NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt : WHDH : January 1, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm EST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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tonight, moment of attack. a suspected terrorist caught on camera spraying bullets on crowded sidewalks, those around him run for cover. at least two killed. tonight the manhunt is on. forced to testify. the wife of bill cosby loses her battle to avoid deposition in one of the civil suits against her husband. and cosby break his silence for the first time since he was criminally charged. flood cat after fee, we're in the air over the midwest flood zone. thousands of homes still under water. millions of people at risk from the deadly fast-moving waters that have already done so much damage. and unforgettable. she was music royalty. the daughter of an

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brought her fame in her own right. remembering grammy award-winning singer natalie cole. "nightly news" begins right now. good evening. on this new year's day, there was fear across israel's second largest city, tel aviv, after an manhunt after a man opened fire in a cafe blocks away from the beach. at tack comes after three months of almost daily palestinian attacks against civilian and soldiers. but officials are investigating whether this attack might have been inspired by isis. tonight there is new video showing the moment of the calm friday afternoon being shattered. nbc's keir simmons has the report. >> reporter: cops show on a security camera, young people relaxing in a bar.

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in fear. a gunman appears, firing relentlessly. seconds later, one survivor looks up in horror, around him two are dead. seven people were injured. two in critical condition tonight. >> we were shaking, this woman says. we hit in the storage room. >> reporter: more chilling footage shows the same gunman moments earlier in a grocery store, apparently buying food. he pulls a rifle from his backpack and begins killing. leaving bullet holes and bar stools over overturned in terror. here. one survivor thought of last year's palace massacre and took shelter. >> i waited -- >> reporter: a manhunt underway for the shooter. israeli media are reporting police have identified an arab

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some believe this could be the country's first isis-inspired attack. they say the motive may be criminal. but last month al baghdadi threatened israel. one of those killed was a man, age 26. >> my son was special, his father said. he collapsed when he saw him dead. one group at the bar was celebrating a birthday, witnesses say. then they saw the shooter gripping his weapon with both hands. intent on taking lives. >> reporter: tonight the killer is still at large. until he is caught, his motive will likely be unclear. but israel, which has seen a wave of violence of palestinians in months may have been the settlement for one of the first terrorist attacks of 2016. kate. london. thank you. more than 24 hours after fire engulfed a 63-story luxury hotel

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still coming off the smoldering building. and now a first look at the damage inside. the fire began on the 20th floor. investigation. at least 16 people were injured. no one was killed. as the building burned, one of the world's biggest new year's celebrations went on as planned, very nearby. u.s., hundreds of people are starting home. after widespread midwest. millions remain at where at least 24 people have died and two are still missing. nbc's national correspondent miguel almaguer has a bird's eye view from arnold, missouri, tonight. miguel? >> reporter: kate, good evening. from 400 feet above the flood zone. we are with the u.s. coast guard today as they patrol over three major rivers. they are looking for anybody who may need a rescue and keeping a close eye on the levees below. there work here is critical as the mississippi river and the meramec river in

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trefted, threatening thousands of home all across the region. >> even though the water level is dropping, there are still a lot of dangers out here. >> reporter: danger and damage. the brunt of it centered outside of st. louis, where small communities have lost big. some 150 families in arnold, missouri, will start the new year under water. >> 2016 is starting out as very stressful situation. but we're really tough through this. >> reporter: with levees across the midwest stressed, nine million remain under a flood threat. in some communities, the water is receding. interstate 44 and i-55 have reopened. lifting. this was downtown eureka two days ago. on tuesday all-town automotive was surrounded by water. today the shop getting ready to reopen for business. >> it was just really

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and it has been very frustrating but we're just trying to stay positive. >> reporter: with the mississippi running at ten times the speed of niagara falls, tonight the coast guard showed us why they are keeping a close eye on cities downstream. in memphis, where the surge will arrive later next week, flood preps are already underway. a region bracing for what couldn't be avoided upriver. miguel almaguer, nbc news, just above the mississippi. >> reporter: a judge has ruled against comedian bill cosby's wife camille, saying she does have to sit down for a deposition in one of the civil suits against her husband. kristin dahlgren explains what the plaintiffs attorneys hope to get out of testimony from camille cosby. >> reporter: after a year of standing mostly quietly by her man, camille cosby will break her silence. she will be deposed by the lawyers representing seven of the women who claim

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assaulted them. they believe her testimony is key. >> he is family with his use of quaaludes. >> the women are suing in federal court. they are among more than 50 women who have alleged some form of sexual misconduct. camille cosby was absent in court this week when her husband was charged with aggravated indecent assault. her only public year ago. the man that i met and fell in love with and whom i continue to love is the man you all knew through his work. they have been married for 50 years and the mother of his five children and his business manager. >> they could be looking for business, checks paid out through the business and knowledge of where he was and when he was supposed to be. >> reporter: cosby has denied all allegations

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seven women for >> when you separate what happens in the court of law from what has been allowed to happen in the fictional court of public opinion, you will get an out come that justice requires. >> bill cosby tweeted thanks to friends and fans, breaking his silence days before his wife faces questions. kristin dahlgren, nbc news, new york. the new year is gypping with an old debate. rights. today president obama said he will bypass congress and consider executive action to stop what he called our epidemic of gun violence. more now from nbc's ron allen. >> reporter: thousands of shootings every year. tens of thousands killed. in the new year's address, the president put what he called the greatest frustration of his time in office, iz inability to do more to stop gun violence at the top of his list of unfinished business. >> last month we remembered the third anniversary of

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thinking about my friend gabby giffords, five years into her recovery. >> reporter: the president will use his tighten the nation's gun laws. like closing the so-called gun show and online loophole which allows purchases checks. and stopping people on terror watch lists, not allowed on airplanes, from buying guns. >> we know we can't stop every act of violence but what if we tried to stop one. what if congress did something to protect our kids from gun violence. >> one called his plan an abuse of power. >> the president, i think, may be living in a bubble, to think that the american people are on his side. they certainly don't vote for gun control when they get a chance. >> reporter: but in his final year and after consoling the nation's visibly anguished more than a dozen times after mass shootings, mr. obama seems ready for the >> because i get too patient

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and kids to sit around and do nothing. >> reporter: the president is even framed the gun issue as a matter of national security. we expect to learn more on monday exactly about what he will propose. the president aware any executive actions challenged in court. kate. >> ron allen with the president in hawaii. new laws concerning the carrying and handling of guns went in effect today in several states. they are some of the new statutes that cover everything from smoking. our justice correspondent pete williams has more tonight. >> reporter: hawaii begins the new year as the first state in the nation to raise the legal smoking age to 21. it applies not only to the sale or the use of tobacco, including cigarettes and cigars, but electronic cigarettes, known as vaping. >> i think it is better we are increasing the age. because they are starting younger. >> reporter: today in texas, adults with the right permits no longer need to hide

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carry in holsters. proponentens of the open carry law said they will deter mass shootings, though most police chiefs opposed it. >> does it make sense having people running around with guns visible and i think the answer is absolutely not. >> reporter: a today in california. it is illegal for holders of concealed carry permits to bring campuses. and starting today the city of albany, new york, requires those who have firearms to install trigger locks. locks of a different kind in illinois on prescription painkillers. it is the first state to test whether having pharmacy dispense locking pill bottles could cut down on abusive drugs containing hydrocodone. nick is a former addict. >> it won't stop all fatalities but it will reduce accidental overdose and kids getting addicted to something they don't know what they are doing.

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of animal abusers, listing anyone convicted on state mistreatment laws. they hope for more humane conduct and keep animals out of hands of known abusers. and a big penalty starting today in illinois. violences could mean up to a year in jail. and south dakota looking to toast the new year could now get wine delivered. a new law allows any adult in the state to order up to 12 cases a year. pete williams, nbc news. sad news in the singer, natalie cole who joins her father in the unusual and unforgettable collaboration has died. she was 65 years old and had a long and successful recording career as we hear from nbc's ron mott. >> reporter: in nearly four decades making hits. nine grammys in all, including the iconic 1991 duet.

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name for herselfal right, but was always nat "king" cole's daughter. >> i feel like i've earned the spot next to my dad. not in front of him or behind him. just next to him. >> reporter: her unique vocal stylings connected with music fans across generations and genres. pop, r&b and jazz and some artists pursue but few attain. and she had hits in the 70s, 80s and the 90s. and substantial hits, different kind of hits. while her recording success was long-lasting. >> i had to really face myself. my consequences. >> reporter: so were her struggles with substance abuse and later health problems. chronic hepatitis c leading to kidney failure. >> this is somebody who came back and showed the world you can come back. >> reporter: after gaining sobriety, she published her life storey and refocused on her music career, receiving a kidney

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the year she won her final grammy. still unforgettable, whether with her father or on her own. ron mott, nbc news, new york. we will remember. still ahead tonight, the down side to those lower gas prices so many drivers are loving. how it has led to i've smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge

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if you have had a severe allergic reaction or its ingredients. immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. common side effects were pain, at the injection site, limited arm movement, or joint pain, less appetite, chills, or rash. get this one done. ask your doctor or pharmacist today. drivers in the u.s. saved hundreds of

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last year, thanks to plunging prices at the pump. part of that is due to u.s. oil prices falling an incredible 30% in 2015. news. in towns where oil is community. harry smith reports in >> reporter: the bells salvation in north dakota. but the kettles, nowhere close to full. >> the finances and -- they are just not coming in like they were, even two years ago or a year ago at this time. >> reporter: the price of oil has plummeted and that mean this is boom town has lost a lot of its pop. >> what happened? opec flooded the market with oil. the price of barrel one more than $120 has dropped to less than $40 and that means more than a quarter of a million americans have lost their jobs. we were here four years ago when the town was a busy, noisy mess.

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a pulse would get you employment. now in north dakota, oil field equipment sits idle. the rough-necks laid off, they dump their campers in tom novak's junk yard on the way out of town. >> they keep stacking up because we have more important things that need to be done to them right now and hopefully when things start to slow down, we'll be able to get a handle on them. but right now, it is just out of control. >> reporter: but the exodus means there is infrastructure with a town whose population than 30,000 in the last few years. there is even a new rec center to keep all of the newcomers fit. newcomer and radio news anchor d. janes doesn't miss the boom. back then, even the laundromat was jammed. >> i didn't know whether i would get a washer, it was a good day. >> reporter: she says the slow-down has brought sanity and opportunity. housing prices once amongst the highest in the country are

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>> i think folks are relieved here. >> reporter: williston unemployment in north dakota is just above 2%. newcomer kelly roland stand. after all, she said, there is still no starbucks here. >> was this the best or the worst decision you've ever made in your life. >> truly, i think it was one of the best. the people who are here, want to be here. >> reporter: with billions of barrels locals say it is like having money in the bank. when the time comes, they will be ready to withdraw. harry smith, nbc news, williston, north dakota. when we come back, now that the ball has dropped, how are you year's resolution? and i'm still struggling with my diabetes. but it's hard to keep up with it. your body and your diabetes change over time. your treatment plan may too. know your options. once-daily toujeo

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bayer aspirin regimen. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go talk to your doctor. you're not indestructible anymore. 2015 wasn't just a great one for the american box office, it was the greatest of all time. mega-hit movies like jurassic world, star

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avengers helped 2015 shatter the record for domestic box office totals at more than $11 billion. he was beloved for his role on the classic hit tv show m.a.s.h., wayne rogers has died due to complications from pneumonia. he was wick with the one-liners as trapper john mcentire on the first three seasons of m.a.s.h. he continued to appear on tv regularly and later he was a money manager and financial pundit. rogers was 82. if you began the new year without making a resolution, maybe you could google inspiration. the most searched how-two questions around last new year's day. new one, how to get rid of stress. number three, how much water should i drink to lose weight. and in between, we did not see this one coming, how to make kale chips. no, seriously. it makes sense. a lot of people looking to eat healthier in the new year.

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it's the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and so it's not about keeping it's about keeping the food particles out. try super poligrip free. constipated? trust number one doctor recommended dulcolax use dulcolax tablets for gentle overnight relief suppositories for relief in minutes and stool softeners for comfortable relief of hard stools. dulcolax, designed for

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technology empowers us to achieve more. it pushes us to go further. special olympics has almost five million athletes in 170 countries. the microsoft cloud allows us to immediately be able to access information, wherever we are. information for an athlete's medical care, or information to track their personal best. with microsoft cloud, we save millions of man hours, and that's time that we can invest in our athletes and changing the world. finally tonight, one more sign post as 2016 begins. it is exactly one month until the first

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president. the iowa caucuses will kick off the primary season. but what a campaign it has already been. 2015 was the year of the outsiders and a year when words did speak far louder than actions. chris jansing looks back. >> i am officially running for president of the united states. >> reporter: kicking off a race for 2016 that is unpredictable. unconventional unconventional. and unmanageable. so many republicans running. one debate stage wasn't enough. $41 million in tv ads didn't help jeb bush. outrageous statements didn't hurt donald trump.

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security will go up. and the population will go down. trump took shots at politicians who aren't even running for president. still, his crowds only got bigger. bernie sanders drew large crowds too. but maybe his best moment actually aided hillary. >> the american people hearing about your damn e-mails. >> reporter: he was a better defense than clinton had managed. a potential democratic rival, joe biden, opted out. some republicans dropped out. and google kept getting the question, is rand paul running for president? >> on a scale of one to ten, how crazy has this year been? 37. >> this is a year when everything we thought

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went out of the window. >> political analysts were puzzled, children were too. >> the whole world is on fire? >> reporter: who will catch fire in 2016? voting begins in february. chris jansing, nbc news, new york. that is "nightly news" on this friday, news years day. i'm kate snow. for all of us at nbc news, thanks so much

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A summary of the day's news.

Nbc News 7, New York 4, North Dakota 4, American 3, Israel 3, Missouri 2, Kristin Dahlgren 2, Pete Williams 2, Microsoft 2, Harry Smith 2, Ron Allen 2, Midwest 2, Mississippi 2, Miguel Almaguer 1, Bill 1, Tom Novak 1, John 1, D. Janes 1, Keir Simmons 1, Phillips 1
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NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt : WHDH : January 1, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm EST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)


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