The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

i i i i i 'i! i Li i. it i 14 vh if AI)e Coming picdsutul NEW vORLEAN S. EIDAY BTEKIJfQ, APRIL. 2iV 185t. a t'.

TJttB Tbe noblest men I know op 5 Are men whor hands are brown with toil 'Who, backed by no ancestral graves, Hew dowa the wood and till to sell, And win tben by prouder feme Than follow king or warrior nam. Tbe work In man, what'ar their task, a To carve the stone or bear tha bod They wear npon their honest browa The roysl suwip snd seal of God Ad brisuter are tbe drop of sweat Than diamonds in aeorouet! Oad bleat tha noble werklnfmen, who rear tbe citiee of the plain, Who aia the mtnea and build toe shine And drive theeommeroe of the main, i ad bleaa them, for their ewarthy hands Have wrooght tbe glory of ail lands. A itnrgeon, weighing 160 ponnda, was captured In Cahaba (Ala river, near Marion, Tuesday but liackay it said to have a boolc in prew, in Londoa, describing hla late American toar. aaw awawieMaaMaaaMaaMB Arrttt of Poilnuuterj The postmaster at DodaonvUle, Highland eoanty, Ohio, hai bn arrested by the Deputy United States Uanhal on a charge of robbing the mall of ralnable letters. Case of Coiucience.

Sir. D. Johnson, County Treasorer of Hontaille, has re eeiTed from Bishop Cobbs the som or j'Jbu, rsstored through him to the public fands by Dome one who years ago cheated the treasury. JgT Gen. Urqoiza, President of the Argen tine Confederation, presented Com.

Saabriok, ommanding. the Paraguay expedition, just before he sailed for home, with an elegant word, that had been formerly presented to himself. i Dimat. Dnrinsr bis travels, the senior Dumas bats ho became the iraest of a beauti ful Drincess. an Oriental nearl.

who asked him for a sonnet, not a word of which did she. understand, and in return (rave Dumas a magnificent necklace, which he understood perfectly well. Win Drinkers i Connteticut. They nust be good judges of wine in the Nutmeg State, for we see it stated that Solon (Hot Corn) Bobinson recently presented some wine to friends in Connecticut, which was drunk and highly praised, after which he assured them it was made from the juice of rhubarb (pie plant) at the rate of 800 gallons per acre, in Washington. Alabama and Ttneuee Rivers Railroad.

This great work is now completed from Selma, 100 miles from Alabama river The iron is ready to' lay down as far as Talladega, and much of the grading on other portions of the road done. The money accruing from sub scriptions or the sale of lands granted by the State, for the rigorous prosecution of the whole work to completion, is waiting in the treasury to be spent On Monday the 18th inat, says the Victoria (Tex.) Advocate, the horse Take Care," owned by Mr. S. H. Clements of Vic torla county, trotted a heat of ten miles to a wagon on a bet of five hundred dollars, trotting the distance in thirty nine and a half minutes, winning the race by a half minute Department News.

The United States General Land Office has in preparation in structions to tbe Snrvevor Ueneral of the ler ritorv of Mew Mexico, directing him to cause the survey of tbe Pneblo laud claims in that Territory, in accordance with the provisions of the act Congress approved December 23d, 1858. The claims are confirmed to the following Pueblos Jemes. iifthe county of Santa Ana Acoma, In the county of Valencia; San Juan, in the county of Kio Aribat Picuris, ia the county ot lacs ban jseupe, lu we county oi Berna lillo; Pecos, in the county of Ban Miguel; Cochiti. in the conntv of Santa Santo Domingo, In the county of Santa Ana Taos, in the county of Taos: Santa Clara, in the eounty of Ariba Tesuque, in the county of Santa Fe San Udefonso, in the county of eanta i'ojaque, in the county of banta Zia, in the county of banta Ana ubandia. the county of Bernalillo; Ieleta, in the county of Bernalillo and the Nambe, in the conntv or The instructions also direct the Surveyor General to survey five private land claims that have been connrmea, an4 make general regulations for the survey of the public lands of tbe Tenitory of, New Mexico daring the next year.

Tbe xv ew xork Sun, some days since. quoted' the statements" of the indebtedness of the Port Office Department: to mail contractors at 80 caoB; I Poet Office Department has good reason to believe that such atatementa'" have been negotiated npon much better terms. Partial payments have already been made npon 14 statements" at an interest of 7 per cent per annum with a proviso that if the accounts be paid within a year the overplus of interest enau ne reiunaea. i The Post Office Department has conclnded the examination of proposals for carrying the United States mails in the Southern section, comprieiDR the States of Virginia, North Carolina, SouthCarolina, Georgia and Florida, decided npon the contracts. The contracts awarded by the Department will be HBDouDcea on mouaay.

i The Navy Department la in Af A. patches from Com. Conover, dated at Porto Praya, off the coast of Africa, March 12. The U. 8.

sloop of war Vineennes and the flag ship of the squadron were at that von. and th sloop of war Dale was expected there by the '1st of ArriL The health of the officer, and crews of the vessels on that station was ralJy good. Watkmgton TEE GIT Y. RoiBEky. A rongh looking individual went, late last night, to tbe Strangers' Hotel, on Chartres street, between St.

Lords and Toulon so, and took a room, ttfter refiatering bis name. After passing tbe night 'there, be left the hotel this morning at 4 o'clock. A bort while after, one of the boarders In an adjoining 'room, discovered that be had been robbed of $50 in snoney and a gold watch. Another' boarder, who slept In the same room, bad with him a heavy amount of money, which was left nntoacbed. Tbe stranger who bad left at such an nnnanal hoar is suspected of the rob bcrj, though with what foundation we don't know.

rJ Amothkk Robbket. Mr. A. Plaefllln, who resides on Annunciation street, near Josephine, complained to tbe Chief of Felice that be has been robbed of tbe sum of $800 by a man named Martin Kaatuer. police is on the lookout for the thief.

These robberies have beoome so. frequent thst they may now be considered aa a matter of every day oo orrenee. In looking over the police reports of the foor Districts every morning, we are snre to find three or four arrests made of individuals suspected of bur glary or larceny. Some are brought to punishment a greater number escape unscathed, thanks to the prose eo tors themselves. The first impulse of a man robbed is to go and enter complaint, but after a few days have elapses; and tbe examination of tbe alleged thief is fixed, It Is in most cases very rare that tbe prosecutor appears at 1L The prisoner cannot be kept under a Simple charge to sustain which no evidence is offered, snd the magistrate most release him, though be may believe him guilty.

'isx. A two story kitchen at the corner of Philip and St. Dennis streets, caught fire last night at about 9 o'clock. The upper part was destroyed, when the checked before any further damage could take place. i p)Ub Matters.

'SJIS22 1 Sdmm Jonn MoSrann SUlirSfif naa ot Hail st Hildreth, on sus vT4n watoh and chain, and having In bu posseaaion a burglar's jimmy. He wUl be examined on tbe 6th ef May TT VwlierJnArtWM this morning on the rtsrgeof tothe WorkitJe for 30 oU man, whbts'aesti tteEi fc'JESSU' Sshim lf 1 np to Aan Uoni aa mA rm IT pZi. tor 60 daysT llcions7wa. X.S,?'S?u,,arrel dangerons and stuv Kwns, wag st a to the same establishment for SO days. S1T I Br aVSa ,4 OmCK OF THE PICAYUNE, Tbanday Erenlnc, April 18N.

COTTON Same bayeia came forward to day and took boot S60O bales without material cbanfe in price. We quote it before InfrrioT IMMdHn 1 OltW Ordinary SwlO iGood Mjddllnf.lHl8H bow kUddUDf.llliWUSIFair. STATEMENT OF i Stock on hand lit Bepttrmber, 18SS. 30.371 Arriveaahice l.Wl.199 to day l.ftO l.TOl.m i ir. erf lA.rfur IUJ 1 ni .1 1 A UrD 11.600 1.A94.'S1S Stack an band not cleared aoe.90 SUGAR We notice aalea of eoo to too hhda.

at ua cbangtd pHcra. Fair to folly fair 61g6lC. if TO. klOLA88ES Tbe rates have further advaneedf witn aales qf seme 400 bole, at SJJSSc. for fermeotioc.

and for cbetce, ame SfiO baa beia as srwasc w7 gauon. TOBACCO We bear of some too hade, aokL comprialnc SO of Lngi at 6 V. S3 Admitted and Refused at 10 Admitted at 7tc ii aiso at 7cj a cj ana 40, is and 84 on private terms. STATEMENT OF TOBACCO. Stock on band September, ISM hhda S8.31S arHvawl alnce Arrived to 414 36.634 64.7SO 65638.334 Exported to date Kxponea to aay Stock en band not 38.418 FLOUR About 1600 bbla.

nave been disposed of, in cladinc 600 aoperflne and S40 extra on private terma i 988 country superfine at SS T6 10U0 extra in aeveral lots at 96 60, and a small lot of common at S4 87)f bbL CORK Market very firm, with sales of abont 6000 sacks comprising SOM ordinary In two lots from store at 86c; 200 yellow at MC 1000 at 93c, and 1660 white In three lots at SI bushel. OATS The sales Include 460 sacks St. Louis at 63c. butbet BAT We notice sales of S60 bales Western at S23j S23 ss, and SS4 ton. FORK TOO bbla Mess sold on private terms.

BACON 10 caaks clear Sides brooaht UJtc 4P m. LARD Sales 183 kefs mt KH6 yestordsy 190 tierces prime at 11 If B. WHISKEY Dull, ana notoinf oi any moment aoiog. COFFEE Sales 1100 bags, of which 6s at locj 113 at lie 3t0 at nlje. and 160 at 11)40.

V. FEEIGHT8 We notice a Ship taken for Liverpool at Id. for Cotton, one at 6 16d. One for Havre at 9 16c, and one laid en for Liverpool and one for Bremen at current ratea. EXCHANGE There is a moderate demand at our quo tations London (dear bills) i 999U fct.

prern. 6f.l34ftf.l8V 4r" doll. New York 60 days 11J and Ifc ct. dis. taw I orK parw preiu.

CATTLE MARKET. JeSeraon City, Thursday Evening, April 98. BEEF CATTLE The market to day scarcely varied aad we quota good and choice Western Beeves at 11913c IB net Texas St and S40 head. BOGS An ample stock at 708SiC net. SHEEF Scarce.

M1LCB COWS At S3Q880 head. VEAL CATTLE An ample stock at 4 60311 60 head. MONETARY AND THURSDAY EVENING, April 98. Business moves along quietly, without any change wor thy of notice. Money continuea abundant, with only a limited demand, either at the Bank or on the Street, and rates of Discount are still in favor of borrowers.

Good long paper is eagerly Bought for at low fliorea, and the Banks absorb all the abort paper that Is presented to them. Stocks and Bonds are scarce, and prices indicate increased firmnefs on the part of holders. Transactions to day have been quite limited at our previous quotations. Exchange. The Market exhibits no variation on our last report.

Tbe supply of both Foreign and Domestic Bills is ample, and the demand is only moderate at best for any description. Buyers relate to purchase exten slvely at asking and drawers appear indisposed to alter tbelr quotation A despatch in the evening papers announces a decline in Sterling at New York. Bales in our market to day have been under the average of the past week, and rates are tpe same as at the close of business yetterday. We repeat: Clear Sterling Bills 109)6, Bills with Bills of Lsdlng attached 10HS1MH, Francs 6f.lS96f.18,, Sixty day Bills on New York, it. laik Vet discount.

Short Sight discount for five to ten dsy drafts. Sight par? (4 discount. The New York Times, of the 23d says There is much to remark anon in Monev rates to dav. Notwithstanding the improved activity on the Stork Exchange, the warns of tbe Brokers in the way of demand loans are not important. The oataidc lenders are making ratDer Detirr terms man tne Sanaa, say 41.

ine whole ranpe on Stock security is 4ct discounts are steady: At Bank the short, or summer, dates have the preference. Lista of prime Indorsed' paper, failing dne early in the fall, are in demand outside at from fSfc Tbere la considerable activity in bar gold, for the two steamers to morrow and this in tarn createa a good supply of sight exchange on Liondon and I'arit. Tbe remittances this season are mare divided than usual between sight aud sixty day bills, owing to the moderate difference made and tne competition among drawers, we quote sixty cays UN? $ct Southern and other transient Bank bills, aud 110ct standard Bankers on tbe spot, endfairht Hufe 4ct. The Vanderbilt and City of Baltimore together will have 1, 160,000 or in gold and silver. The sup plies by exyress from the interior as well aa from Califor nia are on tns increase.

vitn riew r.ngtano tne ex change bas turned against tbe city, and Boston funds are in demand this week. The position of Outinens in that quarter is growing strong sod remunerative, and factory and railway property looking up. BANK OF ENGLAND REPORT Tbe return from the Bank of England for the week ending the 6th of Apni, gives the following results, when when compared with tbe previous week: Public Deposits Other Deposits Rest On the other side of the account Government securities. 11.7i,30S.... Same aa before.

Other securities 17,717,713 Increase :i.22S Notes unemployed 11,264,070 Dec rr ate Tbe amount of notes in circulation is I23.493.lfi0. being an increase of Xl.6tr3.C40. and the stock of bullion in both departments is showing a decrease of 6TMi wnen comparea witn ine preceding return. MILLINERY Jnst RecelYed( A NSW AND SPLENDID A5S9KTUSNT OF SPUING MILLINERY, (AT THE OLD STAND,) Mrs. CLARK, Agent, Corner of Foydrss and Carondelet streets, Where full assortment of the newest styles I 7 Bonnets, Ribbons, Ac, Ac, Ac, kept constantly I salon band.

Vgl. Country purchasers will do well to call before 1 elaewbert, aa they will find to their advantage, both in styles and prices. Canal street is not tbs only street where fashionable and the newest styles of millinery can be found. F37 Just Received, A NEW AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF SPRING MILLINERY. MRS.

I. JEFFERS, 143.. Stbiit Reepectully informs the ladles that she is new receiving and ofleri for sale Large Assortment of FANCY 600DS AND PARIS IHILLINEBY. Comprising In part Straw, Lace, Leghorn, Felt, Italian, and Chenille BONNETS, all beautifully trimmed in the Latest Styles from Paris. Also Rich Bead Dresses, Bridal Wreaths, Kid Gloves, Parasols Corsets and Embroideries.

Commission Merchants and Planters will And It to their advantage to give ns a call before purchasing elsewhere. All orders from City er Country promptly attended MRS. JEFFERS, mho gmaegplt 14 Canal street, OpenIBtT.f mortu SSO Camp Street, corner of Julia HAS Inst received a Large Stock of SPRING MILLINERY, comprising Rice, Straw, Fancy Hair, Chip and Craps JSOl1 ETB, Drab and White English STRAW BONNETS. Infants and Misses' White Drab, Leghorn. Straw Pamela and Fancy HATS, Boys' HATS and Jockey CAPS, RIBBONS, 1 FLOWERS, VEILS, EMBROIDERIES, Ac Jnst received SO doren of Thomson's Patent Colored and White HOOP SKIRTS, with Watch Spring; Bustle.

Ladles are res pectfullv invited to call and examine. tsar Tbe orders of Commission and Country Merchants Sued with care. nSI tf TO TH1 A.ADIKS. ODR 0PENINe DAT. C2 G.

W. JKaper COR. POtDRAS AND CARONDELET STREETS) We respertfuHy rnforsnahe Ladles that we atOWDAY a large sssoitilent of FANCY eOODS AND PARIS MILLINERY, Cprwrng iocri Velvet, Straw, Lace, Leghorn Pel, Italian, and Chenille BONNETS, all beeuUfeJ srininmUMLateMStykfromParw. Asm Bicb Head Drssses, Bridal Wreaths, Kid Gloves, Parasols Corsets ana Embroideries. CowmawbTB Merchants aad Planters wtti and tttotbss) advantage to grs asacaU befere purchastng elsewhere AU ordsri from City sr Ceantry promBtiy sttendedto 0.

W. ROPER, 6m Cor. Poydras and Carondelet streets. aw eel Order. rpHJB andMsgned 1 are to furnish, with A spate from their mUla on Pearl River, BlUsofr sow Pine and Cj uiess Lam her, sawed to any dimension Also, for sale st their yard, corner Calliope and Howard streets, a complete assortment of YsHow Pine and Cypress Lumber 1 Dressed Fleering, Ceillag and Weather Boards, 'FlaaterirfLathr, SliWrl, tcTirl orders" addressee Ito Boa fts, Pss Office, er Boa 40, Mechanics' and Dealers' Mcnange, vt at.

aoanes strset, wiu meet pminpt arte laaxi ss jyj w. UAJULa C0V OIlsMlsMippk UK iff NTBA It' BODTIa QO ft lit ,9 NOB TH AND EAST BT. ItOCIS, CA1KU suisl NEW ORLEANS Xtsvllrsavsl Lime rStemBtera) OMR OF THE FOLLOWIS0 SPLENDID PASSENGER STEAMERS WILL LEAVE NEW ORLEANS A3 TOLLOWB WhL M. atORRISOS KarchSanatSi April Ui MsytandtS. CHAMTIOM Moors, 1 Merch and SB 1' April li ay 4 and (4.

iHrTBTsTi 1 March and sT April IS) Kay 6 and So. 1. IWOS Jones, 1 March 8 and se April 1S Maylaad ta. ALECS. SCOTT Relley, March 11 aad 1 April so 1 MsylOsndSO.

HEW FALLS CITY Woods, March IS i April and SS May 1S Jane 1. A LACEY. J. F. Rodney, March 16 1 April 4 and Mi May 14 1 JnneS.

JOHIWALSH 3. MoHoy. 1 March IT 1 ApU6andM May 16 1 Jones. CITY OF March 19 1 April 8 and t8 1 Msy 18 1 Jons T. ssr.STtlATOR llnefalter, mat tel.

anarch II April 10" and 10 1 MaySi Jans 9. Fassengers can rely ansa tbe boats leaving as advertised and making Dfict connections at CAIRO AND 8T. LOUIS With The ILLINOIS OENTKAti Aad OHIO AND MISSISSIPPI RA I LIOAS FOR ALL POINTS fVOflTH, EAST, AND WEST. vwr mm Cheap, Tina aa Unlok and with less chances than by any other roate. sarTiCRETS eooD ontil dsed.

SaT For Correct Information or Through Tickets apply at the office of tbe RAILROAD LIKE PACKETS, 61 Camp street, corner of Commercial Place. CLIFFORD a. WAYNE, General Agent, J. F. ALLEN, General Freight Agent.

B. W. 6O0L1, Superintendent. mho 1 Lesveson SATURDAY, lota Inst, at 6 P. ST.

LOUIS, CAIRO AN NEW ORLEANS RAILROAD LINE. FOR ST. LOU I Connecting at Cairo 'with tbe Illinois Central, and at St. Louis with the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad hue resular passenger packet steamer GLADIATO S. Klinefelter, master, will kave for St.

Louis and all intermediate landings as above. For freight or through tickets to all points riortn. Cast or west, apply on ooaxo. or to J. F.

ALLEN, Freight Agent, er Q. WAYNE. Ticket Arent BaT Passengers and shippers can rely on the punctuality 01 tnis steamer. 1 1 .1 1 .11 I lst plan ot tbe cabin ran be, seen and ataeerooma secured by applying at tbe Company's Oince, 61 Camp street, corntr 01 bommerriai riace. ap4 E.

W. 60ULD. Superintendent Lesves on MONDAY. 3d May. at P.

M. ST. LOD13, CAIRO AND NEW ORLEAN 8 RAILROAD FOR ST. LOUIS Connectlns at Cairo Pwith the Illinois Central, and at St. Louia witb tha Ohio and Mlsalaaluoi Railroad entirely new and regular passenger packet steamer WM.

U. MORRISON, J. N. Botiager. matter, will leave for St.

Louia and all Intermediate landing aa above. For freight or through tickets to ail points North, East and West, apply on board, or to J. F. ALLEV. General Freight Agent, or C.

G. WAYNE, General Agent gar Passengers and shippers can rely 0.1 tbe punctuality OI tuts steamer. BzS No berth considered ensssed until naid for. tmT A plan of the cabin can be seen and staterooms secured by applying at tbe Company's Orhce, 01 Camp street, comer 01 commercial riece ap7 E. W.


a. FOR ST. LOUIS Connecting at Ca'ro JPwitti thm IIHnoit nt nfral and at Ht I.nnia with the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad lue hue resular passenger oscket steamrs CHAMFIOM. Moore, master, will leave lor tbe above and ail Intermedi ate landings at above. For freight or through tickets to su psuut Ui LU, X.OS& or rat apiy on waru, or iu J.

F. ALLEN. Freight Agent, or G. WAYNE. Ticket Ae enr.

gar Passengers and shippers can rely on the punctuality 01 tnis steamer Ulr No berth considered en mured until paid for. tmT A plan of tbe cabin can be aeen and staterooms secured by applying at the Company's Orhce, 61 Camp street, corner 01 aommemai ria ap29 E. W. GOULD. Superintendent.

fllflalrlo Jorkrv Club. Tbe following Stakes have been opened for the 8pring Meeting of IHfiu, to be ran over the airtame Course, under tbe rulea and resulatlona of the Club On FRIDAY, snth March, ISfO Planet Post Stake." For all steai aubtcription via. bait forfeit, four mile beats; the second in tbe race toaave his stake lour or mere supsrnoera to nu tne ataae tne metairie jocsey Club to add S1AUO if the race it ran. to name at the tot tbe stake to close on the 1st January, 1W0 now six sub senDera. Oa MONDAY.

Sd Aoril. 1SP0 Crescent Post Stake." for all sgea: bests of two miles 1 fonr or more to fill the stake: aubscrintlon SfioO. half forfeit: the oroDrietora of tbe New Orleans Crescent" to sdd piste worth vxi, if inree or more stsrt; tne seconn eorse to save nut siase; the stske to close on the 1st January, I860; now four subscribe ra On FRIDAY. 6th April, lettn Hunter Stske," for coirs and Si ies then 3 y. a (foals of heaUoue mile: stbscriprlon 8300.

Slot): nve or more subscribers to fill the stake added by the Club if the race la run the tecoud borse to save bis stake ta name aud close on the 1st August, 1869; now nve subscribers. SPRfNG MEETING OF I SSI. The Doswell Stake," to be run on the MONDAY of luc i.guiai aiiii, icui, wuu 'Jib. 11 uiuca then y. o.

(foals of 186S; heats one mile; subscription SN10. forfeit i0 50 if declared on or before the 1st Jan uaiy, 1C61; ten ormoresabxribers to fill the stake 1 to Bsme and dose on tbe 1st August, lSAai the Club to add tun II two or more start the second borse to save his stave; now four subscribe re. nominations and declarations to be addressed to SIDNEY STORY, Secretary. New Orleans, April, law. ap It Pacta and Sasrsjeatlana, Clalmlogf the Con sideration 01 an loose nusiuesa, eltber oa a Large er 8mall Scale, In tbe City or Country.

AS A PERFECTLY RELIABLE SAFE saves, wben encountering Are, from a hundred to a thousand timet its cost, it Is anything bnt true economy to dispense with the use of such sn article, or to confide in one that la liable to deteriorate, thus becoming unreliable wben eld. Tbe subscriber bss constantly, for sale. Safes made In New Yark, St. Louis sud Boston.vbich are not only origi nally, but alto permanently ore proof. This be Is prepared to demonarrate to those who msy visit or address him, by pubiicstions designed for distribution! and he neither expects nor wishes any to purchase, unless folly satli tied that their own Inter at counsels them do so.

A Safe la aa indispensable to those having eccaaioo to keep books, papers, money, jewelry, ate as is a fire policy to those owning stocks 01 merchandise; and tha foregoing brief allusion to a precaution of incalculable Importance will, it Is hoped, induce many of the farmer claw predate toe necessity 01 investigating suoject SO Intl uaray cvnacHsa witn tncir pecuniary weirare. ISAAC BRIDGE. mhl0 tf SAW Masailne street COTTON PLANTERS Are reavectfnlly Invited to call and examine TILE CYLINDER COTTON GIN, PATENTED SEPT. 11, 1849 APRIL 27; and AUG Off! SI, IBM. Together with certificates frem respectable and expert need planters, fully establishing the following Important advantages ever all other Gins now In use, vis 1 It does not CUT or NAP the staple.

It rejects one third more trash. It (Ins FASTER with toe same power. 4. It Is MORE SIMPLE, MORE DURABLE, and LESS LIABLE1 TO INJURE THE INNER. S.

It enhances the value of the Cotton one half to one ends half cents per poond, AS CAN BE PROVED BT ACTUAL BALES. On exhibition and sale at the sfllce of the Agents, S. DONNELL A US Common street, Jss dWtf Opposite St. Charles HotcL For Hale. A very desirable Residence in Jefiersm Cltv.

con tain ins ten rooms in main buildinc. with all neres sary out buildings, garden, tc conprising all of square ju. aiso, nineteen liois in square si, very niga nrnind nnl wm will lu nl .1 a I WW. 1 B. M.

bxui 3t commercial rlsre, or to WATK1V Ac HOMAN. sp4 18t Carpet Store, so Camp street. JUST PUBLISHED. NIOAEAOHA! Present and Fntnre i a description of its Inhabitants, customs, nunea, minerals. Early History, Modern FlUbusterism, Proposed ntaroceanic CanaL and Manifest Deatinv.

By PETER P. STOUT, late U. A Vice Consul. As Vice Consul, Mr. STOUT bad annsnsl facilities for becoming acquainted with the productions of the conn try h7chr1er Its people, and the political attain of this and aoinlngStatea, He saw most or the leaders of the Central American forcea.

and sivea a hlatorv of th. fliihn ters with a graphic but truthful aad impartial pen. His Dooa wiu serve vnrow much Ught on the great Central American problem now occupying the attention of states men ana others in our country. STSppUmo Price. SI SB.

For aals by Booksellers and News Agents generally or sens rry mau, post pais, on receipt or price. JOHN. E. POTTER, Publisher, mh8 tf SIT Sansom street. PhliMTirhi, p.

Cavaalsty'a Keataarratit anal (twater Baieamu ll GRAVIER STREET, lew read for tnt aceaanaaa. B.v twra. Th. Til. will lw.w.

K. amilUJ lis. the best the market affords, and the waiters will be touts' civil and attentive. Oystem gar Meals at aU hoars, aiaao ly ved In everv atvie. MUSH CAS ft IDT.

aPlsfvt4t9wQhF Nenee. ALL JOl 10" the suecessioB of. w'" preaeni (oem so tne up Sned i and ail persons indebted to saidsacsuaafoii Wat aersignedi a fissas setue sa.BsonMposunie. tabu la m. iaiiaih, vamp sure TIOKETS tTBBOUQH (fly Tw BsRfee)" T'V'' ll' Biaial mm new roirt'.

Leaving Hew Orleans dally by splendid Mobile Hall Una steamers for Mobile, thence daily foe Moosnery by Co. Bralnard Cat line of tret class swsanws From Montgomery to New Tors daily oy a wo wto the way by railroad, two daily trains via Macon ec via Atlanta to Aagn thence by Xlngsruia, Wilmington, Weldon, Petersbnrg, Blcnmono, n.i, h(llnhia and New Tork. or by the Bay mate of splendid steamers from Partsmsath to U1U Or ar tbe Yirainia aad Teaaease RtUtoad mote, leaving New Orleans daily by the above roate tor Atlanta, thence by Daltoa, KnoxvlUe, Lyachbnrg, Richmond, am so Baltimore and New York. Time through to New 1 ark by etteer route 6 says, all mt both rentes ar Bras alaas etrambeats aad rallreaSa. for Tickets (all the way through to Baltimore, Fhila, delphia aad New York) aad inrtner mformaUon, apply to SxUlllES, Agent, arravier streea.

New Orleans, April 16,1868. aplS FABK GREATLY REDUCED BT CkaurlMtwBi Haraaaafe Bteajnahlpsj New Yark. CHEAP ROUTES THROUGH. TICKETS Frwra Mew Orleajis twNew 39 73 TIME THROUGH SEVEN DAYS, Dally, by splendid bake Steamers of tbe New Orleans and Mobile Mail Line to Mobile From Mobile to Montgomery by the Line of splendid River Steamers of Cox, Bralsard a Co. Thence to Charleston or Savannah by Railroad From Charleston er Savannah to New York, by splendid Steamships, of huge aire, all built expressly for tbs trade, with superior stateroom accommodations for passengers Leaving Charleston and Savannah every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY.

Passengers leaving New Orleans oa SUNDAYS MONDAYS would arrive at Charleston or Savannah lor tbe SATURDAYS steamships 1 leaving New Orleans on THURSDAYS or FRIDAYS would arrive at Charleston or Savannah for tbe WEDNESDAYS steamers. Rstes Through, by eltber Route, (Board oa beats and ships Included.) only S39TB. For Tickets through, by either Rente, ana further Information, apply to B. geddeb. Agent, so ursvier street.

New Orleans, March 14, 1869. mh4 a fell ud Lwka mm JOafSfc rus sun iLta xjjlxxj 1 u. a. maxi 'LINE Win tsr Arraagsmsat Tbs sspienaia low arearare aecEes steam ars CUBA. R.

A. Hiern. master, FLORIDA. Jamas Hopkins naaater. ana OaEbvIt.

A. I. Boeramsn. asastst onl It expi 1 ssly for the Lake wads, with saperior accomrae One mt the above aeoamess will leave tbe Poatahartrala Railroad DAILY, on the arrival of thesis P.M. trala of ears sor aiouitv .11, in muj nucr casualty that might occur to prevsW teodlng.esceated for Mobile (weather, water, saal time, or any other will stop at raacagouiaon iuuua i a ana BAiuaiAis.

will stoD at Psacaaoulaonl Retaining, ns. on MOnUAYBsndTHUBSUAia, wul stop at asesgeaia fast vnnsnan ana nay as. uut. caain issaagsn ea uo Dec k. 1 I go Negrees, In lots of Sve and over 1 109 Cabin fare to Pascageola 4 00 Deck I SS Cabin fare from Bay St.

Louis and Pasa Christian SI Children and Servants. 1 SO Deck 1 as SV The Wav Mail Baa. for Mobile onlv. will leave tat office af the agents promptly at 8 o'clock r. M.

siewvrieans, pru iu, im. a. ORi'una aawia. so srstw attest! LAKE SHORB PACRXT OALIPOR Winter Arrangement For Ocean Him ingJagpriaw Iprias Busxl. and all Intermediate lead in The SBlendM.

lowjreasnra U. A Coast Mali packet stesmst CALIrOSMA. tjbss. walker, anaater, oniit ax siiasiy for tr lake trade, with superior acconimodationa, for the present, in place of the Creole, will make trips and landlnea as fallows, a Bleat prevented sv bed weather, high ar low water, want of wood, or some accident to beat or machinery, leaving tbe Lake ene ef toe Peatcnartaia Hallrtad oa ansamvai as toe uaaeoi Aavea Bra Tirana Rauroad TUTS DAT A. aa.

ears. SAXCRDA si P. kLsars, Leaves Ocean Springs SUNDAY EVENING, I FRIDAY MORHIM. WEDNESDAY EVENING Ratea ef Fare Cabin fare to Bay St Louis and Pass Chrwriaa umiarea ana 1 1 xJC ssssasena wwe www www wwatwasj 1 Cabin fare to Mitaitairmi City. Rllsxl aad ceaa Sot Children and ITS Dec 1 se mW An Exareaa Chest aad Letter Bsc leaves the office ea rues iys ana Thursdays, at Bt4 a.

Ba. ana I P. R. GEDDES. Agent.

Bar rtHrlit toes, and Extra Loams, shoald always be snipped either tbs day er In ample time for to srem preceaing tne one at wujca toe ooes icavwj an mao. pew Orleans. Apw 10. lane ai COX. BRAINARD at TRI WEEB.LY LINE.

FOR MOBILE. SELMA. MONTGOH rerv. Wetumoka. and ail landlnea on Ala bama River Tbe suDCrior Lake steamers.

oBUl axoreaaiv tor tne irsoc. WM. BAG ALE John C. Blnnott, ma CARONDELET. iltcb'd Blnnott.

mtwU ene of the above steamers will leave from tbe Lake end of the JeSeraon and Carrol I ton Railroad EVERY TO ELS DAT, THURSDAY and SATURDAY on the arrival of the 6. 90 P. M. can. eonnectina st Mobile with Cox.

Braln ard st Co. 's Sally tins of sor AiantuBia KLiver. tippers and naasengers can rely on these boats son aecting at all times with tbe boots on tbe Alabama River. freight received every day at tha Depot, aivou larcie ror freight or pssssre appiy to 1 1 ii j. Haaais.

areai, sr saaccnaa avraav. asr The mail baa ia deaoatched everv dav of boata' de Dart a re fvm snv omos for Mobile and Alabama River, at Rinr. m. COX. BRAINARD at TRI WEEKLY LINE.

rus MUB1L.E. nuniooaiflaf. 1 Wetumpka, Selma and all iansUngs on Ala aasna cuvcr i ds superior base ateemi M. BAOALEY John Blnnott. master.

CARONDELET. Ricb'd Sinnott. master. One of the ssove steamers will leave from the Lake end ef tbe JeftVron and Carroll ton Railroad EVERY TUESDAY. THURSIM and 8ATU RDAY.

on the arrival of tbe P. M. train cars, connectlns with thalr daily una of Alabama River Boata. tbua enanrms to both Dasaeneers and shippers tbe utmost despatch and accommodation. Freight received at all times at tbe Depot, Tlveli Circle.

ror ireignt or re anolv to JOHN E. BYDB at 88 Oravlev ss. The Lswer miastaalamn. New Orleans and Bayea Hara itlall Corn mav. Leaves every SUNDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY morning, at o'ciocs.

EXPRESS. MAIL AND PASSENGER PACKET. Eruta saxuu aa rne apienaia steamer DUNCAN F. KENNER, (built expressly for tbe trade.) J. Cotton, mas will leave her landing, foot or Bt.

Louis street, everv SUNDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY morning, at o'clock, for Bayou Sara and all Intermediate landings Returning, will leave Bayou Sara every MONDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY morning, at 8 o'clock. Passengers will find every comfort on this boat, combined with speed and as tbe boat will never be loaded with freight, she will be free from accidents by are and other riaaa wduudd to oroinary navigation. Leaves everv MONDAY and FRIDAY, at II P. M. rua BAIUU SABA ANU IrtE UU481.

PThe steamer C. Baranco, master, will leave New Orleans every Monday and ay, at a r. n. Leavea every SUNDAY and WEDNESDAY, at 9 A.M. run.

niLLiAaaruai. Point Coupee. Bayou Sara and tbe Coast Tbs one lreigm steamer uttussu ilie. tending her Wednesdsy trip to Point Coupee, Tunica and Old Hirer. LAnuufi.

ueni. 1 icnoaiHtuiuwn. N. B. A Clerk always on the Levee to receive freight tor tne anove Boats.

mum UNITED STATES TRI WBEALY MAIL klRA TC Vltatauao. taviw mm TDFJIDAY. itiV. Bf. me masnincens u.

ssusti wasaw GRAN DC RE, Capt Applegate, leaves lot I Dot eldsonvUle. Plaqnemlns, Bataa Reage, Hurt Hudson. Bavoa Sara, nee suver 1 ran jvoasas. Batches, Waterpraof, Rodney, Sr. Joseph, read reii Warren ton and Vic as burg, every TUEBDAI, stir.

Tbs Grand Duke connects at Vlckaburg wltatns Botbnck, and will take frelgtu. for aU the lsniilagg aa tas Iatoo huver ss mgn asttreenwooo. ajcwTea on idumuaIi w. w. The anaenmcent D.

Mail oacket YICRSBBS. M. White, master, will leave for Dooaldsoavllis. Plaqaw mine. Baton Rouge.

Port Hudson, Bayoa Bare, sua auvss Landlna. Fort Adams. Natcaea. ate an roof. Rodacy.

am Joseph, Grand Gnlf, Warrenten, Vlckaburg, Milllksal Bend, Laxe rrovidence, stack's laiane ijanaing, aanpwirnv Landing, PUcber's Point, Ashton, Grand Lake, Lake Wssai Ington, Carolina Landinc and Poiat WorthJagtoa, even inuaSUAi.stsr.ffl. Tbe steamer Vlcksbnrg will take freight for Ya River. tjeaveeon batubuai. asr. a The maenlflcent Mail aacxeS BTAICHU.

V. lathra. maater. arill leave far DanaldaoavUle. PbMae mine.

Baton Rouge, Port Sera, Red Bivw Landina. Fort Adiama. Natches. Wateroroof. Rosas.

Bt Joseph, Grand Gnlf, Warrentoa aad vTcaasrarg, even BATURDAT. stir, flfl Tbs Natches connects at Vlcksbarg with the atismsi Ranger, and wiU take freight for all landtags on tbs Yasot River as high as Greenwood at high water rates, witaoat detention. The above mentioned splendid passenger tpeeksai will leave on their legaiar days, wlthoat fail, at Gae hoar aa. pointed. All business entrusted to shell ears will i promptly eon raimiuiiy anenaea to.

Themt boaia will aot be resoonsible foe an letatr package containing money, Jewelry, er other valeaola aaieas regular enia oi ascung are saxen, specnytasj sas snsi aenta and value, and the fralsht said i nor foraay valaablw depaalted with tbe clerk by the passeagers, ec eeatalaed IB to" DMgoga. for traigat er psessgs appiy oa iiAJtaviiU, nwAiBLSia ss iWh eto tf Union Row. Caroaaelst streets Leaves everv THURSDAY, at 10 A. M. rvBTttlS COAST AND LAFOURCHE.

d.a tuursnu bAruusvnD. running ptsssngsr packet DR. A. Dugaa. master, hereafter week, leaving; New Orleans as PThe fast maaea out one trio ner weea. above. Returning leaves Thibodaax every BstarSsy, at a i mmmumm amiii.T, a. do. ia.

cuiiebm, Agwat. apis tf I Paltoaa a. roK lsJ9nrche at Jno. J. Bn FOR THE COAST AND llTfln t.A.

ins last psssfngfr packet SauBIc Brown, master, leaves New Orlntna aa aoovs everv TUESDAY at P. aaa SATURDAY. at 10 A. M. Returning down the Coast every MONDAY and THURSDAY, ia i oay ay light.

nana si B. CONNERY, Agent, every SATURDAY, at 10 A. St. SPRINw ARRANGEMENT On and after Both March, the U. A Mail nacket steamer BELLE GATES M.

H. Radovich. m.m k. uu A W. Pass) retnrning on Sunday evening, will arrive at I paw ynsangea AWtaoaj.

ror rreignt or psaaage apply ea I board or to H. BARROIS. 14 Old Levee arjiit I Bar All smsll packaees sent, tne freight sf which ia andef 1 su, muss oc jmiaior aarsQce, ouexwiM BM received. i auus STEAMBOATS: I Had sum Ibarras en FRmAY, aaaw. as I Ik, nTy? EPORT, GRAND BAYOTJ Jj voretaod Alaxandria Tbe gffiJgT swift running patsenger packet sveanierj CDAH TOUR' ButlerBiaater.

will lea jt. E. A Butler, master, asabeve. rS apply on board, otto apss i B. SMITH.

4Tchou kaupitoalaa street. r. FRIDAY. tt at 6 P. M.

StEGULAR JEFFERSON AXD UI1 Jacket For Jeiferaon, Smithland, Brntoa, Fart Caddo, Swansea's aad Moennrs Alhanw ah. Grand Bavoa. Camote. Grand Sz Alexandria, and all intermediate Undines River and the Lakes Tbe new, light draught arid lit 1 1 a mhu ritr au en swift ft, aaaater, will leave as above. For freight or paasage w.

Anyon board, or to wpvs x. B. BKlirl, xnoopiteuias nreri, Leaves ea SATURDAY. 30th as r. IS XXI) alVEK AND LAU fACAET FFor JeSeraon, Smithland, Benton, Port Caddo.

Bwanson'a aad Moorina's Landings. and ail landings in the Lakes, Albany, Shrevenort. Grand Bayou, Cample, Grand Ecore. Alexandria, Barbin'sandall Intermediate landings ea Red River and the Lakee vThe new, light draught steamer BAi.f.lR ROBINSON, Dyse Power, matter, will lenvs as above. For freight er pes.

saga apply en board, er to avis at ap corner of Common aad Front streets. Leaves sn SATURDAY, antb at P. M. run, liAaVA, bistenaiAU, anxnuEn Moscow, Fort Bolivar, and all in terms, ayou, Campte, stand Ecere, and Alexandria) Tbe new, light draught and swift running passenger packet new, light draught and swift running passenger packet MILTON RELF, Chaa Hall, master, will leave at above. For freight or paasaga apply an board, er to MUSE A ep tnoit ewiifl front nrMn Lesveson SATURDAY.

Suth Inst at P. M. L. AOUNS BRO A' LOW WATER THROUGH LIN BY. FOR JEFFER80N DIRECT Clear bills through Tbe new, light draught (drawing 18 inches 1 fast nassenser steamer ERA No.

Loons, master. will leave as above, carrying fieight and passengers tnrousn. nsvrng nne nrst ciaaa nsssrngt accommodations. Apply on board, or to ss. At.

XsOUNB BH.US., rront street, ap8 opposite Canal Street Ferry. Leavea aa SATURDAY. 30th Inst at P. hi. FOR UPPER RED HJVEK.

ror Fulton, Dooley's Ferry, Conway, Spring Bank, Head of Great Raft, Albany, Sbreve ort. Urand Bavou. Alexaadria. R.lamicbL Roland, still Creek, and White Oak Shoali, and all way landings on Upper Red Rivers Tbs very Ught draught passenger steamer REUB WHITE, J. W.

Bowses, master, will positively leave aa above. For freight or passage. appiy on Doaro. or to apse x. a.

sm i 4 xcnoupuonias street. Leaves on SATURDAY. 90th at P.M. tFOR RED Rl VEB For JesTersen. Bmltn land, Benton, Port Caddo, Swanson'rM'oor, lne's.

Albany. Bhreveoort, Grand Bavou. Lamnte. urand Ecore. Alexandria, nermaa'a, Barntn a and all Intermediate landings on Red River Tbe new it drausht nacket COMET.

Reuben Bleed e. mssrer. S. Bleade. clerk, will positively leave as above.

For freight or paasage, having fine accommodations, apply on ooam, or to buie a aov7 corner uommoo ana root sueeie. Leaves on SATURDAY, the 30th at ft P. M. L. AOUNS LOW WATER THROUGH 1 LINE.

FOR UPPER RED RIVER ERA Ha.B,W.T Scoreli, snaater, leaves for Row tiand. Ularxtvuie. lanraoort. niton, waan. uxton.

Dooley's Ferry. Xonway. Brmngbank. Erwin'i Bluf Red Bavou. Albanv.

BbrsveDort and all nlaatatloni and way landings. Apply to 1 w. as. auuas ss ssva, spl 1 Front street, mnn n. k.

I a rOR BliaEVEPORT. GRAND BAYOU. PCoushatts, Campte, Grand Ecore, St, Mao trice. Cotile. Alexandria.

Norman's. Gor ton s. naimn a. ana ail intermediate lanoinss ine nne. swift ruaniua nassenser aacket R.

W. POWELL. J. Clerks, master, wl lesve ss above. For freight or passage, naviug saperior aoconimotiaiiom, appiy on oowu, er to BUBL SB spY corner Common and Front streets.

leaves en SATURDAY. 90th sttFBL FOR JEFFERSON, FORT CADDO, Benton, Bwanson'a Landing, Shrevenort, oraua tsayou, oraoa Ecore, ot saurice. Alexandria and all laadinas on Red River Tha fine steamer COMET, 81esde," master, W. Bleed e. clerk, will leave as above.

For freight or passsge apply oa ooara, or to apH' BRUCE PUTNAM. Front street. Leavea on TUESDAY. 3d Mav. at 6 P.

M. FOR SHB.EVEPORT,ORAND BAYOU, Campte. Grand Ecore. Bt Maorice. Cotile.

Alexandria. Gordon's and Barbin's Laud Liia b. and all intermediate landfnsvnn Red River The nne fast oaasenser nacket steamer LUCY HOLCOMBE. W. Bateman, matter, will leave as shove.

For freight or pas sage appiy oa Doara, or to epx7 DAUtb ruin a rTontetrees. Leaves on TUESDAY. 3d Mav. at ft P. M.

rOR GRAND ECORE. NATCHITO Fchea, St. Maurice, Faveron's Lsnding, aiontgomerv. unrana's ana Buxton's taua ua mouth nt cane stiver, fjocile. Alexandria.

Nosman'a. Gorton's. Barbin's and all Intermediate laudinas The entirely new, elegant, swift running light draught passen ger steamer iO I A. Ed. raraer.

master. Bam ijawson. clerk, will leave as above. For freight or passage apply oa eosra. as ap.r Leaves en TUESDAY, sd Mav.


Grand Davoo. camote. urand Ecore. Alex andria and all Intermediate Landinn on Red jver Tht masmificent. swift runnine.

oasaeneer uackak steamer tiuvi auiibunDE, nr. u. natemao. master. will leave as shove.

For freight or passage apply on board. apse or to n. sauu, xcnoupttonias street. Leaves ea WEDNESDAY. 4tb Msv.

at P. RED RIVER The Regnlsr fast Weekly patsenger packet TELEGRAM for Shreve nort. Urand Bavou. Couanaua. campte.

3 and Kcore. at Maurice. Calnoon's Alexandria, pior man'a Gorton's. Barbin's. and all wav landings oa Red River The new, elegant, fast passenger packet steamer lCLtuBAni, A.

u. isensiow, master, win leave ne Orleans everv Wednesday tbrouahout toe season, aivlng particular attention to all plantation basineas For freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply on board, or to apra x. a. at ITU. 4 Tcaoopitonias street.

Leaves on WEDNESDAY, 4th Msy. st 6 P. fOB JEr rEKSON. PORT CADDO. 'Smithland.

8breveport. Grand Bavou. Grand Ecore and Alexandria Tbe fine and very awitt running light draught pssAenger steamer B. L. HODGE, C.

Marshall, master, will leave as above. For freisht or nassaae. havins su Deri or accommodations. apply on beard, or to 13. u.

Auuua st opposite Canal street Ferry. gjf Staterooms secured by applying to sgeuts. Leavea on THURSDAY, nth Msy, at ft P. M. FOR JEFFERSON, BMITHLAND, I TT, Umi PAre f.AAn Bwanwm1 St rviri vm.

i port. Albany. Shrevenort. Grand Bavoo. an.

ule. Grand Ecore. St. Maurice. Cotile.

Alexandria. Norman 'a Gorton's. Bsrblo'sandall Intermediate Usndlnits on Red River The new, elegant and swift psssenger packet STAR LIGHT, Cbss. Hsys, master, wiu positively leave aa above. For freight or passage, having superior accommodations, spply on board, or to srrtu T.

n. Bail in, 4 jTnouyiiouiat strees. tmT The Star Light will take freight for shore the Raft with privilege of reehlpptng. 8HREVEPORT AND NEW ORLEANS Res ular Alternate Sat onlay packet steamer i a. w.

run ell. jos. ix uiarae. matter. vnl lease Naw Orlesns for HhrevetMst.

Grand Bavoo. Centbatta onnte, Campte, Grand Ecore, Alexandria, and all lotermodiate landings en Red River, ss follawst Leavea Nsw Orleans Leavea SbreVeoort SATURDAY, 30 1 SATURDAY 14 Bl "St. MJone 4 July 4 Staterooms ran be secured for any trip, by letter. despatch, er applying to tbe agents. U.

Li. auul mnJB.t oini mh4 No. 1 Front st, opposite Canal Street Ferry. White KlTer. Leaves on SATURDAY, soth lnit.

at P. fOH POCAHOIMTAB, rUWBAIA a w7 Bstesville, Jackson port, Augusta, ues Arc bSA and aU landings on White and Black rivets. resular packet steamer tuavra, Miiey, huski will leave at above. For freight or passsge apply onboard, or to blubs, st DAU. arriO corner Common and Front streets.

Tha (Juner MlaalselDDl. Leaves on SATDRDAt. soth at P. M. PEOPLE'S INDEPENDENT LINE.

REGULAR ST. LOUIS rALALl in elegant snd fast running passenger facte umUV CHAITrRlIT Willi. ma. juevt XV'Y Blaster, wlil leave as above, ror freight or passage appiy on board, or to BPn nmr. gar The Chouteau will take freight for Memphis, Hick man, New Madrid, Columbus, Cairo ana au intermediate landings.

STEAMER NEW UNCLE SAM FOR St Louis Regnlar Mew Orleans and St. i Louis Independent Passeneer steamer a.w UnCLE bah. tt. w. Htewart.

matter, will leave for 8t Louis and all intermediate landings throughout the season, ss follows Leaves New Orleans THURSDAY, May at 5 P. M. Leaves New Orleans FRIDAY, May 90, at ft P. M. Leaves New Orleans SATURDAY, Jane 4, at ft P.

M. Leaves New Orlesns MON DAY, June 90, at 5 P. Leavea New Orleans MONDAY. July 4. at ft P.

Leaves New Orleans WEDNESDAY, July 90, at ft P. M. tmT Passengers aad snippers can rely on the punctuality of this steamer. tmT Ns berth considered engaged until paid for. af A olan of the cabin can be aeen and rooms secured by applying to tha agent.

SplT 'AZIUI rHOMAS KEEFFE, ft Gravler st. Geeevn, Ala. Leaves on THURSDAY. 6th Msy, at P. M.

FOR GENEVA, ALA. The superior passenger steamer BLOOMER, M. Brady, i master, will leave Pensacola as sbove. for jtiitii. and all tannines on the cbocrawhatruie River.

The schooner MARTHA Is now receiving freight st tbe New Basin, to be reshipped on tbe Bloomer at Pensacola. M. MERRITT tt Agents at Fensacoia. For farther inf trmation apply to ap4 JOHN E. HYDE A 88 Gravler at Sabine Fans.

Leaves on TUESDAY, May 3d, at P. BL FOR 8ABINE PASS Steamer GRAY CLOUD. Flanders, master, will start as sbove. Freisht will naw be received at tha tha Opelonsas Railroad Comaanv. foot of Tou louse street.

Agents, J. W. ZACHARIE ap38 ir Customhouse street, Blmslaa subsI (JbIIbbb FOR BLADON AND COBjhWBl Trings Twice a Week Tbe staanMl VANCE, Samuel Abies, aasatar. aaACnliBm springs, twice a week, ta sab Leaves Mobile for Bladoa and CJmDtuB Borixxs aad Ds BaopoUs every Batarday Evening, at 4 o'clock leavea mooue lor Basaoa ana 1: 'll1m apr nas every aauwiw ai wa1 1 Leaves Bladoa and CaUam Sarin every Tsesdsv sad Tbaraday Evening, at 4 o'clock, arriving in svsrf Wsdaeaday aad Friday BLstraiog, as S'uocx. tnr nnl, fan Swart SMMPSOB at CWOKBl MoMla.

Alal Fhaealx JIaaa4 BSj St. BCreet. Af3 This old, popnlar and well known Hoasa ICvl ss A has again beea entirely refitted, with tha addition of SIX NEW TEN PIN ALLETS iaiF (the most complete in tha wend). The RESTAURANT AND OYSTER SALOON I as asneL kept constantly supplied with Snrsttaallsls, at WeU as Delicaclea, both frem home and Hawing aecared gentlsnasnly and ebUging ssslitsnls, la sack tlepartment, the proprietor soocUa cnntlnsarsos ef I naretofOre pestowad. A SUPERIOR LURCH SET EVERY DAY, lYom 10MA.IL to tsvdorP, at PAVI" WPWJXL, Prcirrletox, i.Johai I.JR&J! I I it rf.

wharf oi lf (Isavs'foraiadoa sows. MEMPHIS PACKET" XtANIua BUMMER ARRANGEaiENTa PEOMPT, aiiGULAJl KTiTiTABLBr THE JflEMPIIIS AND NEW OBLE1NS Pateket Ceaapgutr Have" adopted tbe following Schedule tot the Sssaaaa of MM, one ef their boata leaving New Orleans Erery JMeaaay, Weaaeaaay stad Frtda Ys AT iF.X, VIZ ItEAKIK 19. Clarke, matter. May 4ay SO. Msy g.

MONDAT. June S. 16.. MONDAY. June IS.

MONDAY. May tJ JuneiS. MONDAY. i June 97. STEAM A.R IR60KAI, B.





via Klemphla ttad New Orleana Facketa TO MEMPHIS Thence by the MEMPHIS AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD and coztianous Reilwsy connections tlirosgh East Tennessee and Virginia to MEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA, ALTOfOBE, WAJHINGTOJl, RICHMOND, rxWUniTBaL i wYKCHBUBa), ATLANTA. MASaviLIJB. aad bn I VIRGINIA SPRINGS, Ac S7 Express Mail Trains leave Memphis Dsily. at a P.

making snre eonaectlons throngh to New Yorkat less expense and timethan any other route. Passengess Ticketed Throngh. Baggage Checked Through from Memphis, and No Charge made for handling. gbr Tickets Good for any length of time. awT For freight or paasage and Through Tickets apply to General Agent, Memphis Packet Office, St Charles Hotel, left wing.

WM. IN8LEE, Psssenger Agent. epM tf Leaves oa FRIDAY. Swth at ft P. M.

swtsjs. MEMPHIS AND NEW ORLMAJBS IjMsIT Pscket Line Regular U. A Mall Packet pf For Memphis and the Bends The One first class passenger pacset steamer BELr AaT, wss, wray, master, wikl recelvs freight on Wednesday morning, at tbs foot of Girod street, and will leave aa above. For freight ec paasage apply on beard or to J. H.

FREL18H. Agent. apes Office under St. Charles Hotel. taV This Bne connects at Napoleon with leniar packets for the White and Arkansas rivers, and at Bleiaphia wits superior packets for St.

Louis and Louisville. BaT Adams's Express carried regularly by this line. Leavea on MONDAY, id Mav. at P. snSftU tSlO AH if CldVV VHi Packet Line U.

A Mail Packet For Menv i phis and all the Bends The fine passensei pacset steamer CAPITOL, D. Clarke, master, will receive freight on Saturday morning, at tne foot of Girod street and will leave as above. For freight or passage apply on beard, er to J. H. RELISH, ep Office under the St.

Charles Hotel Sat This Une connects at apoleon with regnlsr packets for tke Arkansas snd White Rivers, and at;u aritA Superior" packets for Bt, Louis and Louisville. BaS Adama's Express carried regniarly by this Bne. Leavea oa WEDNESDAY. May 4. at 6 P.

anB.iur.tiiB ai ia ri e.w utUiBULDB Packet Line For Memphis and the Bends, Tbe first claws jpsasensrer packet IN GO MAS ana. snaater, wiu be ready to receive tret tht ea Mow dsy morning et the foot of Girod street, and will leave at above. For freight ar passage apply on board, er to i. H. FRELIGH, apts Office under the St Charles Hotel.

Br This Line connects at Boolean with resnlar uacaett for White and Arkansas rivers, and at Memphis wiu saperior pockets for fit Louis snd Louisville. Bar Adama's Express carried regularly by ttda Una. AttsUtaDtta. Leaves on th mst at It REGULAR ATTARAPAS PACKET Tbe light draught and well known steamer GOV. POWELL.

Ed mood Castillo, mast Yt su. tfreiar. clerk, will leave as above, foi St. Martins. ville, New Town, Jeaneretta.

Franklin, Centre vl lie, and all Intermediate lanulngs on the route. For freight or passage spply on board, or to epxss ajajsbi a iBEnwuiitii', Leaves every TUESDAY, at P. M. positivery. rUB.

ATT ABk AT AB, VIA rLAIDBMJWB Tha well known Attakapas packet CERES, J. J. Labarthe, master, will be ready to re) ceivs Mew Town, Jeanerettea, Charenton, Franklin, Centrevllle Patteraonville. Berwick's Bsv.and all Intermediate land ings on tbs roate All business entrusted to her care will oeiaitnimiy aneaaeeto. ror luixner paruculara apply on board.

J. J. Labarthe takes this errMrtanltv af thaakiBi bis numerous friends for past favors, and hopes by hit care and exertions to merit a continuance ef them. mDKt rr Leaves every SATURDAY, at ft P. M.

run AiiaaArAS, stitniu om. and Bayou Bwuf Tbe new and popular fast running nessenger nacket steamer T. Bli D. RTMuggah. matter, J.

J. Atkinson, clerk, will leave for New Iberia, Jeanneretta Charenton. Franklin. Centrevllle. Fattersonvllle, and ail tatevmedlate uvadloga on the roate.

AU business entrusted to her care will be romptiy attended to. For freight torpassage spp'y on oerd, or to HALL, RODD at PUTNAM, AgenU. UT Planters and merchsnta can rely on the steamer T. D. Hine staving in the Attakapas trade for the balance of be eeaeon.

aol tf JaacaltSA RlTer. Leaves oa FRIDAY, ilth at 9 A. M. An rr uuAkniis slcuijajao ouiui Ljcn Packet For Camden. Direct, Cbampag 11 TX711 1 1 VI Ui 1 1.

ie Saline, Extra Landina Alabama Landina. Ouachita City, Sterlington, enton, Monroe, Fide Bind, Castor's, Colambls, Harrisonburg, Trinity; and all landings on tbav OuacklU and Black Rivers Tbe fine light draught splendid passenger packet RED CHIEF, Geo. H. BUrk, master, (in place of the Messenger,) will leave aa above, from near tbe Memphis Pscket Landing For freight or passage, baring superior accommodations, apply ea board, or to G. It.

AOUNS BRO 8 Front street. apes opposite canal street Ferry. Leaves oa SATURDAY, soth Inst, at 6 P. REGULAR LOW WATER CAMDEN Packet For Camden, Beach Hills, Miller's Bluff. Champacnoile, Wilmington.

Pigeon arie 8 aline. Extra. Alabama Landina. Ouachita City, Month d'Aroonne, Trenton, Monroe, Columbia, Harrisonburg, Trinity, and all Intermediate laodlnga on Ouachita River The very light draught, splendid packet steamer ROCK. CITY.

Dickinson, matter, drawing only 16 inches, will leave as above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to apW T. B. SMITH, 4 Tchoupitealss street. twT The Sock City takes freight for Arkadelphia with privilege of storing.

Leaves oa SATURDAY, Soth inat. at a P. M. FOR CAMDEN, BEACH H.ILL8J Miller's Bluff, Cbampagnolle, Wilmington, vt bi u. nin.

i cm Lauding, Alabama Landing, Ouachita City, Sterlington, Trenton, Monroe, Pine BlsS, Castor's, ColumblaHarnson burg, and all landings en Onacbrta and Butch Rivers The fine passenger steamer CATAHOULA, J. D. Walker, master, F. C. Fendren, clerk, will leave as above, ror treignt or pssssre, having sopenor accommodations, apply en hoard, or to apas BRUCE PUTNAM, Front street.

Leaves on TDEBDAY. Mav at P. gets FOR CAMDEN, DIRECT TEN DAY Pscket For Csmden, Beach Hills, Miller's Wi sn aai Thampagnolle, Wilmington. More, arigeoa xiiua, aaarie o.i 1 1 ic, uu. iwniuiig.

miwwwuw Landing, Trenton, Monroe, Columbia, Harrisonburg, Trin ity sod au intermediate landings rne spienaia ana lass running passenger packet steamer MORO, E. N. Woodland, snaater, will leave as above. For freisht erpsssags appiy en ooaro, ar to nuss a ap87 corner of Front and Comoaon streets, Iuaunn BATURDAT. ak a as rtr.w una.

cart aionctoa, I ton and Ouachita City Regular Weekly Parket Fat Ouachita CTfyVMouth Bayoa lrihnintniRwl flterltnatnn. BAiMth At D'Aroonne. Trenton, Monroe, Fine tUasa. Castor's Landing, Ceiuav Ma, Harrisonburg. Trinity, and all inter mad late landings on Ouachita end Black Rivera The Bets', anagelftcent aad swirt running passenger steamer w.

McRAE, Joha W. Tobrn, master, Work, clerk, will tsars aa above For freight srpttisgs sppIv onboard, or to c.i HUBS at JJBvV mrpniM, Bp8 comer of Common aaa rront i SsP Freight taken for Bsyoms aat tbsaoBaea and D'Ar batans, with prfnlege of ssuiipramt Opeleeame. Jothlm. rtSP.m 1 for orewuoAi via a i PisKtue aaine The swift rnnnlng pasesngst Btsamer BAYOU BELLE, Benosst Ney, uaautr, wul leave as above, using freight and psweeagerg for Old River, gtmmaport and all landings ea tbe route. ror rreurni er street, 6r to epss 1 epplpea beerd, foot ef BlenvUls lTdUFTLHO, MUalon street Lewvesea BATURDA.

soth bast i. at 1 ta. rim urtixibHAB, VIA PLukVcUFJ. 'mine The new and Hffht draa.hF. mimm.nmm ATLTN XP 1 k.11.

ar.tivihr the trade, will leave aa above, taklns freisht and passengers for ail tha leadings ea tke roate. For (reigns sv myjij or wo a. m. joMisBTon a uv. Front Levee, near Customhouse str et.

ep8 TONS, for Sals by 10 ejft? CO ,1 Commen st. STEAINIBOATH. Okl. LswetB sf SATURDAY, Sotk tnst.atsa a a. AINCrVwATIiV." I gJ AsUamer tw receiving treiglt aud a toe auovs and all termed.

Uudlna ml toe auovs and all in termed. landlnea freit ar pasasgr or i4 apSB JOHN "Ys.wctA.tatw. Leaves on SATURDAY CINCINNATI AND NEW ORLEANS riT" a FOR CINCINNATI efJ sJ steamer CNIVfaf master, wUl leevt tor Cincitiiiait auia Ajutuaruic, sua aai snBcrmcaiate landin For fntlght ec issssgs apply or boi ar i ap! 10 Poydras Leaves en MONDAY. Mav. "ifCr? w.

firrsBURG; rCi sJ TLouis.iMe, and ail B.iBns1Bswseger pecket Aoottt. master, vrtUtesvesaabeva, Forfr apply on board, er to spee THOS. O. ROBIN SON BTEAM.BR ECLIFaa villa Regular New Orleans pass eager packeeTbe a taat running Daasenaer ateaaasr F.ri. Spotts, toaster, wul leave for Leatsvtile a.

ate landings, throaghwet the sssssa, ss f0l). gar Passengers and sfaippsrs can rely aa ef this sfaemer. BaT Ns berth esnsldered engaged nhtr aecared by applying to tbs agents. agents. B0CHA9A aA04, ape fywva, STEAMER DIANA FORI jVtAei Nw Orleans and Lot aKwSi "log.

Line Passenger Packet i 1 new sJAOaaTrunnIng paaaen nr stxaraer rjla 3 sf.S. rTaa. At tku.tuS Si stw thtwarbonttbsaeaaaa. i KRIVSSJ tW IBilaillUn wsaVVajt Leaves Nsw Orlesns THUB8DAY, April Sn. Leaves New Orleans MONDAY, MytV Leaves New Orleans TUESDAY: May iLats New Orleans TUESDAY." alas si sunDomV i lira Tim n.u, auuiaouaw.

i. Inn, MieOifasaa HTntlliV J.r IT; Leaves New Orleans MONDAY. Jalv laVi ViT Leaves New Orleana WEDNESDAY, Aag BtV Fsssengers and shippers caa rely satot a ef this steamer. I sVaT No berth considered engaged until paid tor tsT A plea of her casta caa be sees aad wvura ayyijiwa we Mi BELL, BUCHANAN CO, aplS Poyarssr LT wrr juw awtjiuav ttaw urwaos aad ville aad all lntermedlsts landings throughout tbs i as follows Leaves New Orleans MONDAY, Mays at I P.M. 'v Leaves New OrieaAS WEDNESDAY, kiaytt.

stl' Leavaa NtarDrlssasTBnktDAV. Leaves New Orleans SATURDAY, Jane tB, at Leaves New Orieans MONDAY, July ll, at I Leavea New Orieans TUESDAY, July at, at Leaves New Orleana THURSDAY, Aug. ll, at Leaves New Oiieaat SATURDAY, Aag rsaaengera ana snippers can rciy ea US I saauvt a this Na berth considered engaged aretil paid for. A elan of the cabin can be aeen i lane su krr annlvinst ta the amenta. BELL, BUCHANAN C0 BpT Foydra, timi IT7 ia, STEAMER BALTIC FORUu af i ning Line passenger stusam I Chat.

H. Weekin, master, will leave for Loasifiut Intermediate landings thiooghout tbe ssbssslss 2 Leaves New Orieans THUR8BAY, April 14, st f. mT2 SATURDAY. April A 3. TUESDAY, May IT.stif THUBgDAY, SATURDAY.

JunelAst P. M. TUESDAY, July 6, at 4 T. JC THURSDAY, No Berth eonstldered eagaged an til paid far. ST.

Passengers caa rely wa tbe puactoality af tab asst. 4 A plan ef bcr cabin caa be seem and stSktsawASM sscsrat by applying to BELL, BUCHANAN At Areata mhafY ay fSrwtlmm FOR LO018 1LLK Ta drwl eer pacset sxesassr J0aJAAu.A Inderwood. rat it arill above port and all intermernare bAudiaga SB feusws Leavea New Orleans SATURDAY, April th. at I F. BE mm mm, IttlllltBUlI, BSV UtB.

FBIDAY, MaytTth, SATURDAY, June Ilth, 'm. MONDAY, June gTth, TUESDAY, July IvS, WEDNESDAYJuly trth, BBT No stateroom cossidered engaged antll paid foi, BaT A plan of the cabin can bt sera snd Statu, secured for any of tbe above trips by applying to tf THOS. EES Ltrrei, to emvswtww. av. Aa.Jiss.E,sv ra.v.iriu ivs s.

0ville Regular New Orieans and Loa as Lightning Line Pssaeager aacket ACn a be splendid, new and fsat raausma natasiiM i mmmm nwir a iiiL ilT iL ana au lntermeoiate aaaamgs, uroagaout lbs follows Leaves New Orleana Prldey, Anrlt ted, et elack F. May Tth.atSs'cisckF.U. Monday, Msy tsd.asts'cisek P.IO mm Tuesday, JanaTth.stts'dsck P.BL1 mm mm mm ThurSQAV, anS St S'dOCk P. M. Friday, July 8th, at I s'dock P.

K. Batarday, July Monday, August I sar rsswengers ana suppers can my aa us or tnis steamer, no oertn eowsiaered for. A plan of the cabin caa be est aecared by applying to the agents, mhSS BELLTBUCHAN AN CO, ST Poydras tt swaawA. BTKAMER H. FAIHCH1LD i LW49' Louiavilla Regular New Orleans sad Low af fc' "1 LlsbtnlBg Line H.

FAIRCHILD The splenaid, new and fast runiw passenger steamer E. H. FAIRCHILD, J. H. Fboow) master, will leave for Lonlsvilie snd tatsrmrdlats laasiAai throughout tbe season as follows Leavea New Orieans THURSDAY, MayXatgP.

j. Leavea New Orleans SATURDAY. May Si. at I F. Leaves New Orlesns MONDAY, June as i P.

H. Leaves New Orlesns WEDNESDAY, Jsnsit, sF.bTJ Leaves New Orleans THURSDAY, sTuly at r. sL Leavea New Orieane FRIDAY, Jury as, ait P. aL Leavee New Orleans SATURDAY. Aag.

at F.Jt i No etareroom corrfldered engagee antll paid fstv A plan of her cabin caa be seen and stateraoms Bsrsrst for any of tbe above trips by applying to tbe strut, a whom Throe Tickets to all Eastern cities msv as cared. JOS. A PAGAUD, 81 St Charles tt, apj tf corner ef Unite, STEAMER ROBT. J. WARD, BllaaT MDJax.

FOR LOUISVILLE This Bassewtf pacset will ts above port aai si Intermediate lao A foilows vea New Orleana SATURDAY. Mav 14. at P.M. Leaves New Orleaas MONDAY. Msy Sn, at P.

BL Leaves New Orleana TUESUaj. June 14, BSS P. SI Leaves New Orleans WEDNESDAY, Jane at, at i P. BaP No stateroom considered engaged anal paid far. N.

B. A plan of her cabin can be seen snd ststsiwaat aecared for any of the above trips by spprring to mhST tf THOA AEEPFE. 85 trravier stieet. omo ui veil, GREAT THROUGH E0TJTE1 TO ALL FOISTS WORTH ABB BABT. THE LOUIBVILIja AND www am I LEANS LIGHTNING USE, Sonipaw the lUlowing tmssirnaaitll pssar packets DIANA 1 BALTIC C.


B. Daniasa, as t. EMPRESS Jno. P. Leyden, au E.

H. FAIRCHILD J. H. Faacett, tssf raatengrrt can rely en the above boata lnailni 1 thranghout the entire season, cHract sans at Ltmlsvtlla with tbe Clacinnatl Mail fackeat i STRADEE and TELEGRAPH No. 8, aad aaw 1 connecting at Cincinnati with tbe Little Miami I ft) sd 'J and its connections for au points North gad mi Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Nsw York, Baratoga.

Niagara Falla, Buffalo, Erie, Clsvviawi ssA .13 lllllllf a The abovs packets ara weO known to the n1 gwlftest and finest beats afloat, ia cbarp sd stacers sf sXJ perience aad established repatatloB. THROUGH TICFLETS goad antll assd STt saw By these boata at estabUsbad and naifbtm ratss. KAsMAatll ehaekad ahntsawh. asad aalaasras sw Bngt nor omnlbas tare charged to at trots tbs the boata. tstss Forenymformatkra er Through Ticks) LontavlUe and Cincinnati, aad thencs by the Railmai and Ha rannertJnna ta all aotnUBarth 8S4 apply to JOSEPH A PAGAUD, Ticks Aieat, 61 St Chstta street, spiv tf erne boot.

as. Cbssws ih, Arknnano HLlrer. Jm Jt Tmwmm aw SATURDAY. SOtb lntt. 81 i SATURDAi.

auto instas saw, ARKANSAS RIV ER For on I aJJ afr Van Buren, Osark, Rossvilic. pi TT ristown, Lerdanelle. SArsnaouraL lock, Pine Bluff aO I Umdings jm Arkan jfcK? new and ugnt araugu. iwih i aett, master, wiU leave ss above. For freight Leaves on SATUKDAt.

at run ASBAnBAt Van Buren, Otark. ReseviUe, riabaam. Ilardanelle. Lswlsburg, Daaiey, master, J. W.

Moore, derm, wiui above and all intermediate landings ss abovt. Leavea aa THURSDAY. Mt nadra. Dardanelle, Lewubwrg, LKu as riae aiun, napowwn mmm mm Arkanaas River The Bne steasser I Pine Bluff, Nepoleon ana au lmioiugs oa Arkanaas II" 1SOOGA A. Danlv.

snaater. wiU leave as above, awe anolv on board, or to wm af apOT BRUCE PTJTNAW. ajeaVBB BAlUAUAi. biv A 1 For Grenada, and Denrena way and plan tatlou Ia positively leave as above. For frelgbt Wpeor en her remaining there throogboet the oea i GarBwCTUBltl xttrwa Lea INew Madrid aad aa iutermedlate fine, fast running regnlas pasen Pr av'eTbOor'" Dut: "corner eftt Charles and.

BaT The W. Will take freight throne to Tenneaaee River, with avrvileee of seonng si Lf The Naahvllle WiU positively leers a I. illne Cerrl rlaxe Ilersrw for AneTarge bsy CAR JAos, breke, lor sals. AWT i aTN a pair of "twZT thoroughly usi mm Aaw vtmmum lauaouat, SOSV a Leaves New Orleans FRIDAY, Msrii Leavea New Orleans SATURDAY. June Leaves RewOrisana MONDAY.

Jan. an akESi T. Slaissea, 1 a a BBS frsss,.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.