTOSH MAKER 10 CARG-GAME HULL (Opposite BARNETT'S Jeweller aod next door to BRIDGE'S Carriage Repository) Gr EAco*ck AND ELECTRO-PLATERS GILDERS REPAIRERS MANU- PACTURERS AND ART DEALERS In New and Second-hand Goods GRIMSTON-STRBET HULL Every branch of Electro-plating and Gilding carried on by tho latest improved machinery and execute 1 by skilled workmen on the premises Bicycles Tricycles Nickel-plated on short notice Useful NEW and SECOND-HAND ELECTRO-PLATE and FANCY GOODS for Sale Also Plate Powder (our own make) brushes andleathers Tc be LENT on HIRE PLATE CUTLERY GLASS tx Prices on application OHN OWARD (Better known as on the Box CAB AND LIVERY STABLES HALL-STREET SPRING-BANK HULL having succeeded to the Business of the late Mr Taylo begs to solicit the Patronage of his Friends and the Public which he will esteem as a favour All Orders promptly attended to LARGK CARVFil) OAK CUPBOARD WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE Excellent Cottage PIANO hy Collard and Collard Several DINING and DRAWING-ROOM SUITES Large variety of Walnut anil other Overmantels Sit Kncehole Carved Oak Writing Table Tateut Mangle Ac jj JACKSON HOUSE FURNISHER ANLABY-ROAD HULL OMOKEKS" rcqnrrinja first-class CIGAR lino flavour at a moderate price should try the KEY WEST Price 3d each 5 for Is 9s per box of 50 Sole Consignee MIDDIjKTON 59 WHTTEFBIARGATE HULL All brands oi Cigars at wholesale prices i jiui the Rev Harris Benjamin TVn-fall'n park-road West Hampstead to Oeilia Rosetta (Dag-v) daughter of Barnett Clifton House Cliiton Gardens iu' 8 A LOR Burton Pid-ea September 7th by the i Lamb Samuel Wilson Cousens eldest son oi Robert t0 Henrietta Albertina fourth daughter oi the late John Kd Li KAMati3ui nun ocptember 5th at St by the Rev Lester vicar Fredk Common of Sunder- an ion to Alice Mary younger daughter of the late James ftaader- iii Hull Winterton Lincolnshire Sep-mher 3rd at the Wesleyan Chapel Frederick Parnbrougk or ilr-ciiftV Yarrn to Alice Annie Monvood of Middlesbrough liu'cst daughter of George Morwood Winterton 1i Grimsby September 4th William Dixon to Doncaatcr September 5th at St "hurcb Samuel Fletcher to Annie Davis both of Doncaster (n ET i FORSSiSLIU Hill' September 3rd at St Thomas's T--- xsr London to Laura Hull at St Church thcKev Fea MA Ernest eldest son of Green Florence (Florrie) only daughter ot William Pearson Hiuiiber pilot all of Hull i Hull September 8th by special license at iv Trinity Church by the Rev A Curtis William Burton eldest hon oi Houle fruit merchant Hull to Edith Blanche Baliaehe niv daughter or AV Richards of Jersey Rtainforth September 4th at the F-trih Church Robert Reed Husband to Rachel Lambert both of 'i' HiU Hull September 7th at AU Oh arch bv the Rev John Watson MA vicar Waiter HriUo Annie eldest daughter oi John Walker oi Hull Doncaster September nrd at St James Jb DU MCIV ITnin filAio VrF TIa Church Wm Johnson- Church Charles Johnson 1 1 i CUOIUE Doncaster September 3rd at St ljLV Mrrhprt Judd to Kate Molioric both of Doncaster SmNS-Doncaster September 5th at St Charles Johnson to Sarah Selina Cairns both of Don- strr' 'sfrHull September 1st at Holy Trinity Church Ihe'ser Alfred Curtis Charles Kelsey builder to Elizabeth by Cnh both oi Hull A BKR ARRAS -Stainforth September 4th at the Parish Oh Charles Lambert of Thorne to Lily Barras ot Stainforth Cti HuU Recently George Lound farmer Wood Flierby eldest son oi the late George Lound farmer SpSloy to Emma Lucy only daughter of the late Aid John Kirton-in-Lindsey September Ith priiii Maw to Elissemon Cartwright both oi Kirton-in-Lindsey PUECUlV WARD -Grimsby September 5th Thomas Henry Bknnet London August 27th at SL Lorrimorc-strect SE Henry John Shipinson of Hull to Fanny second daughter oi the late Benjaraiu Charles Benaett Lund Kctford Notts August 31st John I mitUard Skelton or Howden to Anuie Maria eldest daughter oi I Bean Port hanks Weiton a WICK -Grimsby September Gtta Samuel Edward -tHDicton to Emma Wick both oi Grimsby BLUTH Hull September 7ih the wife of Gray of a UUSMC" DEATHS I)A Hull: August 29 aged 66 Margaret relict olthe iaU atpllby Patrington July 3lst 9ged 10 years Emma the daughter James A ppleby corn miller -Patrington Aug 'll aged 9 years Alice youngest daughter oi James Appleby corn miller Be NETT -Grimsby September 3rd aged 83 Hannah Burnett Grimsby September 3rd aged 9 in Hilda-strcet Henry Betmcad BAKNUS Grimsby August 31st -Laged 42 in Albert-street Bn AG1' Grimsby August 30th aged 2 at the back of Kent- fctreet Clarissa Bragg Poeklington September 6th at Water Wold aged 59 Mrs Brown Hull September 8th aged 1 year Fcroy youngest child Bowling compositor Arthur-street Newington CHAMBERLAIN--New Jersey USA August 22nd at Plain-field alter a lone aud painful illness Thomas Chamberlain engineer lute oi Hull and many years clerk to the Parish Church oi Si Paul Cook man Niagara Fails JSA August 27 aged 56 years Henry Cookman late oi Eastrington near Howden Doncaster September 7th in Mail Coach-yard aged Thomas Clark Hull September 4th aged 67 Ann wife oi John Clark cartmiiu and contractor 153 Dansom-lane COOK -Howden September 4th aged 29 Thomas William CookNER Station Howden -Grimsby Augusi 30th aged 2 in Kent-street Clara parley hi kn ah Hull September 6th at her residence 58 Russell-Street aged 66 Aim wile oi Thomas Dibnah builder KbLJNGTON GaiusboiV August 23rd aged 30 Robin Edlington Doncaster September 7th in Cunuingbam-road Amci- rlre Matthew Exley Fiss Doncaster September 7th in Catberinc-strect Eleanor widow vvilliam Fish HARMAN -Withcrnsen September 8th aged 80 Henry Harman HAL Hull Aged seven months James Forrester son oi James William Hall Holme September 7tb aged 57 Charles Hare Will nterred A Holme on the 10th inst No cards Hull September 3rd at her residence Louise Villas Newland aged 75 Matilda 'wife of the late Hopkins Hull September 6tli Kate daughter of Arthur Hehdcii Marmudukc Inn Murniaduke-strect Scarborough September 6tb agerl 71 Frederick fcfcrvis Jackson MD Jarvis HuT September 2nd at the Charterhouse aged 73 Harriet ouwot Robert Jarvis it ithernsea September 3rd in liis sixth year William Norman eldest sou Robert Leary Friends please accept this intimation Hull August 29th at the residence of his daughter aged 63 George Littlcilike sen confectioner Hull August 23rd 1892 at 3 Btrickland-street aged 62 John Masscr latcoi Withcrnwick Doncaster September 5th the Workhouse aged 37 Henry Moorhouse aRIuott August 30th aged 5 in Haven-street Willi Arthur Marriott Hull September 7th aged 70 yeans after a long and dreary iness Mary the widow of Thomas Norton late master builder oi this town also the eldest grandaughter of James Skinner of Barton Will be interred at the Sculcoates Sacristy on Sunday at one o'clock JBrigg September 6th aged 36 Lucy widow oi the late Frederick Naunestad of Hull Hull September 6th at 58 Alexandra-road aged 14 Alice daughter oi Henry Ohlenroth Beverley Lucy A Parker youngest daughter of the laic John Talker copper merchant of Hull Hull September 4th at 28 Sclby-strcet aged 28 Alexandra Victoria eldest daughter oi and Johnson Doncaster September 5th in s-placc aged 78 Elizabeth widow of James Smith Hull September 3rd at the residence of her son-in-law Campbell-strcet aged 74 Ellen widow oi the late Richard Stork late oi Skipsca August 31st aged 55 John Scott SEAKLE September 2nd aged 59 Elizabeth Searle Grimsby September 1st aged 2 in Victor-street Betsy Gainsboro August 30th aged 42 Thomas ombwell Walls August 31st aged 20 Florence Walls Hull- September 3rd aged 62 Hannah Ann wile Charles Wilson oi Waverlcy-strcet White TickhiU September 5th aged 67 Frances wife of George White oopH ead Hull September 7th at 46 Middleton -street aged 69 David Wood head 38 years with the North-Eastern Railway Company IN MEMORIAM In Loving Memory oi George William Yates aged 30 years who in a cyclone at sea on a voyage from New York to Anluerp in the ss Le panto Sept 7th 1891 waj' not my way time not my time will not my will i Loving Memory of Sarah Elizabeth the wife of James xrceman ivho departed this life September 8 1891 Her end was in Loving Memory or George Taylor late of Rise who died September Olh 1891 Gone but not lorgotten in Loving Memory of my dear Mother Caroline widow of the John Gray who died September 3th 1890 lost to sight to memory BUCKLEY wishes to Thank all her kind friends who attended the Funeral oi her late Husband JOHN BUCKLEY August 28th 'K and MRS OHLENROTH desire to Thank their many rCDtls tor their kind Expressions of Sympathy in their recent bereavement SCULCOATES UNION COLLECTOR OF POOR RATES WAIhc of Guardians will on TUESDAY the dp i(vm inst' to the appointment of a COLLECTOR Moit for the Parishes of Anlaby Hfessle Kirkella in this Union1 Swanland Weiton Westellaand Wlllerby rnhofO- duty of the officer appointed will be to prepare and fCfr Poor Rate to obey all the lawful orders of the aptjn conformity with the orders and rules of the Local eminent Board reonir'f i6 l1er annum and the person appointed will be ntcr ilto bond in the sum of £400 for the due and A ormanpe of thc duties of his office out si' 1a addressed to me and marked on the inst 6 to bc dclivered at my Office on or before the 19th By order CHATHAM cerk t0 Board Bowlaltfj-lane Hail oth September 1892 school board School Mhiabov' Board require at their lain ltaSter' CSplble iide on the muBt 'c 6lngIe and wlu be required tore- liitlZi to'th'0' r-i and resldeac Uvercd on or before the 14th mnSt JJ)0 Town-hall Hull Clerk ol the School Board 1st September igj2 Employment (or those ut of Work roo eLOl'HES LODG1XGS ND IION-iiy T( SAre offered te Active and Steady Young Men between the age of 18 and 25 StESD EVERY DAY 22 lor al1 information to Recruiting Sergeants at oruand-pUcs Hull Great Driffield and Grimsby or any -eant Instructor of Volunteers ataifapPhlet "Thc Advantages ol the can be had free ny Post Office i vto PARTNER -'ir-u well established growing business in Hull with active 40u 10 -h600 capital 50 per cent guaranteed for oup-tlo es capital advanced short hours and light No 15 per cent guaranteed if sleeping Address Hiil News Office TED 300 Young Men as Customs or Excise Officers age Postal putu 2i Youths for Boy Clerks and Young Ladies for the iiupid preparation in Evening S-hool or through announcM1 quarterly Next Examinations Servlro if I September and Particulars at Civil K-ing-street Hull VICI0RIA legal friendly 1 society" tanvassers on special salary and commission to tesp'vtM Whole or spare time best terms given to Geor-e-t'-ce'H Wilkinson 38 ANTED Bricklayer one from the country preferred Foster Pauli -W WANTED a Young Man sis a Shoeing and Jobbing Smith country A pply James Cooper Blacksmith Huggate Pocklington WANTED a thoroughly competent Man to take full charge of a Pork Business none rise need apply liberal wages 97 this office by letter TO BLACKSMITHS WANTED Smith used to country work good Apply Brumby Appleby' Doncaster WANTED well educated Youth as Apprentice Lambert Chemist Anlaby-road ANTED competent Wheelwrights also strong Lad in Shop Dales Anla by-road Hull ANTED Groom single good driver Apply Harrison The Lane House Brandcsburton Hull ANTED smart Errand Apply Shepherd and Co 25 George-street WANTED Apprentice to Blacksmith Burrell Rise Skirlangh ANTED smart respectable Youth about 13 or 14 for easy Bookkeeping Address 112 Hull News Office WANTED strong respectable Youth as Apprentice to Stonemason Business Panton Anlaby-road Stoneworks WANTED Erraud Boy -Apply Oliver 124 Osborn e-street 1 ANTED a Lad one used to driving and to make himscli generally useful Apply Station Hotel Hcdon WANTED October Assistant Mistress (cert 68 or ex-PT) charge of Infant Department musical good salary Rev Rose Newport Brough WANTED for Show Room a tall genteel young Lady to live out Also Cook-housekeeper age 25 to 30 must have a good reference Apply Mrs Salter 11 Wright-street Hull ANTED immediately a Nurc Park-street aud Apply 69 ANTED Nurse for two children must be good Apply at once Feldman 37 Market-place ANTED Young Lady as Apprentice to the Millinery -Apply Bladon and Son Bon Marche Prospect-street WANTED a Working Housekeeper no help Apply on Monday Hebden and Co 99 Hessle-road WANTED Working Housekeeper good home for a respectable person age about 40 reference required no AddressB 60 Hull News Office WANTED Working Housekeeper at once for quiet Public out of Hull no servant only master and child Mrs National Registry 62 Spring-street Hull Lady tired of servants would like ito meet with domesticated Daughter to help with housework comfortable home large family references Address 80 Hull News WANTED respectable Washerwoman 10 Milton-tcrrace Anlaby-road a Cook-General also Nurse-Housemaid Apply Mrs Lyne 117 Spring-bank ANTED General Servant age not under 18 good character required Apply 96 Coltman-strcet Hull ANTED General Servant about 17 good wages given-Applv 5 Grove-street Beverley -road ANTED good General Servant good wages given to competent person Apply Governess Agency! 32 Bcan-st AN l'ED good General Servant about 18 Apply 30 Caroline-placc 'ANTED General Servant 18 two in family housemaid kept references Mrs Wright Hull-road Cottingham ANTED General Servant age about 20 for small family-Address Mrs Parkes 16 South-street ANTED General Servant for 1st October two in family must have good character Apply 52 Prospect-street ANTED General Servant to do plain cooking housemaid kept character 11 Clyde-terraee Anlaby-road ANTED General Servant about 20 must be healthy and have good character Apply 98 Linnacus-street ANTED at once good General Servant must have good character Apply 30 Margaret-strect ANTED young Woman as General Servant to sleep out Apply Porter-street Hull WANTED by a Widow Lady for a private house a General Servant about 18 four in family a good home with many privileges a steady industrious girl country girl Apply Mrs Willatt 28 Witham Hull WANTED Generals one lady another family Mrs Domestic Agency 67 Spring-street Hull WANTED a respectable Girl about 16 character required Apply 346 St WANTED strong respectable Girl about 16 reference required good -Address 73 Hull News Office WANTED first week in October respectable GirlTabout" 1 6 wages £10 two in family Mrs Yates South Cliff Withernsea ANTED respectable Girl about 18 as Housemaid-Mi 1 ton -terrace A nlaby-road 10 ANTED a useful Girl age 15 or Apply 22 Adclaidc-strect Hull Mrs First-class Registry Office Qucen-strect and 58 Lowgate WANTED Servants in every capacity Cooks Housemaids Generals Kitchenmaids Nurses tc Hirings every day promptitude guaranteed Miss Ham Central Registry Office 7 Midlaud-street good Cook Generals aud Housemaids Several good openings for young Generals Office hours 10 toS Mr Universal Registry Office for Male and Female Servants 37 Gcorge-strect Hull WANTED a number of experienced and other Cooks Kitchen Maids Housemaids Parlour Maids Nurses Help Maid Housekeeper Hotel Cooks Chamber Maids Waitrerses Tea Maids Kitchen servants Laundrymaid I he principal Season Houses supplied A number of country servants required constantly Hiriugs on market days at the Universal and Head Office Mrs Toy Registry Office ANTED several respectable young Girls with good 15 Bridge-street Hull ANTED Five hundred two hundred weight Apple Barrels Gray and Son Green-lane Cooperage ANTED from 10 to 11 Gallons of fresh Milk deliveredat Paragon or 4 Cogan-street ANTED cheap a portable Henhouse price Ac Address 82 Hull News Office WANTED to Purchase aud Cast-off Clothing Mrs Hewitt 208 Cleethorpes-road Grimsby Ladies waited upon at their own residences WANTED neglect to make your Will A Printed Form of Will legally drawn with fall instructions for 6d JFarrcli Stationer 42 Sarile-strect Hull WANTED all Parents who have Children Suffering from hewing-cough to know that Whooping-cough Syrup is a safe certain and speedy cure Sold by Hoyles Chemist Holderness-road Hull To Smokers If you want best possible value In Cigars Tobaccos and Fancy Goods go to 80 Queen-street opposite Blackfriargate Speciality rOwaimportel Rotterdam Tobacco per oz CLIPPERS CLIPPERS CLIPPERS WANTED Everyone to Know that the best Horse Clippers are sold at 5s each for cash by John Ramsey 54 Lowgate Hull The trade supplied at wholesale jr ces WANTED every one to know that Coalt 43 Charlotte-street Hull repairs all kinds of Sewing Machines and keeps Needles Shuttles and Fittings for all kinds of Sewing Machines in stock The cheapest shop for Wringing Machine Rollers from 9s to 14s per pair Perambulators repaired painted and fitted with new tyres FURNITURE WANTED all about to Furnish to inspect II Stock Special Liues for this week arc strong Bedsteads 12s 6d Mattresses 6s 6d Flock Bods from 8s 6d Feather Beds £2 and £2 10s Bedroom Suites £2 10s Leather Cloth Couches 18s 6d Parlour Suites £3 15s Large Stock of Wringing Machines at low prices old machines exchanged Please note the new address 10 Regent-terrace (opposite Trinity Hospital) Carr-lanc WIRE netting: wire NETTING a WANTED everybody to know that John Ramsey Ironmonger 54 Lowgate Hull is selling for cash Galvanised Wire Netting 2-Inch mesh 12-iuch wide 2s 4dL 18 3s 6d 24 4s 3i 5j lid 38 7s per roll of 51 yards Also Galva-visedCorrusratedlron Roofing Sheets WRINGING WRINGING MACHINES WANTED the Publlo to Call on Hasnip Practical Engineer and Machinist to inspect his splendid Stockot Wringing Machines all sizes at reasonable prices Also a stock Secnd-hand Machines from 16s each New Rollers Wheels and Castings of every description always on stock All Rollers guaranteed at Wringing Machine Manufacturer 39 Dock-street HULL PERAMBULATOR WORKS DOCK-STREET WANTED Carriages Bassinettes to repair Carnages painted upholstered re-hooded wheels re-tyred Caps Lubricators and Wheels Springs to fit any carriage Several Secoud-haud Double Perambulators for Sale New Carriages of the latest design and the best possible workmanship at the lowest prices wholesale and Hasuip 39 Dock-street Hull BEDSTEADS AND BEDS WANTED Bedstead Buyers to Know that W( SiilweU S5 Chariot-street is Selling Bedsteads Mattresses and Beds cheaper than ever Strong Double-sized Bedstead Mattress and Bed complete £1 13s 6d Beautiful Bedstead Mattress and Feather Bed complete £3 Os Od Splendid Parisian Bedsteads £2 10s fid Parties visiting this sale will find the largest cheapest and best selection of Bedroom Furniture in Stilwell 35 Chariot-street Hnll WANTED Furniture Buyers to sea A Mahogany Hair-seated Suites £6 Suites in leather from £3 3s Bedroom Suites including drawers seven articles from £2 10s Splendid Wringing Machines £1 12s 6d Choice Stock of Brass and Iron Bedsteads cheapest in Hull Good Feather Beds Bolster two Pillows 35s Flock Beds Bolster two Pillows from 8s 6d Good Kitchen Couches from 14s 6d strong Kitchen Chairs 2s lid Walnut and Gilt-framed Chimney Glasses very cheap Mahogany duch*esse Tables from £2 10s the pair Household Furniture of every description at wholesale A Wilkinson corner of Mason-street opposite Fire Brigade Station Hull TO Let board and Lodging for a single gentleman to live with a family of thro dine out during the Address CCHull News Office 6 Let well-furnished Apartments Piano and every fhome comfort for one or two gentlemen 15s for one 10s each for two to Mrs Tause 1 Svilberforce-strcet Anlaby-road TO Let at 10 Pryme-street comfortably-furnished Apartments two good sitting-rooms with two or three bedrooms bath hot and cold water OLet 13 John-street a good Family House ten Rooms Bath hot and cold water wc and back way rpo Let 49 Albany-street ten-roomed House bath (hot and cold) garden greenhouse and vinery Let good four-roomed House with gas Promenade-place Vane-street Spring-bank immediate possession Let 6-roomed House and Stable 39 Seaton-strcet Apply Medforfch 39 Silvestcr-strcet Let at Hornsea for winter months small well Furnished -L House good garden low rent Warwick Newbegin Hornsea rpo Let House and Shop New Georgc-strcct a good marine store business has been carried on for last 15 years Apply on the premises or to John Dales corner of Charlcs-street TO Let two-roomed House with scullery Con pland -terrace Sculcoatcs-lane Beverley-road 2s 3d per week Apply 13 St Jamcs-strcct TO Let 4-roomed Houses newly papered in Penzance-terrace Providence-row Beverley-road 3s 3d weekly Key at 30 Providence-row TO Let House and Garden 253 6t Hessle-road end early possession can be Apply Tadman Brothers Fruit Brokers Humber-street Hull FP TO MACHINISTS OR Sale Cheap new Separating Riddle: Drum Spindle fits 4-6 Apply Thoma: Svift Ellerby FOR Sale an excellent 6 hp Horizontal Boiler price £10 great bargain Apply Askwitbs Great Thornton-street OR Sale cheap Greenhouse also Garden to Let with same 5 i chmon d-terracc James-strect Drypool I TOR Sale one pure black-breasted Game co*ckerel and 3 Pullets spring Apply I) Pearson Sproatley HARVEST 139? FOR Sale Reaper Twine Thatching Yarn and Bean Bindiug Rami at the lowest possible prices Carr 14 Silver-treet Hull and at Preston SHOOTING SEASON FOR Sale 12 bore Breech-loading Gun by Scott Son London in leather-covered oak case price £10 Can be seen at the Hull News Office FOR Sale a small Daily of Milk delivered Hull or Grimsby about 20 gallons Apply Stowe North Willingham Market Rascn OR Sale a good Patent Mangle cheap 1 53 Dansom-lane Hull FOR Sale beautiful Pianos in Walnut Iron Frame full trichord check action American Organs splendid choice warranted the best and cheapest ever offered at 9 Lowgate TTOR Sale Cottage Pianoforte also Square Pianoforte by Broad-1? wood and a small portable Harmonium suitable for mission purposes Apply Mr Close 9 Waltham-street Hull FOR Sale Organ very cheap price £12 10s suit school-room mission-room or small 65 HIGHEST price given for and Left-off Clothing Mrs LEVETT 45 Walmsley-street SpringBank SHEET-GLASS Mouldings Polished and Silvered Plate te at lowest prices Trade supplied Estimates given iorfltting shops with mirrors DAVT3 St Hull CARVER and Gilder Picture Frame Maker Wholesale and Retail Mount Cutter Picture Frames and Cornices Regilded equal to Pavia 22 'St Luke-3treet Hull HIGHEST Price given in town or country lor Ladies' and Left-off Clothing Mrs TAYLOR No 3 Cam-bridge-strect Anlaby-road Hull Terms cash 171URNITURE Removed and Stored Town removals 2s per hour Spacious dry storeroom Estimates given for any distance James Hardaker 15 right-street Hull VTOTICE Bone-Setting The only Bone-Setter in Hull Ll IBrom field 54 Lister-street: 30 practice Successor to the late Mason Bone-Setter FInll TO MARRIED PEOPLE Invaluable Information for either sex sent on receipt of Address HlGSO' Box 195 North-street Nottingham TURK'S Head Recreation Club Notice The Members are requested to procure their Tickets tor the Dinner on or before Monday next September 12th By Order of the Committee IUR BOA Lady has for immediate Private Disposal a real Russian Tail Fur Boa very dark brown 10 feet long immensely thick soft value 75s sacrifice for 19s 9a perfectly new Can be seen by writing office of this paper BOOK BINDIN of every description done on the premises on re terms by Waller Lowgate (onpa-sitethe Jhurch) HalL Oareceiptof post-card all parcels will ba sentfor NOTICE OF REMOVAL MRS SWANN ACK Dealer in and Gentlemen's Left -off 6 Wright-street off Prospect-street late 14 George-street Terms Cash Aberdeen granite monuments From £5 carriage free Inscriptions accurate and beautiful Plau and prices from VV LETijfs Sculptor YEAST YEAST YEAST I URE Vienna flat packed a sterling article good all round and cheap Apply Tom ALIM Wellington-street Hull VIOLINS CONCERTINAS MELODIANS TJACKLIN Practical Violin Maker Repairer fcc 16 Ocean-place opposite Station gates All kinds of instruments aud strings kept in stock NB Violin Taught Hair Combings made up to the best advantage Light or faded hair made darker Twine for mats Gent's Hair Cut rotary brush used GUY 41 and 42 Carr -lane PERAMBULATORS Woodiaetfces ard latest designs and improvements also Wringing and Sewing Machines Furniture Drapery Suits Boots Jewellery Pianofortes Harmoniums easy payments REYNOLDS 1 Cara-biidcre-atrect and 113 Porter-street Hull TRUNKS The Cheapest House in Hull for Trunks and Bonne Boxes Special lines which cannot be beaten at 8s 6d Cs 6d 10s 6d and 11s 6d Trunks from 9d Bonnet Boxes from ls6d Note the address: WALTON Ironmonger47 Waterworks-street IIORSE CLIPPERS HORSE CLIPPERS rpHE Best Clipper in the Market cannot he beaten for quality 4s 6d each See them before buying elsewhere Try Walton's Glycerine Grease the best Lubricant for Carts and Carriages WALTON Ironmonger 47 Water works-street Spoons and Forks a new metal having excel -Ca lence of silver combined with greater durability: guaranteed to wear white far batter than electro-plate A sample Teaspoon 6 Walton Ironmonger 47 Water-works-street THE Cheapest Place to Purchase GUINEA GOLD WEDDING RINGS or the Latest Designs in Dress and Engagement Rings is PERREN 60 Great Thornton-street Hull Engagement and Wedding Rings from 8s each HUMOROUS 44 Wot Cher or in the Old Kent Little Nipper Future Mrs Nasty Way Sez and several others Is 8d Popular Music Warehouse 18 Chariot-sfrcet Hull WEEKLY Payments Respectable and trustworthy persons can besuppliedxra the above system with Drapery Boots aod Apply by letter which will havs iinnaediateattention to HENRY WITTY New illaga Cottingham or 70 Prospect-street'- Hull rf! ONE THING beyond tear or doubt that Robert Heavy Nailed Watertighcs 4s lid and 5s lid 11 to 1 3s lid 2 to 5 4s lid are the mostdurable and comfortable in existence at prices Thousands get them from Opposite Bauk of England Hull UTTERLY Struck with amaze are Ladies when showaJHigh-lesr Cloth Laced and Button Sewn Bcots 3aHdftBlueClthfcBattiii nd Laced Shoes 2s lid Sewn Boots Leather Lined fid Well may they say How Fronting Bank of Euglaal Wliitefriargate WHEN A LAD I now a dad I take my tc Rob KftiV'G So should all Parents to get Nailed or Smooth-Bottom Easy Long-Wear Boots 7 to 10 2s 4d 11 to 1 3s 3d 2 to 5 4s Lads and dads are pleased with them Fronting Bank of England WUtefriargate SternTiRealityUiu Materials and liOBBRT Carton Levant Elastic Patent Toe-cap Boots 2s Udr iStrong Levant Laced and Buttoned Leather-lined 3s lid and 4fc'6d: Stout Boots steel sprigged! 4s lid and 5s 114 Nothing but leather Opposite Bank of Engl aud Whitefriargate UuJU View the window FREE SCHOOL BOARD ia sure to come and these nroa- near Free from profit as possible and Girls' High-leg Laced Bcots :4 to 6 Is 10 7 to 10 2s 3d 11 to 1 3s 3d All Leather Very Durable and Comfortable GARTON Model School Boot3 fronting Bank of England White-friargate Hull EYE When passing up and down Whitefriar-gatttjbc eye-witnesses to tha fact that Robert Garton is by far thcrbestftvalue-giver in Hull Yiew his window then you will know where to go to when wanting any sort of Boots and Shoes Fronting Bank of England Whifef riargate FASHIONS OF THIS W6RLDh and of this Season Brown Tan and Russet and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes Latest Shapes aud Colours rery low prices Robert GASTON'S opposite Bank of England Whltefriargate Hull Remember ailSimarkedin Plain Figures at Wholesale Prices HONOUR- Ho Deceptioa or Disappointment Every pair marked in Plain Figure prices on the Soles full inspection an dwacrauty of sterling value unmatched ia Hull at cost View Windows Fronting Bank of England Whltefriar-gate Hull: Boot Manufacturer rFlHEYitpOME The Workmen who are led astray rvithiair promises and big shews come back and declare no Boots at the money like Robert Solid Leather Heavy Nailed 4s lid and 5s lid which wear like steel See them facing Hank of England Whltefriargate THRSTOL'BaniTQuafity ReafKld Iacel and ButtomlBoots 5jrlld and 6s lid Every Fancy Sec them in 'Robert Windows opposite the BanknE England Closo at one on Thursday HALF-GUINEAS are not made now but the very beat Ten andJStx French Calf Buttoned and Laced Narrow Medium and Broad Men's Boots In Hull and England te-day are Robsrt treating Bank of England Whltefriargate Hull Ask spscUIIy for them and convincing is the first glanco at Robert Laced and Button sewn Shoes 2s Ud and 3s 6d Patent Vamp 3s 6d and Ss lid Oxford Shoes 4s 6d and 5s lid No such value elsewhere in HulL See Window Exhibits Fronting Bank of England FEATHER BEDS PURIFIED STEAM PROCESS 7s 6d each including eoUec-tion and MURLEY (late Tomlins) 75 Wright street Works 31 Salthouse-lane New Linen Ticks Hair Wool and Spring Mattresses stoved andre-madc Established 1870 GENUE REDU New mild Cumberland cut Flitches 4d lb Best new mild Shoulders 4d or 41s cwt 5 cwt lots 40s rolled Shoulders od New mild small lean Hams Best pure Leaf Lard 4jd lb 28 lb pails 10s 3d less per cent Francis-street Hull BOOT AND SHOE Goloshed Bals levant leg toe caps 4s 6d SK Derby Lace 4s 6d Nailed Derby toe cap tips and heels 3s lid Hich Leg Balmorals 33 8d Ditto Button 4s 6d Cashmere Slippers is 4d and Kid Elastic Blocks 3s lid Extra High-leg Balmorals 3s lid Derby nailed 11 to 1 2s 6d 3to 5 3s Gol Bate toe caps 11 to 1 3s lid 2 to 5 4s lid Levt Bate 7 to 19 la 11 to 2s 6d Ditto leather lined 7 to 10 2s 2d 11 to 1 2s 8d See the stock all new per cent on all orders for 10s or 5 per cent on 12 pair lots and a rebatement of Is per Francis-street Hull 1 FLOUR Flour I Flour Anglo-Hungarian Roller Flour Is 2d stone or Is in 10 stone free bags Double Superfine Flour Is 5d stone or Is in 10 stone free bags less per cent Francis-street Hull CHAPMA1TSHAT AND Special Lot of 6600 and Caps each or 2s 5d doz Felt Hats or 2s 5d doz Gent superior Felt Hats new styles Is lid do do extra 2s 6d superior Felt Hats square crown 2s lid See windows one of the best assorted stocks in Yorkshire Francis-street Hull JF your Watch stops or does not keep correct time take PERREN AND HORLINGTON who will make a good job of it at a reasonable price All work Warranted A choice selection of Gold and Silver Goods Electro-Plate Ac suitable for Presents always in stock Speciality Hand-made ENGLISH LEVER at £5 5s with all the latest improvements Our only is A HORLISGTOn 60 Gt Thornton-street Hull i it gMOKERS jjUOHOMISJi'r CIGARS PIPES TO BE HAD FROM TtV11JSO-Nr' 53 WITHAM i- Near Dansom-lane Hull Mnt t'au any other dealer in HoD' 3T die aui1 Cuick for cash Do not vothfnlT1 direct and get full value ior mmierj Nothmg but fair and honest trade done at the WITHAM CIGAR EMPORIUM DAVIDSON 53 WITHAM.

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Hull Evening News from Hull, Humberside, England (2024)


Why is BBC news coming from Hull? ›

By making changes to our transmitters, we are now able to provide a more targeted service from a base in Hull for the eastern part of the 'old' service area with news for an audience of at least one and a half million people.

Is Hull in Humberside or Yorkshire? ›

Kingston upon Hull, usually shortened to Hull, is a port city and unitary authority area in the East Riding of Yorkshire, England.

Why is Hull not in Yorkshire? ›

Hull, founded in the late 12th century, was part of the East Riding. But so important was Hull that by the 15th century, the town was granted county status. In 1440, King Henry VI passed a royal charter which allowed Hull to govern itself, effectively separating it from the rest of Yorkshire.

What is the name of the local Hull newspaper? ›

The Hull Daily Mail is an English regional daily newspaper for Kingston upon Hull, in the East Riding of Yorkshire. The Hull Daily Mail has been circulated in various guises since 1885.

What happened in Hull with the funeral directors? ›

Police last month removed 35 bodies and the suspected ashes from a number of others from Legacy Independent Funeral Directors Ltd in Hull. An MP has called for a single resting place for ashes recovered from the Hull funeral directors at the centre of a major police investigation.

For what reason Hull is famous? ›

History. Not only did Hull spark the English Civil War, but it's also the birthplace of slavery abolitionist William Wilberforce, aviatrix Amy Johnson and rock legend Mick Ronson. It also has unique cream-coloured phone boxes and hosts Europe's oldest and largest travelling fair.

What are people from Hull called? ›

Citizens of Hull may technically be called Kingstonians, but it is more common for the people of Hull to be named “Hullensians” or “Hullians” – the more contracted, the better.

Why is Hull so deprived? ›

The official report reads: "Hull has never really recovered from the loss of its fishing industry, the loss of prosperity from the sea. "This industry once guaranteed jobs and income for entire generations. Education did not matter in the fishing neighbourhoods; life came from the trawlers.

What is the white population in Hull? ›

93.9% people are white, 2.2% people are asian, 1.4% people are mixed.

Is Hull a nice place? ›

Hull now a better place to live than York and Manchester, iLiveHere worst places list claims. Although still listed in the 'Top 50 worst places to live in England', Hull has dropped 24 places since last year, meaning it's now faring better than York and Doncaster and could soon finally escape.

Where is the hull daily mail printed today? ›

Hull Daily Mail in Blundells Corner, Beverley Road, Hull, North Humberside, HU3 1XS.

Who owns the hull daily mail newspaper? ›

It is brought to you by the team behind the Hull Daily Mail - the largest selling regional newspaper in Yorkshire. Our parent company is Reach PLC.

What is happening to the BBC news channel? ›

The BBC has said it is investing in "new capability to cover breaking news stories" for a TV news channel which is expected to launch in April 2023. The channel, which will be called BBC News, is replacing the corporation's two existing, separate UK and global news channels.

Why has BBC News website changed? ›

We've redesigned the website to make it easier to read, watch and find more from the BBC. You'll notice it has an updated, cleaner look and feel, but rest assured, everything you've grown to love and trust about is right where you left it.

Why is the BBC leaving the mailbox? ›

Currently based at The Mailbox, BBC Midlands will relocate to a new purpose-built broadcast centre at the former Typhoo Factory site in the city. The decision has been taken as part of the BBC's Across the UK strategy to transform its impact across the Midlands.


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.