The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

THE BOSTON DAILY JULY 31. 1897. ii Medical TH OLD LD "VENETIAN FETE" 1TRlitilkol BoRcill Charles River Park. MEN OlreTT here the Paine la Eimer. mist birt 71rleoetle 1111 CrLE.D.

If II calm eaca book og Ingo INSTITUTE, ITO Mut Idang. 10 to 4.s.) at. PCS XTU RE cup, chcie ay Fscliebie ecact4 to the wt. Priee Itt a bet: swtt ar, tem avoi thott et lactase of 1 epee-lily met at. Hems a II OM; house: ma" Ie cytylea4 ant am pm Sundays to os dSol FrICE, Barr daly reptant acspet.

I A IL to hactiOt jya Irst Etc I tr, awn. GOOD Litiaia special beta, CCkY BOrtkic KZNTUCKY ee a yk mot tie dtpliem lessitat 341 aa.un ntANDR171--- and lutd Glo far CA IrE. made-at ps For 1z tram to odt. roe- a imrt B4-4171211 3lackerr7 1130 and 400. I deten-bottlia a nrted to aft le $3,00.

worth 17A, 08 tcefrat i or battles a to 3T CASH to las mdL or ewer, a prim is toe E3 goods yes sym full rico tat ft 116 and Wt. pra, dealer to Br" al the weitamt et COo )N asd rye atia na; all goons so Lat. 4.11.011,Gt 144 tt at; lied ears arm io Drop 3. Flarb's Gret OH Comiser, 3. Cherry rant 'OSTELLO a Ct.

.11 at. dSutf jat Si St eaME1 srriet. tbe 015 parcorn and Ian Sept 673 and litmar ancrociaitt; ramRaM PIL-15 FARLEY a FAIN. 3 State rt, Bolt TbS111 TIPJECRIIIIP MEN Teri' lora 'entre the biotite. et pains la tb, Z.

Tunas. tti: CtLED. camet ett-'12 book et I INSIMITE, ROSTON, mat Sundays, 10 ta otzt MIXTURE Ma etue the4teet, et Let: medicine 4...4 injury re thteeta, It Prie ol bet: Strty ter disetse, of am, opeedity evett at. Rom let OM; bowls: diatom eases fluidly ton; debflI; telt mi bolgsys Ito dSra OfTCE. 43 moo, meant" 9 dais.

assu.r4 Tremont 9 A. IL to isnai4t Irs I Etc C6-9 Bah GOOD ututtl brml BOrtiit KzNrucKY a cannot ile tleplicht GOLDEN IrnrilTi, two leasllog kssi End 45.01 ENGLAND-elk, a and: Nags L. 1 GIs for CAL pa for odic ett assorted to odx 75e. a iturt Bato and 52-00. asenried to left iv $5-00.

work rk L4-e-fost or bottles bin CASH mail or egos, price. as wer1 geode yos row fII prlt ft and we rim dealer is Scow all the well-km et Co. awl rye stin an goods lin LAC GI-011Q 144 Blacwoott ti E31 cora ard Drop walikr; $3. OH Campeer, Oserry rant Vali pm e0STEL1O Ct. st, dStst jst Seamn write.

bet has been appows Queeastown and Lat. ae4 Sept 173 and plias FARLEY a State st, Bona TbSTU Ilt BETTER THAN 2.09. 11 William Penn Goes Fast, en But Couldn't Win. Se Igor After a Edit Nam Mt Molloy ill the BRO. Oakland Baron Beaten by 111 lina In 2.13 Trot.

Blue Grass Horse Was a Topheavy Favorite. Fastest Trotting Miles of the Seasolt at Cleveland. CLEVELAD, July 30Another bumper house greeted the farewell appearance of the grand circuit flyers at Glenville today. The scorching heat was all the more suited for fast work, and the best trotting miles of the season to date were made in the 2.08 class by William Penn. In spite of the eastern stallion's great performance when be stepped the first heat in 2.08.

and came back in the same notch for the second one. the race went to the game little pony Senator A from Iowa. Dandy Jim, the veteran of the party, was a prominent factor all through the contest, cutting out the pace in every mile. In the first heat the old warrior rushed past William Penn who had the pole. anti was at the half in 1.01.

Then Penn made ap mighty rush. and trotting close to a two-minute clip resumed the lead in the third quarter, the time to the sixth furlong pole being 1.35. From there the fleet son of Santa Claus had a clear road and slowed down to a 2.15 gait as he finished two open lengths ahead. Dandy Sim set a. more rapid pace in the second heat.

going to the half in 1-4. but be surrendered to Wi Penns rush along the upper turn. Senator A came through on the hcme stretch and chased the brown out to the 'sire. He made a gallant effort just too late to be effectual. On the strength of this the field stock kept up against William Penn, and the third beat turned the tide in favor of the little gray gladiator from Dee Moines.

The favorite got away slowly and this time it was Senator A that overhauled Dandy Jim and headed the procession from the last turn. William Penn tried too late and the Senator finiphed at his ease in 2.1014. After that the sturdy westerner was unbeatable. the others being so tired that none of them could get near him In the struggle home. John Turner handed Onoqua over to her old trainer, John Hussey, but the mare was not up to a race and made too many mistakes to get any part of the purse.

There veal nothing to give Sally Toler a race for the 2.20 pace, but Josephine and the Indiana mare kept the fast filly frcm Kansas. It required two heats in 2.0Sta each and a third one in 2.19 to dispose of Josephine. but Sally reeled these off in clever style. cutting her Detroit mark a and one-half. There was a big upset in the In trot.

for which Oakland Baron was a top-heavy favorite. on the strength of He great performance here last Monday. when -he defeated a strong field in straight heats. The young Kentuckian prahe-ecli in the first two heats this reducing his record to 2.101a in the second. While he was brushing with A bnet, RI 'ma had been taking it easy hack in the ruck.

Then the Texan driver, Foote, set the Mississippi mare going. and cutting down the long lead v.hich Oakland Baron had seeured to tne half, nailed the blue grass trotter at the head of the homestretch and beat lam out by an open length in 2.101e. This improved the record of ILI the southern mare earned at Detroit when she landed the merchants' and manufacturers' stake, and there -rais no staying tier march to viotory after that. Oakland Baron set Out in the load each time. but could not stay with the lionhearted mare.

Between the regular events Marion Mills paced a mile in 2.07, going to the half in 1.03, three-quarters in ard finishing too leisurely to get na.r her best performance 0434. The next meeting of the grand circuit begins at Columbus. O. on Monday and continues for five days. The summary: 2.20 CLASS, PACING Purse V2000.

Sally Toiler. ht. by, AYbland Wilkes lone Wilkes, hy Ikd Wilkes (Hussey) 1 1 1 Josephine, bin (Dickerson) 2 2 2 Il G. bt 0e-earthy) 5 3 4 AllPo W. bg 3 511 Dick W.

cbg 10 3 Light Star. chg 4 8 rernice. oltaYre) 4 S10 D. be (O'Neil) 12 9 5 rzoren, be terachlicili 6 6 7 Dirdie Dickerson. bin (Shank) 7 11 6 Lady Anderson.

rom Pennock) 7 9 Ohio Hal, bs lOnin 10 12 dr Time 2.081e, 2.084.A, 2.09. 2.03 CLASS, TROTTING Purse $2000. Senator A. as. by Tramp Thuile-- Dolly Wonder.

by Tom Wonder (Alexander) 5 2 1 I I Wilitn Penn. bra. by Santa Claus (McCarthy) 1 1 2 3 3 Dandy Jim. pc (Hayward) 2 3 3 2 2 Page. hg (Grers) 6 4 6 4 4 Onoqua.

bm (Turner and Ilussey) 4 6 4 5 5 Ottiuger. bra (McHenry) 3 5 5 dr Time 2.0se,, 2.0S,14. 2.101t, 2.1114. 2.13 CLASS, TROTTING Purse $2000. Rilms, bm, by Meg Wilkes-- jeeenet.

by Pilot leunigino Foote) 10 9111 OPkInnd iTaron. bre, by Baron wintea (Mem-ft 1 1 2 5 Abnet. brn 2 6 2 2 Mosul. bg (Scllson) 3 8 3 3 8 Lvelmont. 4 4 5 I.

9 hs 'Reny, 6 8 412 4 Russeilmont. hg tPruciden) 8 710 4 7) Chance, be illawal 5 5 8 9 6 Walter S. be Jeers) 6 12 11 10 Jimmy Hague, ha (Maloney) 111111 7 7 Helen IC, hal (Neyes) 7 12 7 'dr Atlantis. bm (Ong) 9 11 9 10 dr Time 2.11. 2.10.

2.10, 2.13. 2124. MC'1113'. CLOSE OF MANCHESTER MEET. Five of the Six Races There Have Been Taken in Straight Heats.

MANCHESTER, H. July 31)The July meeting at the Manchester driving park closed this afternoon with a very good attendance, but with a card almost as unexcitiAg and uninteresting as those of Tuesday and Wednesday. Five of the six races of the meeting have been taken in straight heats, whicn is something of a record. The lively little Zanita took the fifth one today, while the crown of victory in the 2.31) trot was conferred upon the bay ('apt F. entered by Arthur Woodrow of Tilton.

Curine took the first heat In the trot, and in the next three heats the race was between Curine and the Captain, the black horse at different times being ahead In the lead. The laQt of the heats. however. was an easy one. The ethcr horses were not in It for a moment.

Capt was a warm favorite in the pools. Zanits had no more trouble in taking the pace than the average New Hampshire boy is having just now In getting his fill of green apples. It was a walkover. and the little mare's career in Dover next week will be matched with a great deal of interest by those who have seen her work during the past few weeks at Concord and in this city. She was barred from the pools today.

and. leaving her out of the race. Eddie Curnen was a strong favorite. There was a great struggle for place. The track management has given the city its first taste of racing after a famine of several seasons and uninteresting as it unfortunately proved to be.

Mr Freeman is entitled to considerable credit for what he has accomplished. Track affairs are certainly looking brighter here. The summaries: 2.30 CLAM TROTTING Purse $400. Capt bz, by ii FranklinKato by Blackstone (Woodrow) 2111 Curiae, big (Loeb) 1 2 2 2 Parnell, bg leknW 4 3 3 Alyssum, bm (Forshnery 4 3 4 4 Cannon HMI, br (Marston) -3 6 6 5 Vik's Slater, bm (Stone) dr DrATHB. from ber late reeldence, 1228 Columbus ay.

Rotbtiry, Sunday, Aug I. Burial at Belfast, 1- h-lesil Ms. New York papers please copy. itilzkb.u69". lrati ly193eis.

Nanette. al widow id private. I. of Char 4 vr STAHL-In RolttutY dden it funeral later. SULLIVAN-In Bradford.

July 29 suddenly, of I. appendicitis, argaret a. Sullivan. Funeral L- id 0 William F. Y.

July 3. lVtice ilhe ol mini. ow 1, fro oim the residence of her aunt, 84 Eustis it, Saturday, July 31. at 2 Eel-1- tire and friends are Invited to attend. WISHART-In Everett; July 29.

Joseph Edwin. r. bor son of J. G. and Nettle H.

Wishart, 5 yre 4 moo 11 dm. Interment at Cedar Grove ceme- '3 tery. Friday. July 30. Funeral private.

is Old First Mass. Regiment infantry. Cambridgeport. on Sunday. Aug at 2 o'c o3ells.

gG. BIRD. Seretary. i JOSEP Comrades-Notice Is given H. DALTON, president.

1330 1c co Fv.eant olostlicbe fertneuratil sot! A Francis S. Nowell. FLOWERS. AND BEArTIFICIL DEsiows. a NEWMAN 51 TREMONT ST.

I. Established 1370. siSatt di a Business Chances 8 1-3ECYN7M-W- Boeton and stiould be seen to be appreciated. a place like it only on market once in a life- 's time: we claim it to be the best located market i doMwean ttomwnarklocetittioneafte fitted seco rlalarea nd tofollo se a 1 In a In Boston. rielit.

See HOVEY. 89 Court at. 11 BiKERY. this city. est 22 years.

Ordway portable oven. bus $135 a week, all counted books are bousPelanessfae, price investigation I trade, no team. rent 1.30 mo. with 5 living i rooms $43 mo, $900. S5AX.0 down.

HOVEY. I with vetted. est for 7 years, seats as; well fitted. 2 living rooms con- fine trout. and doing a good paying bnainess, rent for all $42 mo.

HOVEY, 8L.4 Ceurt at. i' LEASE and fixtures of a first-class boot and sbee- ewes. down town, or would sell any part A of to suit purceaser at inventory. snap for some one. HOVEY.

8:14 Court at. VARIETY ST05RE and lunch at Highlands, sells cigars. tobaeco. papers, soft drinks, etc. rent $12 mo.

business $100 week. Sunday I license; price only S175. HOVEY. Se Court at. EAREiER SHOP.

3 chairs. this city. est years, one man 24 years in this sells ci- gars. tobacco. pipes.

barbers' supflies. etc. rent $22 mo, price $450. HOVEY. kt.4 Court at.

sbop, AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY-Cete and creamery. beautiful store, choice location, only $400 down. first to inspect will purenase: greatest bargain ever offered JOHNSON 1'1'57 Washington at. El A LAUNDRY. doing a large business in Boston.

mast be Gala at once. sickneas the cause of sale, best location in city. 17. Globe office. dStiet jy31 BAKERY for sale, Fall River.

ess7t-Sftati) to Et. 2 horses. I wagon, new, I No. 2 Middlety oven, double store. rent only :26, harcain for I practical baker, can be bought for $12d0.

Ale ply to J. MIDDLEBY JR, 2031 State at. rrbs Jy27 BA IIGAIV --flent's ferniahing. tobacco, cigars. corner store.

plate glass windows. old eaten Milled. for gent or lady; come today. 1236 Co- lumbus ay. -13tREER SHOP to give away at your own figures.

Call at DUCLOW, Milford, H. 4t kat CASH to pot no in business, with services. higb references. 0 11. Globe office.

SSW' DRUG STORE-Wirl pay from $1000 to 1 000 moth for a good store, city or country. I 12. Globe office 8Sn I DRUG STORE for sale, rare chance to 'rep into paying buoinear, no onmpetition. 50.0te0 persons pass daily. PERKINS, 431 Exchange bldg.

ty2e 31 aul 3' --DRUG STORE, good loeation, fine fountain I and fixtures. well stocked. 196, Globe office. I FOR SALE-Paint shop and stock fat costi: rens from 5 to 15 men. located in town et 6000 inhabitant, business establisned over 20 years.

Address O. IL WATERMAN. LebI anon, H. dSuet 1.1-27 i FOR SALE-Plumbing, tipping and heating business. invoice of tools, stoves and stock less Hien fett).

good chance. 70, Globe I office. dStato jy27 Fort SALE-1600. paint store and painting business, winter contract on hand, will reduce stock to suit purchases 0 15, Globe nice. d5u31 jy30 FOR SALE-Well eetablished clothing and gents' furnishing store.

with fixture', corner store, centralls located. Address 41. Globe office. te29 31 au3 5 7' FOR SALE-Gmeery and provision store, large store, plate glass show windOwa. sickness cause of felling.

good weekly cash trade. n101 Somter- title av. Somerville. dStnit 3y31 FoR SALE-A first-Mass candy wagon in good 0 repair. newly painted: also tine driving nutre.

harness find rung. Aptde to J. D. HALL. Lv cettat hall, Harvard sq, Cenib.

a 0 FOR SALE-Eakery, fine connter trade, ice cream. quick lunch and confectionery. $650 if 1 taken at once. Address lel, Globe (eke. SSW, FOR SALE-A nice tailoring business out of I the city.

at a low price, paying well. reel rea- i eon for Address al. Globe office -FOR-SALE-Liquor saloon. centrally locited. I doing good business.

Inquire 72 North Main at. Pawtucket. I. dSu7t jail Fos SALE-Diving room In Lynn. seating.

To. best location. good trade, price low. J. 0.

BLACK. 113 Munroe at. Lran. dSient tylln FOR SALE-2 horses, barnese. warns) and 1 business Apply to R.

D. SANDERS. 283-7 at, 1 So Boston. aLiss. 2t jy30 I FOR SALE-Tbe beat 12-room lodging bouse 1 at the South end.

rent a month. no brokers I. Address 27, Globe jy30 -FOR SALL. chese-First-class bakery. good I 11, trade.

Call 57 Hollind at. West Someren I le. SSW. i 11 HOUSE. 4 rooms.

corner lot, store. stock. all i 1 incineed. $14100. MacCARTHY.

106 Court at. LODGING HOUSE. all furnished or partly ferniahed. cheap. rent $5.

good loeetior. 41 1 Hanson at. ThS ty29 --Lote-uxG peeing nicely. sell cheap, take SITS down. Union Realty Co.

218 Tremout i -LODGING Hor-sn. 101 motet. Col. ae. relf rio.

will tende. 51 41. Clone tenets MOUSAM TIOUSE at Kennebulik to let, goods for sale. on easy terms. For particulars.

terms, I etc, address lock box 37. Sanford. Me. dSutf tyno. i Great rtasast I't r.ricire;orrrn oBiliziese6 bt dos, in butter business.

carable of taking full charge. terms to snit. CHAS. J. atacCARTHY.

33 Equitable building. 2At ty30 RESTAURANT, seats 70. handsomely fur- I nisbed. always a moneymaker. this place meet be seen to be appreciated, no reasonable offer refueed W.

ILSOWAN. 3 Tremont row. RTAURANT for sale. In Lynn, fluely fur- nished. doing a good business, a minute's walk from Central denet and direet route to Nahant beach.

Apply to WM. J. BARRY, 343 Mien at. dauSts tya RUBBER FACTORY. equipped, short distant.

from Boston. lateet improved a 1 machinery. 80 h. p. boiler, electric dynamo.

etc. will sell low. Address SS, Globe office. Sud7t0 0 RARE CHANCE-Old established restaurant, No. 4 North arket at.

Boston. to let. fur- I fished. Apply to M. RICH CO.

3 No Mar- ket at. 712S 3y1 1 SPern CASH pale for smocks of stoma and merchandise of every description, in large or 1 mall lots. in part of t' S. Address in confidence 0, Boston Consignment Co. 261 Broadway.

Chelsea, a Mass; M. SAMUEL. manager. dSuet 3y30 WANTED-Party with a $'ew huhdted dollars to engage in real estate. coal and wood, ban and WANTED-Man with 00 to take part in- grain business.

72. Globe office. SSW, tteiorenstAidderessums meria2boGwlobe olne In cityerOd00s50o3tpos piyul3a0- $5 WANTED-Person with $21)0 to invest at 8 percent. 76. Globe office.

WESSas ty2S 0 Lost, Found, Etc a a BICYCLE FOUND on Prince at. Jamaica II Plain. Owner can have same by paying charzes. 11 10-4 Washn at, Brookline. dStiat ji-31 11 ft FOUND-A gold watch.

chain and charm. near the Old Colony depot; the owner may hey the same by Droving prnpertr and paying charges. FRANK LENTINE JR, 159 Kneeland at. Boston. 3t ty2e a FOUND-21dr horses, which owner can have a by proring property and paying expense.

Can be timid at Hampton ay. alattapan. Maas. J. RocKwri.t,.

dSu3t jy30 FOUND-Little dog. in Cambridge, last Fri- Cl ay morning. Owner can have by paying .11 LOST-Strayed from Sudbury, July 2.3. a body light fawn colnr. woe.

breast. feet and tip of tail white, also white spot on back of Inches at shoulder and weighs about ii.o finder will be suitably rewarded. F. G. i staFthrtdiners please address Mrs G.

W. HIGGINS. 143 Moreland at. llosbury. place for reservoir car.

an old gold knot or coil gi pin. with diamond in center. Liberal reward will be paid for return to Parker bouse. a LOST-From Tremont house car. grip contain.

lug volume of nCollege Nliscellanyir the owner will welcome return of book by express ar. his expense. Rev P. W. LYMAN, Fall River, Mass.

LOST-A bunch of keys.witi owner's Came; a al liberal rewant offered. MORRISON, 4i) lion- mouthst, EastBoston. LOST-A cape, in Lexington, July 27. PI eas et return to Five-Fork farm, Lex. or la Essex at, Charlestown. () eC GI( LOST, last Wed, a small handbag, contain- tug a bunch of keys. If found please return to I J. GREEN, Exchange bldg. LOST-A dory abo light, July 29, from the sloop Pyre, wherut a mile from Boat on LOST-co*cker FridaY: Return 4 lueiper st: reward. WATCHES Old ones taken In exchange.

KEENE, 11101 Washington Bt. eutt nitila ell -AND Illumination of tha City and Harbor -AT NEWPORT R. ON Wednesday, Aug. 4, 1807s FOR MIS OCCASION A Special Excursion Train will tears Park Scit Lore station. Dostot, at 4.00 p.

due at Newport attottt 8.00 P. IL II4 turra4, leave Nwpurt at 10.00 P. if. EXCURSION TICIIETS Good only on the special train in each dtreetion, will be on fele three days in advance at No- 3 Old and at Park Naar station at the POPULAR 0 1 RAPra cFk RI 200 INVAIBER POSITIVELY LIMITED. On this occasion the ships of the NortbAt'antic Squadron and the deet of the New York Yacht Club will rendesxnus In the Larbor, lid with their crews will participate in the celubratlnn wiith In nicraincent electrical effects, illumInations and pyroteconical displays twill be beautiful and beyond desztiption.

SPECIAL holders of special round trip tickets for this excurelon will he afforded the pr17tiega of witnessing the barter illumination and front the ateatner "City of Taunton. blob will be located et the end of Long Wbart, upon preeeetatIon of such tickets at the gangway. New York, New Haven Hartford 11211roai (Old Colony System.) E. G. ALLEN, GEO.

L. CONN014. A. C. It T.

Gen. Said. Pass. T.X. Itzr.

Gen. Pass. Act. SSell 1)111 Tho Konotgc Stomborit Co. PALATIAL STEAMERS SUPERB SERVICE Between Boston and Picturosquo Maine New Enstanfs Crag Vaat Ion Greed DAILY TRIPS (Except Sundays) From Lincoln Wharf, BOSTON, AT 6.00 P.

M. Excursion tickets, good to return at an, Moe ri dung the season, sold at reduced rats. Send inane address to our laelft etuomot folder. FILIEDEISICIL A. JONES.

Pate. Alit. LIMcSIn Whort. Ilogtosu tf JLa BOSTON GLOUCESTER STEAMBCAT Nonni SHORE ROUTS TO GLOUCESTER THE NEW A-ND ELEGLET Ste-21 Staamar Caps Arm, (COLUMBUS ORC)4ESTRA) And ins Popular Steamer City of Gloucester Lear north side C411trILI Boston tfoot State weather permitting, we tlars at 10 A. M.

and 2 and 4,30 P. leave Glesoester at I and 1.30 A. M. and 3 P. M.

flundars leave Bostost at 10.15 A. M. and 4.30 r. Isar Gloucester at 3 and 7.30 A. M.

and 3.15 P. M. Simile Fate. giOn.i literand Trip. Sc.

Book et 50 Polio. ele.gie twther partictIses and special rates toe large pintos. ad felders descriptive a tko at Cape silly to Gen. M. Sudtt DELIGHTFUL EXCURSION TRIP TO PROVINCETOWIt The Popular Faintly Ezeuraion Steamer Longfellow, CAPT.

JOHN SMITH will leave wharf (North Pier) daily at 0 A. Sundays 0.30 A. tor 11 detlihuul excursion trio to Provincetown. arriving about 1 P. giving passengers going up the cape ample time to eaten toe aftermion train up.

Leaves PROVINCETOWN at 2.30 P. arrives at Boston about 6.30 P. M. Excursion tickets 61.00. Stop-over ticketa fool until Sept.

13. Dinners and refreshments served on board. NO ATIV()cot) str RICH. Agents, 83 Commercial Wharf. Low rates to Moonlight Excursionists.

SStitt jell Portland (3NLY CJ DAY Tri I DS Irtl: I us: 1 1 FRI. INTERNATIONAL S. S. CCSIMItC131 Wharf. Tickets issued and baggage checked est points beyond.

et jel0 0101110.101 FESTIVITIES LASTED LONGS Eevz.nth Annual Reunion of 56th Massachusetts Veteran Volunteer Regiment Association at Bass Point Hotel. NAHANT, July 30The Ilth annual reuninn of the Massachusetts veteran volunteer regiment association took place at the Bass Point hotel this afternoon. There was a large attendance of the vets-rans with their families. Sergt H. A.

Farnsworth, president of the association, occupied the chair at the business meeting. and the following officers were elected: Lieut Nathaniel W. Bunker, Cambridge. pres; J. J.

Gilman, Boston, vice pres; Eben W. Pike, Cambridge, sec and tress; George A. Griffin, Boston; Gen Stephen M. Weld, Ded barn; William H. I.

Hayes, Lowell; Patrick Linnehan, Nahant; Victor D. Mahoney, New York; George H. Hastings, Cambridgc; Isaac R. Alden, Bridgews ter: James F. White, Bost On; John H.

Emerson, George S. Evans, Samuel G. Burris 3n, Ever-era. and Leander B. Morse, Athol, executive committee.

The guest of the occasion W8S col J. B. Parsons. state pension agent, who is also a member of the lOth Massachusetts asscc.ation of veterans. Dinner was served in the banquet hall at 2.20, and after the several courses of fish had been disposed of Mr A.

F. Roberts of Cambridge, sealer of weights and measures, was introduced. He entertained the company with vocal selections, H. S. Pratt of Pomona, Cali, accompanying on the piano.

George S. was toastmaster, and speeches were macio by Col Parsons, Pres Bunker. Vice Pres Gilman, Sec Pike and others, and it was a late hour when the festivities were brought to a close. The matter relating to the reunion for next year has been left with the executive committee. It has been the custom for this regiment to hold its annual reunion at some hotel in Boston in May, but it is understood that hereafter the annual gatherings are to be held the last Friday in July at some seashore resort.

Those present were Mr and Mrs W. A. Farnsworth, Waltham; N. W. Bunker, Cambridge; Mr and Mrs George S.

Evans. Cambridge; Mr and Eben W. Pike. Olin llson Vv. Fay, Arlington; Peter Halloran, New York; Everett N.

Mann. West Hanover; Mr and Mrs V. D. Manoney, New York; John R. Lawrence and Miss Harriet Lawrence, Concord; Mr and Mrs John H.

Emerson. Milton: Mrs P. It. Pool. Chicago; S.

G. Burrison. Everett; PatrIck lannehan and Miss Julia Linnehan, Nal lam; Samuel J. Thompson, Boston: Mr and Mrs Enoch Thomaa Roxbury; Mr an I Mrs Samuel B. Turner and George W.

Turner. Quincy: Mr and Mrs G. F. Griffin, Boston: William Schreider, Dorchester; Jchn Neas, Roxbury; Joseph Rosenberger and Frederick Rosenbaraer, Cambri(lge; Mrs M. McLeod, Boston: J.

McCulloch, Maplewood; Mr and Mrs J. J. Gilman, Joseph N. Gilman and Miss Mary Gilman, Boston; Mrs Alta M. Erickson, aliss Rosetta Erickson and Oscar T.

Erickson, Cambridge; E. F. York. Yelrose S. Kane Jr and Mrs Sarah A.

Kane. Weymouth: Mr and airs James L. Burgess, Nashua, Mr and Mrs Charles V. Eilaa R. N.

Shaw and Mr and Mrs Charles W. COUSenS. Boston; M. H. Carbin, Webster; Mr and Mrs Isaac R.

Alden and Miss Priscilla Carroll Alden, Bridgewater: Mr and Mrs L. B. Morse, Athol; George H. Farnsworth, Grown; Mr and Mrs L. W.

Cain and Walter East Weymouth; .1. E. Farnsworth, Waltham; Mr aiid Mrs Alfred Allco*ck, Cambridge; Mr and Mrs Michael A. Parker and Miss Eva Parker. Province- town; Mr and Mrs C.

W. Jones. Cam- bridge; Alfred Akerman, Ga; Mrs J. G. Lturckbardt, Atlanta.

Gs. I 1 NIPe 2.3134 2. 2.27'4 bim. (nawaNtbintgbt 17 Joe Mosher) I FAlle Curnen. bg G1nit0 6 brm tMerrill) 4 35 hs Frnest R.

rng iTrrrit) Nerle R. bin (Forthner) 2 View View. rom (Folsoin) 7 by 1 6 1 1 2 2 as 4 4 7 dr 6 its 5 ds TIME Quarter TIalt 1.12 2 2414 341-i 1.111 2 2114 First Feat Second heat Tbird seat GREAT PROGRAM TODAY. Meeting at the Rigby Track Will Close With Some Grand Racing. OLD ORCHARD.

Me. July 30At one time it looked as if the first meeting at Portland was all over. but today the and wind have worked wonders and barring rain the card will be finished tomorrow. is a royal program of five races. coming in the following order: 212 pace, 2.19 trot.

2.15 pace. 2.07 pace and 2.11 trot. The horsem*n in Boston must have got the tip. for they arrived here this evening by the carload and the hotels are full of horsem*n. The track is in fair order tonight.

and ought to be glib tomorrow. The races will be called at 11 o'clock, a piece of courtesy for which the horsem*n will remember Rigby. Parkway Driving Club NEW YORK, July 30The second day of the meeting of the Parkway driving club of Brooklyn had fine weather and a fast track. The summary: 2.33 CLASS. PACING Purse $200.

John i1tctefl, brg, by tBrusie 1 I I Ernest rI (Dnelet 2 3 Lillian ehm 3 2 Annie T. bliam (Br. 5 4 Laehine ebb 6 5 P.lrd. hg 7 6 Cinder Aleyoner, bg 6 4 ds Don John brg 4Niehols) .8 8 da Time 2.2S14, 2,25 CLASS, TRorrrNa purse $3ao. Eugene, bb, by Bayonne Prince i Caster) 1 I Belie Johnson.

bria 4Davis) 5 2 t)pt-retta. 411.4mik) 6 Hunyadi. bn 4Dri.ecill 2 9 tHollenbeeit) Last Chenee, bkr IO'Connor) 3 7 Tilton Thorne org 0Elemis) 8 4 (S Mary bra iHendriekscni 7 4 Jordan. bra tArtiold) 9 3 NeUe Bt-11. tan Abram.) Time 2 28-ki, 2.21i, 2.2434.

Sweepstakes S150. Geneva NV, blitm I Templeton, ebg 2 2 Little Jee, rog 3 3 2.40, 2.42, 2.42. SUNDAY SERVICES. B. Y.

M. CHRISTIAN rNION-Tesper sere- istoo First in the ne ice, Sunday evening, course of brief at the Union ball. addresees to young people and others by Rev A. D. kayo, LL of Roston.

upon "God's American University." Special topic, musical orograin by Miss Gertrude L. Svock- "ire Uoito.rsity of American Life." Onoice inezLscoptano: Miss Helen Arenstrop, soprano; lairl Eaton, boy soprano, and Coman. boy alto. Musleal I Solo, Softly Now the Light of Day." Panofka; solo. "Love Divine, Gluck.

a Duet. -itie Leadeth Me." Greatores. 4 $olo, -Evening song. VSI elsh air. 5 Solo, "The Savior' Congregatictal singing, George Mendall Taykx, nmascal director.

Doors open at 7.15. to begin at 7.4 5 o'clock. Au yotmg people and the public cordially InvitedTnEmosT TEMPLE-Rev George C. Lorimer. pastor.

Rev Dorsce F. ilardes, Rev Miner IL Dewing. almociate pastors. 9.30 morning prayers. 10.8o, puotic orsaip, sermon by ger A C.

Dixon 4', Brooklyn, by communion. 12.15. Stuaday school awl Bible classes, 4.30 m. services of sacred song to charge of Rev R. Deming.

Prof C. Boyd preeentor. Blanehe Beulah Sears violimet. Addresses by Dr P. Ramachandrayya of a conrerted htfldou prt, anti It.

C. Morgan, editor of the Christian, London. Eng. O. evening prayer.

Lorimer hall- 7.30, Set-rice, with sermon by Rev A. C. Dixon. D. Seats all free.

Welcome. PEOPLE'S TEMPLE. Colnrobns av, corner of Berkeley it. Rev James Boyd Brady. PhD, D.

pastor-Preaebing at 10.34b a in anti 7.3010 by Rev Louis Alhert Banks. D. This will be the last opportunity to hear Dr Banks in Booton this seaeon. Holy communion at the close of the morning sermon. The following quartet will render ehoice selections at both the morning and evening serviees: Mrs N.

D. Grittn soprano, Miss Wood alto, Mr A. C. Saunders tenor, Mr B. B.

Allinj O1Me. Trio UUIeZ servicing as usual- seats free. BERKELEY TEMPLE. Rev Chas. A.

DickInsou. pastor: Rev Win. S. Kelsey. Rev tepee Phelps, assoviste pastors-Irescidag at 10.30 by Rev Chas.

H. Daniels. D. Sunday school 12.15. Christian Endeavor 5 and 1 0 o'clock.

7 Gospel temperance rally. Thrilling testimonies, rottsing singing. short 2.30 special music hy ano Mrs WilSOL 1 the gospel singers. All welcome. MUSIC HALL PATRIOTIC MEETING will be held tornorrovv.

Sunuay. in People's temple. Columbus av, at 2.30 tn. Speaker, Rev Len l. Broughton of Roanoke, Va.

subject: "Chile-Van Citizenship: Pr the Sncrdness of tile Ballot." Sorg service at 2, conducted by Profs trotter and Joao: s-loist. Mrs Nellie Brown Mitehell. Rev 1.1r Fulton will be present and speak. Cordial weleotue to all. jtaibMFIELD ST M.

a cHrneri. the Strangers Church Home. Rev L. B. Bates.

DI). pastor-Class meettbe at 9.15 a M. PrenciRng by the pastor at 10.30, subject, "The and "Christian t'unday sehools at noon and 2 tn. At 7.15 young and old people's service. Report from Christian Workers at Old Orchard, Me.

Seats (res ail; come. BULFINCH PL CHURCH (Benevolent Fraternity of ChurcItcsl-Special vesper services during August. Stinday evening. Aug 1, at 7.30. Rev C.

R. Eliot will preach. Music by thl following singers: Nirs Anna Clifford Breed. Mlas Adsh lItiseey. Mr Warren Turner.

Mr L. G. Subject of sermon. "Rainy Hays tool Stiashine." All are cordially Wilted. Seats free.

TREMONT TEMPLD-Serriee of sacred SOME 2.30 In in charge of Rev M. R. Deming. Prof C. E.

Boyd precentor, Blanche Beulah Sears violinist. addresses by Dr P. Ramacoandrayya of Niadras. India. a converted Hindu and R.

C. Morgan. editor of "The London. Log. Strangers in Boston alai public in general invited.

BoSTON ('OMMON-Popular religions services iUnitariani on Sunday. Aug 1, at 5 m. Charles et mall. lith tree north of the walk. Speakers.

Rev Samuel A. Eliot of Brooklyn. Y. end Rev George L. l'erin, D.

of the Every Day ehurch. Boston. Congregational sinealg. led by cornet and chorus. A welcome to all.

AT THE TABERNACLE BAPTIST curitcn. S. Rev Vatter Colley. pastor. Rev F.

C. lir'res us pch at 10.30 a subject. "The t. m-ist Ian's Badge." and at 7.30 m. shoject, "Personal Accounts." Bible school at 12.

'toting pc. I.c,e-s meeting at 6 El. A COrdial I aVi all. Ev.ry seat free. EVEI1Y-DAY CHURCH.

397 av10.2o a in t'reaelling by the painoe. Rev George L. Perin. ifi I). etiolect, "The Essential and Non-Es oitial in 12.15 in, an informal Billie cornoosed of young and old, in eber4o of the pastor.

Splendid music. Everybody welcome. SHAWNIUT cosi3nEoATIoNAL cHrncH eorher Tremont Brookline eta, Rev W. E. Barton.

D. pastor-Rev Isaac O. Rankin will preach at 10.3a a in; topic. 'The Method of Peace: Christian Endeavor meeting at 6.30 tn. Seats free.

All welcome. WALTER. BAKER MANSION GOLD 404 corner Park at. Dorchester-. in.

usual Sunday services conducted by gradates of the institute. members of the B. It. of G. club.

Interesting testimonies from men. Stf f'13 CLALENOON ST BAPTIST CH I-RCHPreaching ity Rev J. A. McElwain at 10.lit). Reception of now tnombers and communion in the looting.

Prof ri a. will speak at 7.30 on "The Needs of India." END tNitm; AND moRGAN CHAPIL-Ree Richmond Fisk of East Bostan will address the North End union. 53 Hanover at. Sunday 7.30 in and the Morgan chart guild ne Wednesday edsday eteniug. BETHANY BArrisT ('HURCH, West Cottage St.

Roilmry. Rev Herbert Judson White pastor-Rev tt. J. NVIiite of Taunton will proach 1E01111E1g anti evening. Sunday school at ig.15.

All beats free. FND UNIoN SERVICE (Unitarian), Church cif the corner of West Brookline st and av-Aug 1. at 10.30 a in, Rev Edward Everett Hale, D. will preach. Cordial welcome to all.

AV BAPTIST CHURCH, West Canton st. eor NVarren av. Boston, Rey Robert MacDonald. pastor-Rev Wm. M.

Lawrence, tblo.igo will preach at 10.30 hint 7.30 Sbaday. Aug 1. 8 HALL. 724 Washington st- debat su ing society, pper 3.34J 7 in: question, "Resolved. la Fiat ipaptri 3Ioney Without i'ronlise to Pay the Best Money 'I' ARCAIE HALL, 7 l'ark sq-Snriclay evening meeting, Aug 1.

Mr Samuel Brazier; subject, ticie Sam Big Farm. it .4 its matagers." Mr Masters will read a paper. Seats free. F1RS'1 M. E.

CHURCH. Temple at, rear of state bouse-Itev NV. T. l'errin pastor. Rev J.

N. of Chatlectown will preach at 10.30 a in and 7.30 All seats free. Everybody welcome. THE GOSPEL OF SPIRIT RETURN SOCIETY. Minnie M.

Soule pastor. Appleton ball, to, Appleton at tPane Memorial imniding side entrance)-Services Sunday only at 2.30 and 7.30 El. REciRGANIZED CIII-RCH or JESUS CliblIsT of L. D. in Guild hall, corner Washington and Dulley eta, 10.30 a ni and 7.30 in.

Sunday school 12.15. Stf HOSPITALLER SUNI1AY INSTITUTE. 7 Park sq-Question at 7.30 in, -Has the catholic Courch Been, a Bement to Opened by Mr Foster. THE CHRISTADELPHIANS, Arcade halt Park sq-Lecture 10.30 a m. Subject, -The All welcome.

No collection. a Quarter HMI' First beat 371,1 1.154 second hest 87 1.14 Third heat 3 71.4 1.13 Fourth teat 3-14 1.1414 2.25 CLASS, PACING Purse $400. SUNDAY SERVICES. GRACE M. E.

cnrnen. corner Magazir and Perry es. a 121, Brien merit of Lord's Ilupper. conducted by the pat tor. Rev George A.

Phinney. 12 m. Sunda eatolt and pastor's Bible class and Mter Phir ney's class in the audience room: cbalk tal by W. V. Segee: 8 m.

Epwortil leagno meet lug. led by R. F. Higgins. presile13t Harvard chapter; 7 m.

gospel song eerrice; addres by the pastor. subject: "The First Events Seats free. An welcome. GOSPEL TENT. North Plarrard at Anatol! MassUnder auspices of Evangelistic associs tion of New England.

Services Sunday, Aug 1 at 3 and 7.30 m. Pine speaking and singins Everybody welcome. Take Cambridge and AU AM electric Yin Pearl et. srmiTuILLLsTio MEETINGS. CAMBEIDGEPORP O.

A. R. HALL. 5', Mass avPatriotic Bible Spiritual ineetin, Srnday at 10.34) a m. 2.45.

7.45 m. expected during 3 PPP', Mrs Merritt, 3Irs Se more, Mrs Hatch. Mrs Fredericks. Katie Bu ler. Mr D.

S. Clark. Mr Nichols. Mr ETSLOS au others. Mr Fred Clark and Mr Fl Van will alg In evening.

Mrs L. J. Akerman, president. COMMERCIAL HALL. C94 Washington et-Mrs Wilkins.

president Developing circle 11. Mrs Collins having chszge. Free healing Dr Webber. Fine test meeting at 2.30. 7.34.

Prof Charles Woods will give astvlogical reaC trigs. followed by Mrs Witham And othert Good mediums. HIAWATHA 241 Tremont mt. nes EliotMeetings 11 a in and 2.30 and 7.45 Modnims. Mrs Brown.

Mrs Kibble. Mrs Woodm Niro Know104. Mrs Davis. Morass. 'air West, Mrs Hare and others.

Mediums Insltk E. H. TUTTLE. leader. HARMONY HALL, 724 Washington stN.

I Smith's phenomena meetings, fine teat an speaking medimns, local and visiting. dis Josepheno Webster, Mrs Hanson Kibble an others. morning afternoon and evening. INTERESTING and instructive Spiritto in cool. quiet hall.

Washington a every Sunday. 11 a in, S. 7.43 music and test mediums always present. Ali Gilliland. conductor.

EAGLE HALL. 616 Wasbinirton stW. Amerige. condnetnr. Dere lopirx circle at II Teat meetings 2.30 and 7.30.

Excellent Wen will be present. liediunia welcume. Put. invited. MRS A.

PEABODY SicKENNI. 3Ir Arthur Mc Keana, a-ill bold a circle 8unds eventlig at 8 o'clock. at 334 Trevuoo: new Pleasant st, suite DR AERIE K. M. HEATH.

71 Dover st, lectic and psychic. sittings daily. 1 to 9 circle Eunday evening. 8 o'clock. Wby no come? MRS M.

JOHNSON circles 11 a as. 2.3 tn. 14 Winter st. rooms 5 and 6. MARRY ME QUEEN! and Fil buy the wedding ring at WILSON BROS who make AuFarallan gold wedding rings in thet own factory from Si 1 to 812; any sp-cial ring order in two hours; Ildg Clock, 14-15 Tremont row MARRIAGE INTENTIONS.

Louis Wolf and Esther Levin, 3otin Jo and Florence Graves. Dr ATna, ANDERSON-7n this city, 3.tay 30, Mrs Ellen mother ot Rev Joseph G. Anderson. 57 yrs mos. Funeral from her late residence, No.

6'. Spring it, Monday. Aug 2, at 8.30 o'clock Solemn high mass of requiem at St Joseph'I church. Chambers St. at 9 o'clock.

FriendA invited to attend. BABBIn Southport, Me. 3tdy 29, Waits Babb, 05 yrs 5 mos 29 411.S. Funeral from lab residence. 21 East Emerson it, Melrose, Sun day.

at 3 m. BLACILLEBIn July 29. Annie E. wife of Edward J. Wackier.

83 yrs. Funers from ber late residence. Friday. July 30. at 8 o'clock m.

Relatives and friends invitk without further notice. Beloved by all wlic knew her. OONNELLIn Roxbury. July 30. Leonora Con Dell.

8 mos. beloved child of Patrick and Connell. Funeral from parents' residence. 12. Boylston ay.

Sunday. Aug 1. at 2 in. Bel olives aDd friends invited. cnAloIn Dorchester, July 29, Mary, belovei wife of Samuel Craig.

32 yrs. Funeral troll bet late residence. 9 Greenwich pl. Sunday Alg 1. at 2 Relatives and Mend are Invited to attend.

CADOLIDGEIn Somerville. July 29. Charles 11 Coolidge. 66 yrs. DAVISIn Somerville, July 29, Edward A Davis.

Si yrs. Funeral from his late residence No. 9 Hollis av. Sunday, at 2.30 zn. Re la tires and friends -invited.

Interment at Mal den. DONNELLIn Roxbury. Joly 30. Sarah J. widow of William S.

Donnell. 74 yrs 10 mos Funeral services at the residence of bel daughter. Mrs C. H. D.

Stockbridge. 2.5: Harold st, Saturday. July 31. at 2 in Interment at Bath. Me.

Bath. Me papen please copy. ELLISIn Roxbury. July BO. Daniel J.

beloved child of Charles and Maggie Ellis, 2 mos 8 di'. Funentl from parents residence, 7 Adams st, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Relative' and friends are kindly invited. FEU-MANNIn Randolph. July 30.

Ferdinan4 Felimann. 78 yrs. Funeral at late residence Smday. at 1 m. Burial at Mt Hope at 3.30.

FLYNNln South Boston. July 29. Richard V. Flynn. 29 yrs 8 mos 2 ds.

Funeral from his late residence. 443 West 2d It, Monday. Aug 2. at 8.15 a tn. Solemn high mass at St Vincents church at 9 o'clock.

Burial at Abington. Mass. Late member South Boston council. 78. Knights of Columbus.

Train leaves Old Colony station It 10.45 a tn. KLSEA--In Revere, July 22, Esther M. Eliseo. yrs 4 moo 5 ds. Funeral from her mother's residence, 135 Fenno at.

Saturday. at 2 m. Relatives and friends Invited without further notice. KELLOGGIn Soznerville. July ao.

Grace Warren. wife of Dr Flederick Kellogg. 33 yrs 11 moo. Funeral services at her lat. restdenee.

Sunday. at 3 o'clock. LEONARD In Roxbury. July SO, Catherine Leonard. Funeral from the residence of ter 1 brother-in-law.

Timothy Sullivan. 13 Willow 1 pk. formerly of Ill Union Park it. Monday. Aug 2.

at 8.13 a m. Servictbs at St Francis de Sales church at 9 a tn. Relatives arid friends ate invited to attend. LOVELLIn Cottage City, July 29. John P.

Lovell. 77 yrs. Funeral in Congregational church. East Wermouth. Sunday.

Ang 1. at 2.30 m. Relatives and Mends invited to attend. LYNCHIn Roxbury, July SO. Margaret Grattn beloved daughter of Ilannati Bell and the late Edward McCormack, and wife of James Lynch Funeral from mothers realdenek 676 Parker at.

Sunday. Aug 1. at 1.30. Services at Mission church at 2 o'clock. Attendance of relatives and friends requested.

McCORMICKIn Roxbury. July go, Edward McCormick. Funeral from his late residence. 14 Allegheny at. Roxbury.

Monday. Aug 2. at 8 o'clock. Services at 9 o'clock at Mission church- Relatives. friends and members of St Francis court.

No. 4. M. C. O.

kindly invited to be present. MANNIXIn Millis, July 29, William Manntg. 73 ys Funeral from his late residence in Millis, Mass, Saturday, July 31. at 9.13 a in. Train leaves Boston dit Albany depot, Boston.

at 8 a in. MULCARETIn South Boston. July 28, Jere-lab Mulcahey, 23 yrs. Funeral from his late residence. 9 Silver at.

Saturday. July 31. at LSO. Services at SS Peter and Partys church at 2 na Relatives and friends invited to attend. McCORKELLin Stoughton.

William, son of James and Mary McCorkell. 50 yri 8 mos. Funeral Saturday, July 31. at 2 O'clock. from his sister's residence, Pearl it.

Stoughton. Friends and relatives kindly invited to attend. McDONOUGHIn North Cambridge, July 214 mary McDonough. Funeral from her late residence. 56 Tannery it.

Sunday, at 12.30 o'clock. Services at St Johns church. Rindge av, at 1 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited to attend. MURPHYIn South Boston, July 80, Rathrine E.

Murphy, 19 yrs. Funeral from her late residence. 596 Dorchester av, Sunday. Aug 1, at 1.15. Services at St Augustine's church at 2 in.

Relatives sod fnends invited to attend. McNASIARAIn Dorchester, July 80. Edward 1 yr 1 mo 25 de. Funeral from arents residence, 93 Buttonwood at, Sunday. Aug 1.

at 2 m. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. NOWELLla Worcester. July 29. Francis S.

Nowell, 69 yrs 6 mos 14 cks. Funeral from late residence, 108 Chestnut it, Casubridgeport, Sunday, Aug 1. at 2 NOONANIn South Boston, July Z). Joeeph, infant son of Robert and Sarah Noonan. 8 moil 12 de.

Funeral from parents' residence, 60 Silver at. Friday. at 2 m. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. O'CONNORJuly 29, John Leslie, eon of Timothy and Ellen O'Connor, 1 yr 23 de.

Will be buried from his residence. 35 West Dedham at, Sunday, at 2 o'clock. St John, B. papers please copy. PRAYIn Dorchester, July 29.

Marl, beloved wife of Samuel Pray, 82 yrs. Funeral from her residence. Aug I. at 2 in. Relatives and friends invited to attend.

BANDA11--In Boston LI Igblanda, July SO. Zlba Randall. formerly of North Reston. Mass. Bo yrs 2 mos 22 da.

Funeral services from a Gay Road at, Moadaya Lug 2. at 10.30 o'clock. BrafiglOCK DISEASES OF Cored when all others fall. private disease. old eases become polsoned plea.

Small Watery Blisters. and Bones, Ulcerated Sore dodullsesne.ashaessr:esmairinaujngriss.fneroaktsmbilessysso.utt:vrigetriageoetlermist cesses speedily. permanently tore by a new method. It yot tor que3t1on lit. Venable sent FREE.

sealed. 1 I I firttl StiPrhootes HALLOCK MEDICAL Ho COURT Office boors. 9 to 9: ONtaViloned CROSSMAN'S SPECIFIC With this remedy persons without the lest exposure. Interfering tritb business The nothing that is of the least tutIon. Ask your druggist for sTrtelbu- from pukteet; all private gent and old lingering eases Dr.

SIMMONS, 29 Hollis Leonetti. It to 1 and 6 to it THE OLD OR. HALL 50 pronnird et. near Revere wen; all kinds venereal special attention to nervous bood restored; hews 9 to 9. THE DR BAILEY St.

established rears: special to di. -es et men; urs 9 to o15ce 5Z.2 at in toens diseases; bows Wines, Liquors, JOHit CEH 65 St, WI LEAD TBE'll ALL roa AT LOW PEICL. IN OFFERING our own BEHAN'S -OLD '65" KENTUCkY ud BEHAN'S OLD '65" at $Ityi a aszott. Iwo guarantee a gallon. as these goods elsewhere far lets than WE SELL FINCHS Rye and Old Crow Bourbon.

and 5 years old, at WE SELL OLD NEW $136. and Medford Old ntiLA for 52.00 and S2-56. WE SELL GIN for S2.00. and pure Hollmid WE SELL ROCR AND rock candy and rye whiskey. ed a preventive wad cure for WE SELL 5 STLL QUART tomtit Pure Old Wines.

1100: California Old Brandy WE SELL 4 FULL QlfiRT-B-tiTTLEA-iifi Cherry Ram, or Cherry or for 51.00. older gmdes 11-50 WE-SELCO-NE CASE eel te fallow Pure 1.1100111. family or medicinal use. for WE BOX ALL OUR-o'XIDS ervatiou. an pc' up la jags without extra charge.

AS WE SELL AT LOWEST prices. all orders. Whether by must be accompanied with the riot fend gcwAs C. O. DIE YOU DO NOT FIND the abore list, vend far our send no your order.

with rash. tee to nil same as low as any as we carry a full stock of brands. John Behan OLD KENTUCair BOURBON and rum. $1441 per Italion; ranted pore; send for IENETCELI az CO. 146 and WE SW.

a drtraiglit whisky. per gal; Golden per gslion. Old Crow whisky wed.lipg wnistr S3, Carli's TV' whisky $4. holland in Old Medford rnni 2 am4 to-setr-ekli wine per rallor. 3.

H. 1a)-122 South st. 130-112 Bela cean and Coastwiza DOMINION LINEPassenps Canada new). WOO tots Fail from for 1,11 as follows: Saturday. Chars.

Oct 14: saloon cabin icsry superior 42 O. steerare For otormation. apply to JOHN Passenger Agento, 1063 THE TARNIOUTH -Steamers of this line will. until farther glee. leave pier 1.

Lewis wharf, tier londay, Theaday Thursday and Fri lay at clock arrivinz at Yarmouth Wirier, crnto aid Making eltee corrections furl arts of Nova For fall pply to J. F. SPINNEY. Agent. LeVrit whr 2M.

296 and WasLington et, and St. MAT fa CrNARD LINESteamers sag even E'er lay from Boston and Ltverroot via Quermon Ltd from New Tort every batorday: tibia PP ace from Bcaton $73 and upward. getout cal and upward. according to reline tr otation; steerage at low rates. ALEXANPV dARTIN.

Agent. State st. tiSttf jarl ALLAN LIN't N-ewTork to fl -Porrr Cliaagow to BOG tett. via Derv aol ray; passaze tickets at lowest rates. Evil a ormotion given by B.

dig A. ALLAN' t12 SI! 1: C. V. PASET. Et FAITS PON AHOE.

WS1 1473 CI.IEAPEST PASSAGE TICKETS Wand to drerpool. Qneenstown. London and all piaci) Britain. Ireland. continent of Korope.

tousualty low rates for cabin. ea'an torrage passage. Apnly to vARLET iONS, 103 State at. Boston. WSlitl GEERALSTEAMRIP AGENCTLog Ica and from Great Britain.

Ireland and ail WI Enrom drafts and exchange Mail was! tare prompt mention. CHAS. T. DASE1, st 4.4 doors from State at). Ehstect.

STrbtf ly24 Furniture, Eta FlIEEAn elegant reed rocker, a bessItil, clock. a handsome dinner set. glow sideboard. carpets. furniture, ire chasm frigeratot.

baby carriages, torcts Iron beds. mirrors. clocks. emus' nd housetold goods of all kinds oold as Moak tweets: our terms, down on $10 and $1 seek- $2 down on $20 and gi pet Iowa on $30 and $1 per week. $4 tnd E.

per week. So down on po ana sw week. $6 down on 860 and $150 Per '2 down on s7tt and 1.50 per week. $.4 dos' $90 and $2 per week, $9 do wa ea P) .2 per week e40 down on $100 and 12 Ps ceek; If the above terms are not sedstornal re will snake ttnn to suit the ears-ssiaoM etch lurchnser. BROWNE.

HORTON 876 Washington st, 976: evert customs ktrchasing goods to the amoimt of $25 wIlLS resenteci with a Rattan lioesd nstomets goods to the 'Moen 50 will be presented with a beautiful eildS ay clock: enstomers purchasing goods to mount of $100 will be preeented with sn els ant dinner customers purchasing Psi the amount of $150 be preneoted dandy Oak Sideboard: we shin deliver goad ree to any city or town in Ne-v England WbO here be a railroad station. whkh is not (1st I. es'ere lionise in Easton: any OOP Wing I town and net haying the time to tome II ndttendsepdieyttothbeyir Erat theusis otantrin rbat kind of goods they want and the Prt hat they want to pay: we will hat they will be just as they are rePsso- every partienlar. Do not forget the rid niacher, BROWNE. DORTON Vashiuglon st, between Oak and Pine eta dSutf ath on tghnd av nd Hla.

Somerville. leg orer. Address 10. Globe scabooltonosi. loo: togessio.

FOR SALE CHEAPFurnitunt of I Kola ult. '25, 152 ColunAult LADY gOille away wishes to disposes household effeeta. Including sewing A chest. tables, baby carriage. lobs ottien.

dSn4, Patents ATER-Ts 16 iton 34 School Boston. Telepoo00 303 Write or call tor information or advice. EurnstPI APPLICATIONS for $.5. con or CO. 24) Pemberton sq.

dSo7t Sewing Machines LATEST IMPROVED MACHINES. I makes repaired. STERN Jr CO. FANS It CIStar j. $3 EACIE1-1(Xb rood seeend-band eeirinS 02.

Lines. LARKIN le CO. 142 Boylston ss. Typewriters, Eta ENT F4 Rerninevms anti all Wet li it WO14 monelv, wachtnes esrattoell ELL ribbons fur-mewl. Tel.

314. THOR, MARTIN CM, 11 SI' my; C'utf Draraatio Autsem*nns of all kinds tar all moll ibo Tremont at; telepboa 652341s CO until fartlier suf. anti and FriZai at itmouth Wive), artiectinets tot II foll Lewis whr. rigton and It Art sag every Sart via itreloy: (obit Po ot000d oat to steatne S. ALEXASPV dSttf Jal! to and Gs st rates.

ran 11 ALLAS 2Rv .1 at: PATIM: litzt KE-71Wfo fvI no4 all place.) of Earope. ek in. L'd veils at (iFIN vARLET WSItif ta Lincd and ail inge, kS. T. at).

Eyston srmil Furniture, Eta IllEEAn elegant reed rocket, a bellottil, 1-drty citric. a handsome dinner art. a glow ab sideboard. carpets. furniture.

Ige etas, trigrratos. baby carriages, tords. iron beds. mirrors. clocks.

csuc'' nd housstold goods of.all kinds add 43E Walk El nit non I ATE 1091153" 34 School Boston. Telepacr 303 Fir tulles ot pure, white said. Boat Btath to the tatted Stotts. and uneXceicti tor Surf Bothlas. A cool, hour's sail crown our beautiful harbor.

Six of the Finest Excursion Staamers In the woM eze now im CO11561011. 1earta3 ROWE'S WHAR I AlrtliNOON AND EVEWING JEV1110 HOTEL NANTASKET. Myles Standish Band. C. TOMPSON.

Conductor. W. C. KAINE, Carnet Soloist CSIDAY SPECIALTY. The Swedish Sisters, SOPHIA AND CLARA WALLENTHIH, Will Sing both afternoon and evening.

Weather Permitting Eteariers leave for lirm (Pemberton Landing) and NANTASKIM 19.20, 8.20, 9.20, 9.50. 10.20, 10.50, 11.20 a- 12.20, 1.20, 1.50, 2.20. 240. 8.20, 4.20, 4.50, 5.20. 5.50, 6-20, 1.20, 8.50 p.

tn. HE'LL (Y. C. Plot). week days 5.20 p.

m. CROW roiyr, week days a- 2.20, 5.20, 1.20 p. m. RINGTIA5. week days a 2.20.

5.20 p. nt. a. Stmdays excepted. 8S0 G.

P. CtSIIING, Gen. Mgr. Electric Railroad -ALONG NANTASKET BEACH. cars connect 'with boats to sad from rembertors Fare Only 5 Cents.

All retralar boat tickets have coupon for the aectric Ito( Irene). Sn RAYMOND WHITCOMB'S TOURS. ALL TRAVELLM EXPENSES MUTED. A party mitt leave 'Roston August al for a Grand Tour of Sixty-Seven Days to THE YELLOWSTONE AND CALIFORNIA. The trip will Include a week in the National Park, ample stops at Seattle.

Tacoma nd Portland the pictttresune Shasta Route. and ertended vista to Sao Prime goo. Sawa Barbara. Los San lotegos etc-, returning rut Caldorula. Summer and Autumn Trips of nee to Twenty.One Days to the Principal Resort of New England.

New 'York and Canada, In august awl September. 'Dour to the Yellowstone Park Anglin St Annual Winter Trios to Cal I to once a month or wiener, beginning in November. Independent Railroad and steamship Tickets to all Points. Send for descriptive lsolk, mentionhis whetter Yellowstone or Summer tour is desired. RAYMOND ilk WHITCOMB 296 Washington Street (opia School Baston dSu3t j3-31 POINT: OF Outdoor Plantallon Pastimes.

PRIES riwitt-0 ther pictuttinny Band. Music Day and Evening by the Lynn Cadet Band. DANCING FEEZ--8FLENDID BATHING. A Ls TO MO rrow Music from 10 a- vit. to 10 rc THREE BANDS.

One Hundred and Twenty-Five Musicians. The Celebrated Cornet Soloist. MISS ANNIE FOSTER LA ROOM LYNN CADET BAND. EAST BOSTON CADET BAND. ST.

AUGUSTINE CADET BAND. Trains half hourly to and from by Revere Beach Lynn R. R. HOttad Trip, Inclattfur Admission, 25 Cis. pLANT LINZ TO el ro HALIFAX 0 23 Itorths Pro.

111 TRIPS A Only Line Without Change to C. and CMAIII-OTTETOWN. F. E. I.

Direr connection for all polvts in Nova, Scotia Cape Breton end PTInte Edward Is.and. S. Halifax every Tuesday, 12 noon, for thscoter town, calling at Bahia" and Havrgeshury. S. SOlivetto every Wednesday and satntday.

4.C-0 IL, for Halifax. From north Le-NA wharf. Send for advertisms. Tickets and in. fornasion.

201. 291,., 332 srd of J. A. FLAN DERA, N. E.

I mos. Agent, 290 WashinetrA St. RicsAkrietois A Agenta, 20 Atlantic 91111119d my30 Isles of Shoals The Stanch and Palatial sTRi LEWISTON (Largest Excursion Boat Afloat) Will leave Commercial Wharf, 913 Atlantic Ava, daily at 10 A. weather permitting Irttessiziay and Tharary), affrom4 a magma-cent view of the pictur-slue Isle of Tuesday an I Thurerfav alrbtm the famous North Shore' as far as Hampton Maj. Clark's Band and Orchestra.

Dinners and Refreshments served. 100 Comibudious Sraterooms. Telepbnoe Haymarket 1654. 7 et FARE JELOUN it loy Children nail Fare. w.

o. oncurr. EXERSON. G. P.

A. Gen. Mgr. tf jy2E1 Salem V. 2 HOURSITillricREBITINir 1 2 5 GREATEST SAIL FOR SMALLEST COST Enest Fish DInner3 on the Hort) M12nlio Coast.

OF 'FLUE. Boats leava i'earson's VS-art. and 358 Atlantic Av, daily weather permitting) at 9.3o, 10.30 A. M. 2.3O lad 3.3o P.

M. Leave Salem Willows 11.30 A. 12.30, 5 aud 6.30 P. M. Cohnections at the WILLOWS for BEVERLY and BAKER'S ISLAND.

Special rates to excursions and pientc parties. For particulars apply to DAVID MOItRIS treaa Morrison Steamboat Co. tt ly13 FESTIVAL DAYS AT PLYMOUTH. The 'Neer Steel Steamer 1.1"15Z-reel LT rIVII Leaves Winthran Wharf, 478 Atlantic Avpnne, daily (weather permitting) at 10.00 A. arriving back at Boston 6.30 P.

M. Hound I SIngle Fare-15e. Children Half Fare MtALS AND LUNCHEON SERVED ON BOAR. No Liquors Sold. by JORDA1113 CADET BAND.

l725 SIAM I. 11. BACON, Gen. Mgr, BASS HINT, NAHUM Concert Afternoon and Even loz by a Val Ite lzatle Ran I. Beat Flab BAL.NCiNt4 FACE.

Steamer a leave Lincoln's Wharf, 0.111y. weather FOR BASS POiNT--930, 11.00 a. 12.30. 2.20. 3.30.

5.00. 6.30. S.13 in. a. 12.00.

2.00, 3.45. 5.15. 7.00, 9.30. FOR 11.00 a. 12.30.

2.20, 8.30. 5.00, 6.30 p. UI. 11.00 a. 12.15, 1.30, 3.25, 4.35.

6.00 p. Faro 25e. tiolor .11 15-. CHke Ferry Cars. pevial Rat '0 to F.

H. filirtn Sttuts P. LANE, N. E. A.

201 Washington St. TrtiFS Oi, .00 To Nova Soca Ey Internntisnll S. S. Co. 4) MGM' and tow rates beyond.

Pend for folier Commercial art-arf. or 201- lit 296, 332 NV- ashinton 6t. 00 Fast Express Sallee Beg Ins July 5th. TbSTLf Jel0 NH THE FISHING GROVE. The new steamer Philadelphia, Capt Sorenson, will leave Commercial wharf daily at 10 a m.

Sundays 1030 a in; lines, bait and ebow der free. Fare al. 4Su3t SATURDAY JULY 31. AFTERNOON, A RARE AFTERNOON'S SPORT. SIX GREAT EVENTS.









Mr. TONY CUMMINGS, General Director. 421 Tremont St. Telephone tril Tremont. Branch O.

at Store. 16STremont St. CMLY at 2 and 8 P. Doors open at 1 and 1 P. M.

EDWIN MILTON ROYLE'S FRIENDS Children Free at Matinee. Adults, when buying tickets for any Matinee, will, upon request, be given ono fres adjoining seat for a child between the ages of 5 and 15 with each seat purchased. Only One Rvery Neat ha the Meuse Reserved at flae. Next WeekJIM THE PENMAN. 1 011v2e THE OLD ft! A IrAir WILL BE OPENED MONDAY, Auo I 2 AT I P.


Direct Wire from Grounds nd Every Wily Duplicated by the NATIONAL LEAULE MB ONLY SUCCESSFUL Duplication of BAH Ball 1 Existence. i i Smoking Permitted. Light Summer Beverages. CENERAL ADMISSION, 25e. "The Model Playhonae of tit Country." High Claes Vauderille.

Performance Continuous. Williams and Walker I Last times tor the Colored Comedians. and Demers. and all the other clever entertainers itt the current programme. -r titi le IF: IK -r Jubilee Pictures In the Biograph, showing the Queen and other members of the r03 Eil family.

Ilme. Ida Klein, The noted opnra Mitres, will be the soloist with the Symphony players MUSIC TODAY at 4130 BASE BALL Reproduced by Compton Eintric System. CAPTAIN WILLIAM DALY WM also to the audience every play made. BOSTON vs. iltISHINGTON.

Emokin7 Allowed. Served. 2el flatewsy 10 eta. ADMISSION 1141cony 15 eta. NI in Floor FIFII SALTIMORK OUIOLES.

AME1114 I'S MI ELL countED CLUB. HERR WILLIMIENN Man Elate. 4 St lige Every Hour-2 Prozranis. I Hours 10 Al. to 10.30 P.

10c. to All, NM STONE'S 5t jy27 Afternoons and fEventnas. 371 Mardi Cras Cluriesque Co Is end Grand Olio. Smoking Concerts Cool Drinks CrilUTES Huntington Avenue. BOSTON'S NORTH POLE.

hOlt.sES, TROLLEY, BAND CONCERTS. 10 Cents Admits 1 to 11 F. M. tt iY426 SPECIAL STEAMER. ALASKA 1 raciflo Nay.

Co Is Steel SthISLAND- 0 1,3 2 El From Victoria AOCI, 15, to DYEA, ALASKA, FIELDS. $40.03. All InformitIon of CANADIAN PACIFIC Washington Street, Boston TThil Jx21 41 I A 1 I I 1 .1 i.

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.