San Francisco Bulletin from San Francisco, California (2024)

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San Francisco Bulletini

San Francisco, California

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23' San' Heme Newspaper THE BULLETIN: THURSDAY NOVEMBER 25 1926 A elephone Sutter 7900 PERSONAL 'NOTICES 20 MISCELLANEOUS OR SALE 17 BOOMS LEGAL NOTICES 8 SOB or Housekeeping 1711 Corona 9 AUTOMOBILES seemed a Daily the office 19 APARTMENTS stairs 19A urnished In the it LATS 21A urnished Copyright 1948 Deaths Births Marriages 21 911 still THANKSGIVING DINNERS Deaths Marriage Licenses Capp SPECIAL NOTICES Enoy Perfect Health and Convince Yourself What Come CaHfomna 99 HELP WANTED In San rancisco emale BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 10 35 U96 REE TREATMENTS WE Mor Male and emale SITUATIONS WANTED 2B Male REAL ESTATE OR SALE 25 26A City Price Complete S45 ion st 1110 MARKET MARIN COUNT! 28 Dividends Births THE ORIGINAL 29 UNERAL DIRECTORS lunch nowa 20 to the vvite Astrology Ml 7 SPIRITUALISM 85 63 Eastbay reader Divorces iled Uniion 19D ARTICLES TO EXCHANGE 3 Divorces Granted ROOMS 20 ALBANO ilomena frorrt rank' JAVA RT) from Richard $35tK LOST AND OUND Diamond a diamond UAU'! MEDICAL HA DENTISTRY i root trap lust rts HA It? 4AA PERSONALS and wanted corn Austria Installs pi alt EDUCATIONAL 14 PERSONAL NOTH ES Notaries Septem INANCIAL HOSPITALS of 1)3 pleafO copy) 1 aavaw INVESTIGATE OCR TERMS JND TRUAIMENT WAN com dress circle One Year Six Months 993 Market St Private bootbe 3 33 would His He Letter Lebien P'lb ni von CAN LOOK THROUGH TUB CLASSI IED COLUMNS WITH THE SAME EASE THAI YOU WOULD CONSULT A TELE PHONE BOOK OR CITY DIRECTORY When he his room him eyes upon Grace's memory out of TV1TWRITI7432 Market st Re 22 both of 31 Oak 23 t46 Where to Eat Where to SCIENTIIC METHOD TREATING Refs rpq for mem r57 club manager mrce Beautiful rooms free phone: $18 $2d mo sun rm OUT TOWN REAL ESTATE it daughter th Is ritr reed rom Palpitation was She bot PARLORS 1140 Market St) 2808 Mission St Phone Mission 894 Uk7 Haight St near Cole 5i24Gari bet 15tli and IGtb AveS LEAVENWORTH Beaut Srm apt stm ht hot wtr Call and see hwd firs kit fern oom YOU can buy Brushing Lacquer lit Bien Hardware Co 84 ourth street VOCAL and piano students join MELODY WAY CLUB: receive vocal or piano in struct ion 85 per month Ph Park 1624 LET TOE BULLETIN SELL YOUR BUSINESS inneraD Directors MOVED TO ORNEW BUILDING Chapel and uneral Apartments M55 VALENCIA MARKET 388 IERCE 1 OR Mann county real estate call on Peter Bacigalupi 595 ourth st San Rafael would sigh sup But all the name rtlughter STILER In thi4 city Nor 20 to ilia wifeof Augustus Stiller 156 Central avenue a eon credited In this paper and also the BOYS TO CARRY PAPERS IN DOWN TOWN DISTRICT GOOD PRO IT APPLY MR BATCHELDER MAIL ROOM THE BULLETIN 812 MISSION STREET intnros stbojng due to tubercular dioase 1 '7 ANY girl in need of a friend apply to Mrs Brigadier Harria Salvation Army Head quarter 36 McAllister street San ran cisco Phone Hemlock 2890 Moseley McCAW Essie Ann MCCARTHY Patrick MICHAELIS Judge Ernest SOBERANES Minnie SIMMONS Samuel SPAGNUOLO Mary VON D0HLSN Helen LET THE BULLETIN SELL YOUR BUSINESS' 1 THE RATE IS REASONABLE REACH THE BUYING PUBLIC PHONE SUTTER CLASSIIED DEPT AND WE WILL TAKE THE OVER THE PHONE In this city November 20 to the wife of oul Cninsky 400 Itolorea street tr daughter In this city NOT A HAIR TONIC A BONAITHE TREATMENT THAT I Ron re 12 A Professional '''Directory 60 AUTOS OR SALE Vienna Nov 25 rom her I radio baa been in stalled In trains on the malp railway lines In Austria It was first tried on the line from Vienna to Innsbruck" but many difficulties had tn be over conic 1 be radio connection ceasing at times while the train was run ning: On certain parts of the wnv one could hear concerts not only from Vienna hut also from Stutt gart Breslau Roma and several English stations BUTCHER SHOP good location Geneva ar? Randolph POTo EVANS Yvonne vs J6hn annulment LIDER John vs Charity annulment GA LB All'll chon vst? Roy ma lute Alterations nddltions ga races concrete work house raising Int and ext paint ing: free estimates WILL GARVEY 151 Puboce Hemlock 7249 MAGNETIC HEALTH WILL DO OR YOU DIAMONDS bought and advance md on DIVISADERO 292 nr Bachelor qua jewelry Heath! 110 Kearny st tern meals me prtr $3O $35 month His Half Sister Atamisa was his halt sister a dozen years older and a widow She was thin and dark and dole fully clad in black Her husband had been dead for years but she grieved for him come to take care ot she said laying a Rose erguson Men's dressy neckwear attractive dis play for the holidays Order now: Price reasonable 12 Gearv office 705 PHONE DOUGLAS 7917 ROADWAY front room fui piai Oldest In rsrest and most reliable herb company in San rancisco 18 years in one location fl 942 SUTTER STREET Midway in the block between Webster and illmore San b'ranefsco Phone Slitter 7IHXI WILL not he responsible for anv debts con Mractod by mv wife Hoehn after this date WALTER HOEHN 1S12 Sacraini uto st Berkeley CRONIN Mae KENNEDY James CRUMMEY John KORTS Mary DUGGAN Edward LEWIS Lillian tVERib Alice Crocker GRADY Jessie A HALL Henry Clay HARRAN Andrew Tames HOGAN Jams rancis JOHNSON Miles 812 MISSION ST TELEPHONE SUTTER 7900 Congress 'Xouyt Apts 2 rvuu aprs Iicut hot xvafer hardwuud Clours: leiit 547 50 up Octavia Call tn see 2 3 room apartments: steam heat hot' watr hardwod floors elevator garage wa Iking distance up Podesta street and lolanthe ZIJO Alhambra Ctrect Edward Selva Violet Rays Used With Success for Eye Tests London Nov API Surgeons have succeeded in restoring Kight to diseased eyes and by Htaficlardizing the method of 'treatment have opened up the way for a new at tack on blindness said A a Tarrant secretary of Mom fields the biggest eye hospital in Mbe British empire A experi ment with a tiny mercury Oapor lamp throwing out ultra violet rays has just been successfully con cluded there The secretary said the violet ray treatment bad been usfddn cases of threatened total BIER Anna vs Arthur desrrtirm BOZ'ZELLG Jrnnlc John cruelty UH Adelyne vs rank nnn ilment In this city Nov 21 to the wife of Arthur Ware 236 Grand View avenue a daughter 20 to tin: In this city Nnvemb 22 to the wife f't Ralph Ely 39 Alma street son In this city November 22 to ths wife ot Evans 181 Crescent avenue a son LAIERTY Tn this city Nov 18 to the wife of Michael laherty 351 Tenth ave nue? a daughter ORDE In this ity Nor 22 to the wife of John orde 889 Thirty second avenue a Son MICHAELIS In Monterey November 21 192K Judge Ernest Michaelis beloved bus 'bnnd of the laie Wilhi lmina Michaelis a ml loving father of lrnestMmhnelis Jr of Oakland red of Lo Aimelev Helene Michaelis ot an JTunefJr Mrs ti'M Duffy of Oakland and Mrs 11 Himwr bf Monterey A vetertfiu the ran of San rancisco devo ed father of Nancy Katherine and Barbara Harran a native of Ban rancisco nged k'l years LEWIS In Belmont Novmnter 21 192C Lillian Mosoiry I owls beloved wife ot William I ewis and' loving moiber of Exchange Bargains run ts groceries furniture furs properties household govls autos etc Buytrade or sell aDvtbiiitf from a black font to a skyscraper HnmH ton Exchange 440 baosome st Suffer 2875 2XL 1 MAGNETIC HEALTH CIRCLE nom better 1w7 Market 56s Hemlock This service Is furnished for $4 per rear fur notx4OO patients advice' cleaning twicevpuriy ee Extraction aoaes i hctic free with ffns $2 Cement and? silver amalgam fillings freo Svnthetsc imitation porcelain Gold crowns fillings inallpfod or inlaid $1 to $2 ft sounds like a but df la to OICES STOBES LOTS STUDIOS HALLS 98 The following marriage license were lotted yeterday in thf city: AMA DIO Michele Anjjtllo 28 and Carmelo Carment 32 both of Oak land Calif A MSLER Charles 8 Amsler Pl 21 Shotwell atreet and Mary errell49 309 vi Steiner street BOWIE Philip Bowie SO 1742 Bush street and Tbeeola Ixmglirey' ifteenth avenue BRTGGS KUCHAC George fBrigg 21 315 Turk street and Anna Kuchac 20 3575 illmore street CHRISTENSEN Chris Christensen 24 Grand Island Neb and Clara Kelt 171 God Sanchez street 1 DAVIS SHEA Lerov Davis 31 Bisbee Ariz and Bridget Shea 30 11 Beaver November 21 1926 beloved mother of Willi ria and the late Mary Jane McCaw a native Ireland aged 80 years (Belfast Ireland papers Max vs LUii 'n desertion LIKWaLD Nada vs Rudolph cniclty SULLIVAN David vs Mazie cruelt Grace vs Joe cruelty Otto A vs Clara deseitio SUN HANG HERB CO HERBS OR ALL MLMENTS Ev im'niulons Iloura 9 0: Sunday 9 12 1293 (HDEN GATE AVE NR ILLMORE SPREADS ETC MADE TO ORDER 1235 IIJTH AVE SON SET 8046 NOTICE EXAMINATION Notice i hereby given that a compelit ive examination for position tn the San rancisco Elementarv Schools will be held ou TUESDAY aud WEDNESDAY December 21 and 22 1926 or further Information and applica tion blanks apply to office of tlie Superin HOURS 10 TO 8: SUNDAY 10 TO 12 828 Stockton St between sacr a'mento vnd cl a yChew Chew Herb Co CHINESE nrKBS AND REMEDIES GOOD OR ALL DISK ISI HELP THE DIGESTION AND BLOOD 1'62 SI NEAR ILLMORE 6A SHELL UNION OIL i New York November 21 1926 Regular: Quarterly Dividend of 33c per share on Common Sto of this company was declared In view of this very ex cellent results dividend for the year 1926 of GOc per share was also declared The payment ot any annual extra dividend In the future will depend entirely upon the result of any given year Divided payable December 31 13'20 to stockholders of recorj at clase of business on ci mber lOth JAMES IL BROOK MI RE Secretary SilVEB AlDlElUiLOUY AA SSONS IN THE HIGHER VIBRATION'S Tuesday 8 Wednesday 2:30 Read ings $1 DU ENWICKTUOORE 1611 Broderick st phone West at him with ominous silence she said at last men acingly said Sidney with courage am Aud care who likes it I am' going to marry Lucy in exactly one month from lie went out of the room and up hearf was' beating could feel menacing gaze boring into his back for Christmas he breathed to himself you cold hard hand on his need taking care of Your wife didn't like me hut that my fault I am ready to let bygones be bygones and here Atamisa sniffed a little any too much to live on myself Jared left me poor and struggled for a good many year keep house for you and do the best I can for you foif my board say nothing about Sfdney was touched He put his arm about his sister and tried to cheer her She lay as heavy and cold as a stone slab on his shoulder and she smelled of mildew He de cided not to caress her often Atamisa in Charge Atamisa took charge She active and indefatigable cleaned the house from top to tom not a crack or crevice escaped her It was almost too neat Sidney felt qualms at disarranging any thing If he dented a cushion or left a chair out of place Atamisa im mediately added her orderly touch She kept him mended and brushed to a painful degree But She did not give him much to eat and she kept the house so cold and dim that Sidney was never com fortable He took to sneaking to a cafe for an occasional fjllup and for the sake of feeling warm and see ing a bright light And there at lunch one day be had telephoned Atamisa that he could not possibly get home he saw Lucy Comfort In her new hat and coat suit with its gray fur collar Lucy looked fresh and inspiring She was a epin ter of 40 or more yet had a trick of looking younger Her sister was sick and Lucy was at present tak ing caro of her although she had been a business woman with a good job It was'not necessary for her to work because her sister had money enough for both to live upon fortably She knew how to and was popular with a large of acquaintances When Lucy finished her and arose to go Sidney hastily called a waiter paid his bill and accompanied her out I ever see you he asked Lucy smiled you could if you come to see she said know Alberta has been ailing and staying at home with her She thinks go south presently so you will have to come right Ready to Cali Sidney remembered Lucy all day and the next evening he made ready to go and call upon her came downstairs from Atamisa was waiting for are you going she asked fixing her dark him going to make a Sid ney replied uneasily "A call! On a woman Sidney flushed "On two women old he stumbled Atamisa gazed at him in preg nant silence As a consequence he did not sta long at Mrs When he came home the house was dark Atamisa had gone to bed Next morning she began the regime that she kept up ardently for more than a month during which Sidney dared make no further attempt to see Lucy Com fort Miserable? No man wits ever more miserable He tried to believe what Atamisa insisted upon his be that another woman would despise his home destroy little gods turn and precious personality doors GARBERS CLARK rank Garbers '44 Evanston 111 and Catherine Clark 3s 174 iruerrero street GliUSS red Gross 40 241 teonth street and AaJeline Wieland 3fil ourteenth street GIIID Antone Ghio Jr 26 Houston street and Assunta Dentone DELIVERED BY CARRIER Due Year $720 One Month 60 cent BY MAIL postage included in the United States Mexico and Canada Daily Dallv Dally Three Month Daily Oue Month nnlv Ona Vfr Subscription by mall must be paid in advance By mail to all other foreign point add postage at rate of 90 cents per month All postmasters and rural delivery carrier are authorized to receive ubscription pearl wrist atid 1 paid for return of niuuiciite Box 11X112 WHERE TH EAT 33 BROKERS ISA A SOLOMON HERMAN 3004 16th st 6099 Money to Loan on Diamonds Jewelry etc 15D irMDNIS BEMEDIAL PLEDGES AND JEWELRY BOUGHT OR SPOT CASH KARL EBER 854 PHELAN BLtM? OLD CHINESE ECZEMA REMEDY or External Use Onlyor centuries a sure relief (or Eczema Itch Pimples Ulcerated Leg and any pkin diseases No matter how long: or how bad By Bertram and asked her: an important ques tion He came away walking on air and came home and found Ata itiisa waiting 'for him goingto marry Lucy Com fort he said Atamisa: who had" planned and Entered as second etas matter the postofitee st San rancisco California un der tlie Act of March 3 1879 Member of The Associated Pre Tiio Associated Press i exclusively en titled to tint use for republication of all nows dispatches credited to It or not other wise local uews published herein ho felt hia life in too closely ho help feeling that Atamisa had half an eye at least on the main chance Restored Alberta Then suddenly came spring and Lucy and a restored lAlberta Sid ney met them both in tho cafe Tic thought radiance little dimmed going back into next she said Sidney exclaimed do that he stopped trembling Why he was in love with Lucy! That was it He care whether she respected things or notj she should have some of her own It was natural for any woman to her own en vironment As for Atamisa could he pension her? That evening he went to see Lucy Wanted Miscellaneous 171 WE ROOMS OR $5 Large aud mall: painting 'and tinting reasonable: estimates given free Office phone Wr st 914C 2KM) RESH STREET BUSINESS SERVICES 11 Emerald and Dnamond Ring reward if returned to HIRSH MAN 0 300 Post tret zNo qies hng 'Doamond Bracelet LOST SQI ARE SETTING TUESDAY TN DOWN TOWN SECTION A a UX irU tx Home 4640 San Bruno ave Car 16 Del 2483 2020 HOWARD ST AT SIXTEENTH M2SSHON HOTEL tODERN BOOMS WEEK WITH PRIVATE GA ft 'I" ROM ERRY ARY AQ OMMODA'I IONS CO OPERATION Accomplishes Results rni TAYLOR ST NEAR GEARY Suite 105 Prospect 84M CLEVELAND SEDAN Vlwo door overhauled mechanically new Urea tubes and parts easy terms to party good reference A bargain 55 Geary street Phone Prospect 4200 i ST HOSPITAL All modern methods Market 220 Park Hill and Buena Vista Livestock Vehicles Etc HARNESS All kinds Juat movef fcom 7th and Howard to 1013 Howard tear Cth Market 5633 ph6ne mouthpieces RED CROSS GERMVPROO GLASS PHONR MOUTHPIECE CO 935 Market Dougla 8876 i CoDUvement Lam het LV wall brd hwd fir' jiip to tbe min $35 S' 'i ruse Apta 32U 23d st cor Howard DANISH NURSE 1510 WEBSTER STREET NEAR GEARY OICE HOURS 12 TO Wrist Watch Gaine In vicinity of Memorial Stadium platinum wrist watch tin Comfort rm orizy single rm bath liot ted: gents: $10 $1 1 after 6 LIliH class residential Lee sun front rm furnace lit hot wot guraere Sunset 3870 7 15U Calif mem 3612' private Instruction: learn In TO WHOM 1 MAY CONCERN: or some 'time I have suffered from pal pitation and pains In my lieart a I also had much gas in my stomaohs I took treatments from doctor without any apparent Sm provementf In rov condition An ray showed ttiatil bad heart trouble inally I went tv Chan Chan the well known Chinese herbalists at 1942 Sutter street and 'loean to take their herb After a isliort time my heartwas free from palpitation and pain and in the course of six weeks was a well man Tor which am grateful to a (SlgnoiD JACK BANtiRD 0 BOX 553 San Brtmo Calif IU utagnetic belt 819 Market st 'room 1018 Kearny 5142 In this city November i 1926 Edward Duggan husbantj of Nellie Duggan dearly belovc son ot Mr and Mrs Duggan nd brother ot Mrs Toye a native ot Ssn rancDco GRADY In this city November 24 3926 Jessie A Grady dearly beloved wife of John Grady loving mother of George Grady beloved daughter of Jessleand tho late Alexander Malerbl and icvlng sister of Mrs Lottie Word Mrs Isabella Her mosillo James Malerbl and the late Edna Malerbl a native of San rancisco aced 37 years 11 months 10 days (Santa Cruz papers please copy) In this city November 2 4 1926 James rancis beloved son ct the fate Patrick and Bridget Hogan aod devoted brother of Mary Sweeney Sarah York Margaret Hansen and the late Kate Glratid end Agnes Hogan a native ot San rnnefsco In this city November 24 1926 Miles beloved husband of Sadie Johnson loving brother of Mrs Norman of saacramento a native of Texas ared 50 years 10 months 19 days A member of Union Iz cnl No 483 K0RIS In thl city November 21 1926 Mary dearly beloved wife of George Kortz beloved daughter of the late Daniel and Bridget Daugherty and loving sister of Margaret anti Daniel and the late Charles Dougherty a native or in rraucisco In this city Essie Ann McCaw George A Thomas Anthony McCaw and James and Dora to County Down and 7 months conv1 In this city Nvember 24 1926 atrlck McCarthy loving father Geneveve aud Daniel McCarthy a native ot County Cork Ireland nie wife of the late Jami'S Moon and loving mother of Mr' red I Nonnan of Ross In this city November 241926 Samuel beloved husband of the late Harriet Simmons a native of New York aged ri years A member of Golden Gate Lodge No 204 1 urnished Unfurnished 19C MME LESGAUT gifted card rdr Palmist now at 13 'Colprlflge it: Valencia 9703 JANE AG! Road Inga cir Mon rl 8 ni 3536 20 Hi st: ph Valencia 9M0 You Can Safelv anl Pleasant! REST0R0 for Anv Ailmpnt WhaUoe Testimonials on Request Neuritis RheumatUm Asthma: Arthritis Catarrh Constipation Paralysis Pyorrhea Varicoo Vpins Lumbago Bronchitis Indigestion nr Mod 4 rmV and ex rm ht hdw Is lino gard 165 ill 7820 Caflflfforma 4405 hwd firs' $35 812511 Alar 1 4 24 OW Gofld BOMghVewelry11' into cash Old watches gold teeth bridge scraps of jewelry bought Randolph Market next Emporium rm 300 3d fir URS of every description bought: old and new 133 Kearny near Sutter room 306 HARDWARE ELECTRIC 17K MAGNETIC HEALTH' BELTS Give your dear Tn Oakland Novembe Mae Cronin beloved wife James Cronin loving daughter of the Jate Edward and lora Ward arid lster of the lare Stella IIarri1 a rnti ot Chico aged 46 years President of Encinal Parlor No 158 ot Past Presi Association No 2 and Oakland Review No Il A In Alameda November 24 1926 John Crummey dearly beloved husband of Mary loving father of Wal ter William Harry A and Arthur Crummey Mrs Lillian Gray Mr Mazie Waterbury Mrs Tessin Hanley and Mr Irene Gro de Mange brother ot Annin nnd Robe ccrt Crummey native of New York aged 7 1 year Member ot the Veteran Association of Sin ranolt EVERTS In Berkeley November If Alice Crocker Evert dearly beloved mother ot Dr Charles 4' Everts a native ot Richwood lud azed 88 ears 8 months day In Oakland November 21 1926 James dearly beloved husband of Mary Kennedy loving father of tzmis I tedy grandfather of Louis Kennedy Jr brother ot Mary A Kennedy and the late Kennedy native of Ohio aged 77 rears 8mrnth In Oakland November 21 1926 Mary Spagnuolo dearly beloved wife of Spagnuolo loving mother ot Manuel Joseph aud Carmel Spagnuolo Mr Mlchelena Gioia Mrs Mary Vlojftns ton and the late Leo Spagnuolo a native of Italy VON In Oakland November 2t1926 at Altenhelm Helene von Doltlen dearly beloved mother ft He nry August von Dohlen and bejovetl grandmother of Anstiaf Harry and von Doh1u a native ot Hanover Germany aged 74 year ni and beating Hour 10 ro 7 in 9 1 6 Geary at 2 round floor MRS Me A Card reading 'Ventura Ho tel rins 7 8 lti3'i Mission Market 3920MRS I LOVE gifted catil reader and Mme zuro Hotel RpuphI apt 402: 220 Met nWed jvau So ii 2 pan Ti 8 pm LAUNDRY for beautiful Santa Cruz: about customer'4: washer manclc rlry In? heater ebt $500 cah A ROB ERTSON 21 Kennanstreet Santa Cruz john McCallan Notary and (J 8 Custom Notaryi I Suiter st Phono Sutter 6195 Adlomina Anglo London Paris Psnk UESlHENCE SfjTrER HOTflL CORNER KEARNY AND SETTER STS phone irrr mdo 5 Cou try Rea I Estate 29AiSTATE LANDS Small farms irrigated: fruit alfalfa poultry terms 20 yra at 5 per cent Write State Board Delhi Calif Atamisa WHEN Graco Burton died sud denly Sidney Burton found himself In a terribly confusedvid disorganized state Grace bad the family purse made the purchases kept tho house relieved of every possible responsibility life and allowed him to give asnttrh time and thought as he wished to his beloved business Eor years she had been to him com nion private secretary hoiise eper and financial aid Now he and himself more than bereft was helpless He tried living alone tried bring things home tn paper bags and ting off a corner of the kitchen ruble but that didn't work first place he didn't know how to buy in the second place he cook and in the third place hb could not eat alone ood stuck in his throat and he grew thin and hag gard It was then that Atamisa ap peared Notary Public HESS HARRIS A HESS tli DE YOUNG BLDG Old Chronicle Bldg NOTARY PUBLIC recently ppMnted lre dok room with brink hotel or reel ette firm Box 10041 The Bulletin RARE postage stamps of and British colonies make acceptable Xmn gifts AVM BLACKWELL STI DIO De Young bldg phone Kea rn 4005 SI AM album catalog and packet tor Nma II CtHm 2i9 clflc liMz 821 Market st Douglas 955 SPECIAL collection and set for Xma II MOWER 12 Gc ary st third 1 00 PACKET sets and albums for Xma OROC STAMP CO 2d floor 12 Geary st GITS OR" EVERYBODY LAMP SHADES firescreens painted to or ir antique or modern design old oil paintings repaired or exchanged for newwork fine old violin rea also "large Navajo blanket 2590 Clay Walnut 375 MISS LE MAR violet ray and scalp treat ments: hours 10 9 655 Haye 35 lb HO WE BRO WN William Howe 63 and Mfna Brown 65 both ot 1205 Gough street Cyrus joiay street am juiiareogan 22 1736 Page street PALM NORMAN Theodore Palm: land Calif 'and Glory 'Norman nliitli awntte BODESTA CUURTEN Arthur 29 it's clay street and onrtenaro SELVA ABBOTT Edward Selva 24 513 Lyon street and Eleanor Abbott v2O35 Ninth avenue STA Nt 7 A Jos ph Stanger 23 112u Hyde street and Clarice Copen hagen 2'2 l' 33 Jones street SMITH CUNDI Hoy A Smith 31 Wash ington Hotel aud Stella Cundiff 21 567 Second avenue TIHISTER TERWILLIGER erdinand Tihlster 21 Marysville Calif and Maud Terwilliger 'At 307 Judah street VALAN Valfe Valin '36 arid Sofia Hernandez 29 both of Sacra mento strOet WASSHJE liar WasMlic ft 25 and Lisel Appel 25 both of 2693 Sacra memo street WEISER Ravmnnd 26 nnd Willie 201 Coleridge street ELL ItHh) cor sfm heal hot $3 'S'Ptdl cor nr 1 furn slrr piiii room REPINED and join uiir social club Enter! Lto' REE AD' ICE Low cbnrgc ensy terms Qnii (jiiW tz result Open till' 6 nu fHS Market: or faonfe Rorn 7J7 Day anti Contract llU CIHS BUILDER iMhnjitp pivrn: new nnd old work 41i Shu kespoa re sfreot Da)v Citi 'boue Ran 0lb brown Park :571 trimmed ifCl bought MOO turkeys for your THANKSGIVING DINNER Eat your dinner at' CHRlISh MAGNETIO BELT HEALTH and tfhe them ENJOY PERECT HEALTH 2808 Mission! St PHONE MISSION 1146 Market St 1697 Haight' St Market St Geary St Mission St Typewriters portable all makes for Term If dMred SMITH SALES CORPORATION ikearnv 7S94 HERBALISTS 12 HOUSES BUNGALOWS 22 In Gorte Madera November 21 'flenrv Clay beloved liutbii nd of Mary Lmlhe Hall loving father ot Mabel Henry George and Mercy Hall nnd the late Hall brother of George Hall cl'an Mateo nnd Annie Green of Porter ville natl'o of :8 yenr III Allo Noveo ler 21 Andrew James Harran loving husband of EARLE ANTHONY INC! 1135 VAN NESS AVE 44 1 $25 DOWN BUYS Chevrolets ord Stars and other make 466 EDDY ST OPEN EVENINGS or sale only at 819 Grant Avenue 406 Grant Avenue 1030 Washington St 5 1 and LAU YUT CHO HERB SPECIALIST Grant Ave at Pine ADV ICE REE HOCKS: in 9 SUNDAYS: 10 TO 12 IHeirb Co PURE HERBS OR AIL AILMENTS Have the right name and address Plume Wst No Branch Established 190'8 5: Consultation ree OAKLAND 1618 eb ler st Hours 10 to 7 dailv: 10 to 12 Sunday Wcndeler7 424 Ellis fine 2 sh uPJj Lj Mission Rms completely turn 3O S4O wk rates Pine 1270 192S Paige 670: 5 pass brougham a perfect car in every COMPLETELY furnished 5 rooms lower 2 lpH ks tn car line 2 blocks to Duboce or Buena Vlta Park 1 block to school $504 per month Hemlock 9310 ULTON 24 facing Gobion Gate Park 1 Glenn and sun 3 tins kitch bath $3850 Gars 5 21 Adults Open to 9 pm 5 Unfurnished 21B olsom 1e appreciated Walnut 4473 4 fc Mrs Moore 52 boUR I STREET lister Ain Spiritual Church: psychic Ivico on business aud perbona Ilnur 10 to 8 daily inP int' $5 HitialJ rm 250 each weekly Ap ily at 2 nr Van Ness Lgo sun modern 4 nt room unfnrn MRS by appt mrs fTmj ATTENTION LADIES' Specialist for Ladies ct Tw mtt practice relievedtbou "minds: free confident ial advice Hour 10 rn to 4 in 6 to nr 1718 Gearv street' Telephone Weft SG63 Sanitariums Invalids Maternity 130 NIL ES HOM EO AGED" AND INVALIDS New modern 'fireproof bldg 1 fir no steps: hoand cold wi: elec bells: gradu ate nurses: 1 acre lawn and shnde trees: rates Ph Niles 106 A1snieda co CONVALESt nnd aerd persons beaut grounds sunuy rms heat: rates BALDNESS Halt cn bs grown on bald head Slavin Hslr Grower Is guaranteed or money refunded price $175 or 8 yjar (3 treatment) $450 Treatment Parlor 702 Market PRO SLAVIN Davenport 7791 Unique Studio 'A 406 Sutter Office 817 Care ace Scaln aud Body Marie Phone Kearny 1150 Closed Sat Sun A Last Resort woman would marry you for love at your soft! Atamisa "A young woman would marry you for your money and an old ahe etressed her words marry you because site had fifthed the ground over and caught nothing and you would be a last resort a widow would marry you because aha was lonol panlonshlp No woman wotd love could love you my poor Sid nv Sidney pose so' he went on thinking about Jaicy blue eyes They were so very blue like bits of sky And wasn't sky heaven? The winter dragged away Ata mi sa grew more and more doml? neering it had erased to bo Sid ney's home it was hers Sometimes he wondered if Atamisa would die for him as she said if fche had not an ulterior motive dr two He hated himself for it but sometimes when Ozar Roadster California top 1921: mechanically perfect $100 2250 Twentieth ave usErTcA'Ra' bought sold i nancE a PAPPE ItT OU 815 Van Nes are i or Rent 9C AUDITORIUM ALTO RENTAL CARS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVER 1460 MARKET VAN NESS: MARKET 192 Auto Tires Etc j'Yes Sir2 Pnces NON SKID TIRE LEE TU BE ITH ll EVERY lee tire BULLETIN COPY DELIVERED TO THE BULLETIN BEORE 10:15 A WILL BE PUB LISHED THE SAME DAY CANCELLATIONS WILL NOT BE AC CEPTED A'lER 9:30 A THE BULLETIN WILL NOT BE RESPON SIBLE OR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT INSERTION 312 Twelfth St Lakeside 6618 OICE OPEN UNTIL 8 Phone Yonr Sutter 7900 3 OAK STOCKTON LOH ANGELES GEORGE SUHR SUHR WIEBOLDT PHONE MISSION 1' 1165 to 1475 Valencia bet 25 th and 20ti BULLETIN Rental Bureau ARE Al" 1OUR SERVICE I YOU APE LOOKING OR APARTMENTS LATS HOUSES ROOMS HOTELS URNISHED UNUJBNISHED 612 MISSION ST NEAR OURTH 1 PHON SUT1ER 7990 GATES 2 3 rmsf furn also single rooms: steam heat hot water 1550 INLDMORB ST Golden Gate oavaeL 2 3 4 room apts tpam Imt water $30 up: children ehonv dnipb 2 ii alter in 1) ressinakiiig Ja Millinery DRESSMAKING clothes a iRpe eialty "Make sonnv a shirt from di sc ajrd ed one roas Ph Pac! 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San Francisco Bulletin from San Francisco, California (2024)


What is the main newspaper in San Francisco? ›

The San Francisco Chronicle is the largest newspaper in Northern California, the second largest on the West Coast, and each month reaches over 6 million users across the country.

Why is San Francisco so famous? ›

The city is known for its steep rolling hills and eclectic mix of architecture across varied neighborhoods, as well as its cool summers, fog, and landmarks, including the Golden Gate Bridge, cable cars, and Alcatraz, along with the Chinatown and Mission districts.

Who owned the San Francisco Call newspaper? ›

In 1913 M. H. de Young, owner of the San Francisco Chronicle, purchased the paper and sold it to William Randolph Hearst who in 1918 brought in editor Fremont Older, former editor of the San Francisco Evening Bulletin.

Who owns the San Francisco Chronicle? ›

The paper is owned by the Hearst Corporation, which bought it from the de Young family in 2000.

What is the San Francisco Standard newspaper? ›

The San Francisco Standard is an online news organization based in San Francisco, California, launched in 2021 and funded in part by the billionaire venture capitalist Michael Moritz of Sequoia Capital.

What is the largest newspaper in California? ›

The Los Angeles Times is a regional American daily newspaper that started publishing in Los Angeles, California in 1881.

What is the famous street in San Francisco? ›

Lombard Street is an east–west street in San Francisco, California, that is famous for a steep, one-block section with eight hairpin turns. The street stretches from The Presidio east to The Embarcadero (with a gap on Telegraph Hill).

What is the most famous thing in San Francisco? ›

Golden Gate Bridge

This magnificent bridge, perhaps San Francisco's most famous landmark, opened in 1937 after a four-year struggle against relentless winds, fog, rocks, and treacherous tides.

What city is bigger, San Jose or San Francisco? ›

San Jose is the largest city in Northern California.

What newspaper is published across the Bay from San Francisco? ›

The major English-language newspapers include the daily East Bay Times, San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco Examiner, and San Jose Mercury News. The weekly alternative papers are the Metro Silicon Valley, East Bay Express, and SF Weekly.

Why did 2 newspapers have to close their doors in San Francisco? ›

Workers abandoned their jobs - San Francisco's two newspapers were forced to close their doors as their staffs were struck by gold fever. The populations of many of the coastal towns were depleted as prospective prospectors headed to the gold fields.

Who owns the real estate in San Francisco? ›

These non-government owners include the investor-owned utility PG&E; Chevron Inc.; Google, Inc.; the Archdiocese of San Francisco; the Teachers Insurance Annuity Association of America, or TIAA; and dozens of companies tied to home developers and commercial and residential landlords.

How do I find out who owns a house in San Francisco? ›

Office of the Assessor-Recorder (City Hall, Room 190, 415-554-5596). Find ownership records and transfers of property from 1914 to the present. Locate block and lot numbers through the San Francisco Property Information Map.

Can you see the northern lights in San Francisco? ›

Such lights are almost never visible in California, and Bay Area residents hustled to north-facing lookouts to see the storm's celestial splendor. The ensuing photos, however, can be misleading. The night sky over a camper's tent north of San Francisco in Middletown, Calif., on May 11, 2024, appears bright with color.

Is SF Gate the same as SF Chronicle? ›

Launched on November 3, 1994 as The Gate, and renamed SFGate in 1998, the site once served as the digital home of the San Francisco Chronicle. SFGate and the San Francisco Chronicle split into two separate newsrooms in 2019, with independent editorial staff.

What is the name of the Oakland newspaper? ›

On August 28, 1891, the name Oakland Tribune was officially adopted. Prior names include Oakland Daily Tribune, the Oakland Evening Tribune and the Oakland Daily Evening Tribune.

What is the San Francisco Chronicle known for? ›

The San Francisco Chronicle, print and online, is a premium subscription destination, featuring world-class journalism, award- winning reporters, in-depth analysis and commentary, investigative reporting, feature stories and columnists.

Is Chronicle a tabloid? ›

Published weekly by Nash Publishing Group, the tabloid newspaper focuses on hyper-local news and information.


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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.